Dec. 4, 2020

Winter 2020 news from Arthritis Society

Resources for managing arthritis pain and delayed surgery

Important work in Alberta

The Arthritis Society fully supports the Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network (BJHSCN) in their efforts to increase the breadth, scope and impact of prevention and care of musculoskeletal pain, as presented in their Transformational Road Map 2020-2025. We look forward to our shared efforts and collaborations aimed at helping Albertans live well with their joint health matters.

As longstanding partners in Alberta’s arthritis ecosystem, you can also count on the Arthritis Society for trusted information on how to manage daily life with arthritis. Check out our and our and sign up for our monthly

Delayed elective surgeries and how to manage the pain

For many Albertans, COVID-19 has delayed some important and necessary joint replacement surgeries. These wait times can cause pain, distress and a feeling of helplessness.

If you or a loved one is awaiting surgery, or is wondering what to do or expect before and after this procedure, watch the recent webinar from our Arthritis Talks series, , for helpful advice.

The Arthritis Society takes this issue very seriously and continues to advocate to all levels of government to address the backlog of Albertans (and all Canadians) awaiting life-changing joint replacement surgeries. We invite you to in our advocacy efforts.

We’ve made some changes…

To use every dollar wisely, we have centralized our administration so more money can go to our mission, supporting Canadians with arthritis. This will not affect the quality of the services we are providing to Albertans. Follow to find the best way to connect with us.
