
March 18, 2019

UME Faculty Appreciation Night 2019

Each year the medical students gather to appreciate and thank the many faculty who give of their time, knowledge and experience to teach and mentor them.

The annual event is primarily organized by the class currently going from Year 2 (pre-clerkship) to Year 3 (clerkship). The clerks and pre-clerks bestow awards upon many of our wonderful faculty that range from the traditional, such as ‘Gold Star’ and ‘Honour Roll’, to the more lighthearted such as ‘Best Rap Reference’ and ‘Most Musical Slides’.

The students also award select faculty with an honorary class animal jersey with a nickname that they feel suits the faculty member such as “Boops <3 Me”. (The Class of 2020 animal name is the Boops Boops).

This year, Faculty Appreciation night was held February 5, 2019 in the Libin theatre.

*Click the images below to enlarge*