April 25, 2018

TAB Partnership News - Japan: Werklund Facilitator Headed to Hokkaido Japan

Michael Holden, the Youth Leadership Facilitator here at Werklund, is headed to Hokkaido, Japan
Michael Holden visits Hokkaido University of Education (HUE)
Michael Holden visits Hokkaido University of Education (HUE)

Michael Holden, the Youth Leadership Facilitator here at Werklund, is headed to Hokkaido, Japan this June! Michael is one of this year's recipients of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà International's Staff Development Grant for International and Cross-Cultural Competencies, an annual opportunity for staff to travel abroad and develop their skills as they work to support the university as a global intellectual hub.

The grant will give Michael the opportunity to travel to Tokyo, Sapporo, and Hokodate, in order to learn more about the culture and educational approaches in Japan and how he can learn from those approaches in his work here in Canada. Michael chose Japan in order to connect with our colleagues at the Hokkaido University of Education (HUE), a partner institution for Teaching Across Borders (TAB) that has a long history of collaboration with Werklund.

As a Facilitator, Michael works closely with the TAB team as they prepare our students to travel and teach abroad, and also supports the HUE students coming to Calgary each year. Michael is excited to connect with colleagues at HUE and learn more about their diverse range of teacher education programs. He's looking forward to this fantastic opportunity and is excited to share more when he returns!