
Oct. 25, 2019

UCalgary will address challenging provincial budget

Institution’s sound strategic direction and entrepreneurial approach will allow UCalgary to remain a leader in post-secondary education
Alberta Legislature
Alberta Legislature Flickr photo by Marcel Schoenhardt

On Oct. 24, Alberta Finance Minister Travis Toews tabled a budget emphasizing fiscal restraint. The budget reduces provincial funding for the post-secondary sector. Reductions will vary among institutions, and it will take some time to determine the exact impact at the ɫ.

While acknowledging the challenges resulting from the provincial budget announcement, Dr. Ed McCauley, president and vice-chancellor of the ɫ, stated that the university is prepared to meet the challenge.

“UCalgary remains fully committed to providing a rich teaching, learning and research environment,” said McCauley. “The university has strong community support, is well-positioned and has a sound plan to operate in a fiscally restrained environment while still maintaining its Eyes HighDz.” 

“Any decisions will be informed by our Eyes High 2017-22 Strategy and Academic and Research plans. The priorities in these documents provide direction for the allocation of human, capital, and financial resources,” McCauley said. “We are consulting with our campus community before we make any decisions.”

With the end of the freeze on tuition fees for the 2020-21 academic year, McCauley stated his commitment to continue to work collaboratively with student leaders.

McCauley also emphasized that working with the government will be a critical component in tackling the difficult decisions that lie ahead. “We welcome the opportunity to work with our provincial government to help set a strategic direction for Alberta’s post-secondary system. UCalgary is a well-managed, fiscally prudent university. We help drive socio-economic development in Calgary and beyond and are realizing our status as a global research university,” said McCauley.

President McCauley reminds the campus community of the importance of providing feedback and ideas for consideration regarding the provincial government’s budget. This process was announced at the pre-budget town hall on Oct. 16 and will run until Nov. 1. Campus community members interested in participating have the option to review, comment on and vote for ideas provided by the community. Sign in to IdeaScale at  to get started.

Ideas brought forward will be assessed and reported back at the next budget town hall meeting on Nov. 18.

For more updates, visit the budget webpage on the provost’s website.

Finance Minister Travis Toews

Alberta Finance Minister Travis Toews releases Budget 2019.

Courtesy Government of Alberta