two student medical volunteers make coffee in the PASS room

Post-Alcohol Support Space (PASS)

PASS is a medically supervised, judgment-free space on campus where members of the university community can sleep off the effects of alcohol and/or cannabis.

Getting sick in the taxi? You can take a pass on that.

We try to lower the risk of alcohol and cannabis-related injury by monitoring intoxicated individuals — keeping them safe and regularly assessing the need for medical treatment.

It's confidential

PASS was developed around three key principles: to make the space supportive, nonjudgmental and consequence free. A stay at the PASS won’t trigger communications to professors or family members and it doesn’t go on any record — academic or otherwise.

Any member of the university community can use the PASS without fear of consequence.

Who can take a PASS?

Any Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà member can utilize the PASS as long as they:

  • are under the influence of alcohol and/or cannabis (no other substances)
  • don't have any major injuries
  • are verbal and mobile

Individuals who don't meet the criteria will be referred to the appropriate medical facility.

Tasks like getting home can be dangerous for an intoxicated person and the PASS is one way to help UCalgary members stay safer and provide them with positive support.

How to take a PASS?

  • PASS is located in .
  • It's accessible by escort from Safewalk or the Student Medical Response (SMR) team.
  • Call Safewalk at 403-220-5333 to request an escort from any on-campus location.
  • You can call for yourself or for someone you’re with.
  • The PASS is open during large events and Saturdays.

The PASS is staffed with advanced medical responders trained to ensure individuals get the level of care they require.