General Information and Policies

In order for students to be eligible for nominated U of C Athletic awards, students must meet the following criteria:

• Must have been registered full time in the previous academic year at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà unless the conditions state otherwise.

• Recipients must be members of a U of C athletic team in the current Fall/Winter Sessions.

• Unless otherwise stated in the conditions, awards are payable only when the student is in actual full-time attendance at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ; recipients must maintain full-time status.

• Must have satisfactorily completed the previous Fall/Winter Sessions with a minimum 2.00 grade point average unless the conditions state otherwise.

• Student athletes may be eligible for other awards offered by the U of C and are encouraged to refer to the other award categories listed in the calendar, or refer to the Student Awards and Financial Aid web site:

• The payment of tuition and compulsory fees is the first charge against awards. If the value of an award is stated as "tuition and compulsory fees", it is understood not to include differential fees.

• If a student is granted an award, the University of Calgary reserves the right to release pertinent information to provincial funding bodies or the donor of the award.

• Athletic Awards are offered annually and most are subject to C.I.S. regulations. For further information, students may contact the Director of Athletics, Faculty of Kinesiology.

The University assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards only to the extent that gifts from donors, or returns from particular investments for these purposes will permit.

As this information is published a considerable time before the opening of the session, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including cancellation or addition of particular awards.

Academic All-Canadian Award in Science or Engineering

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Donor: A Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà alumnus and his family

Value: $1250

Number: 1

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Interuniversity Athletics

  • Participating in the women's interuniversity athletic program
  • Based on contribution to the women's athletic program
  • Must have Academic All-Canadian status in the previous year (minimum 3.30 grade point average)
  • Preference given to students enrolled in the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Engineering

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Nathan Bennor Memorial Men's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Family and friends of Nathan Bennor and fund raising events

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball team
  • Based on leadership qualities exhibited through involvement with the volleyball club system
  • Consideration will be given to affiliation with the tri-services, (PMT, Firefighters, Police)

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Nathan Bennor Memorial Women's Volleyball Awards

(Return to Top)

Donor: Family and friends of Nathan Bennor and fund raising events

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Volleyball team
  • Based on leadership qualities exhibited through involvement with the volleyball club system
  • Consideration will be given to affiliation with the tri-services, (PMT, Firefighters, Police)

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Willie Burden Football Awards

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Donor: Mr. Roy Jennings of Calgary in recognition of the outstanding football achievements of Mr. Willie Burden, a former Calgary Stampeder, from 1974-1981

Value: up to $500

Number: 2

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Primarily based on contribution to the football program
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football team
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Cahoon Basketball Awards

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Donor: Dr. D.G. Cahoon, Calgary

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Basketball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Basketball team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head basketball coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Calgary Booster Club Scholar Athlete Awards

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Donor: Calgary Booster Club

Value: $1000

Number: 2

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Interuniversity Athletics

  • Offered to one male and one female student
  • Academic merit in the most recent two consecutive sessions as a full-time student
  • Contribution to the university athletic program
  • Grade point average of at least 3.00
  • Exhibit strong citizenship/ sportsmanship qualities
  • Involved in extra-curricular activities in the community
  • Preference given to graduates of high schools within Calgary

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics for nomination

Apply Date: by February 28.

Calgary Flames Awards

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Donor: Calgary Flames Hockey Club

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based on contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Member of the Dinosaur Ice Hockey team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Calgary Stampeder - Lou Goodwin Football Award

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Donor: Calgary Stampeder Football Club in recognition of the historical contribution of Dr. Lou Goodwin

Value: up to $500

Number: 1

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Primarily based on contribution to the football program
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football team
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as a full-time student at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Calgary Stampeder Alumni First Year Awards

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Donor: Calgary Stampeder Alumni

Value: up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity football program
  • Based on contribution to the football program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Jimmie Condon Athletic Scholarships (Alberta Scholarship Programs)

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Donor: Province of Alberta, Alberta Scholarship Programs

Value: $1800

Number: 276

Year Entering: Any

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Interuniversity Athletics

  • Alberta resident
  • Undergraduate, graduate or professional student athlete
  • Must be a member of a designated University team
  • Must be registered and maintain full-time status
  • Must have achieved a 2.00 grade point average or better during the last session as a full-time student
  • Entering students may also be considered based on high school grades
  • For further information contact the Student Awards Office

How to Apply: Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head coaches for nomination. Applications are given to athletes by the head coaches in September and January.

Apply Date:

Cougar/Mohawk Football Club Football Awards

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Donor: Cougar/Mohawk Junior Football Club

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity football program
  • Must have graduated from a Calgary and district high school
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time studenst at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Made a significant contribution to the Dinosaur Football program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Dino Cup Men's and Women's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Funded from an endowment established by proceeds from the Husky Dino Cup

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Volleyball

  • Must be a member of either the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's or Women's Volleyball team
  • Based primarily on contribution to either the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's or Women's Volleyball team
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head volleyball coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Dino Field Hockey First Year Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Field Hockey program

Value: up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Field Hockey

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity Field Hockey program
  • Contribution to the Field Hockey program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's field hockey coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dino Football First Year Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Must be participating in the interuniversity football program
  • Based on contribution to the football program
  • Maintained Satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dino Hockey First Year Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Menís Ice Hockey program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Must be participating in the interuniversity men's ice hockey program
  • Based on contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dino Men's Volleyball First Year Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Menís Volleyball program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Must be participating in the interuniversity men's volleyball program
  • Based on contribution to the men's volleyball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dino Women's Basketball First Year Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Basketball program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Basketball

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity women's basketball program
  • Based on contribution to the women's basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's basketball coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dino Women's Volleyball First Year Awards

(Return to Top)

Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Womenís Volleyball program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Volleyball

  • Must be participating in the interuniversity women's volleyball program
  • Based on contribution to the women's volleyball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's volleyball coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Dinosaur Basketball Association Men's Basketball Awards

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Donor: Dinosaur Basketball Association

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Basketball

  • Must be members of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Basketball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's basketball program
  • Entering students must have an admission average of 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's basketball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Dinosaur Football's 5th Quarter Association Awards

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Donor: Dinosaur Football's 5th Quarter Association

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based on contribution to the football program
  • Must be full-time students and a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Dinosaur Hockey Alumni Awards

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Donor: Friends of Dinosaur hockey

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Must be a member of the Men's Ice Hockey team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Leighann Doan Women's Basketball Awards

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Donor: Leighann Doan and friends of the Dino Womenís Basketball team

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Basketball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based on contribution to the Womenís Basketball program
  • Members of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Womenís Basketball Team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's basketball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Elser Family Men's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Dinosaur Men's Volleyball Alumni

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball program
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based primarily on contribution to the men's volleyball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Jeffrey Elzinga Memorial Football Awards

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Donor: Established by friends and teammates in memory of the late Jeff Elzinga, a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Dinosaur Football team from 1980-1982

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in interuniversity football
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Significant contribution to the football team based on the qualities of leadership, citizenship and ability

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Excellence in Hockey First Year Award

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Donor: Anonymous

Value: $2500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Ice Hockey team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Must have maintained a satisfactory academic standing in the Fall/Winter Sessions as a full-time student

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Mona Foise Memorial Awards

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Donor: Former Dinosaur players and supporters of university volleyball

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Volleyball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Volleyball team
  • Based on contribution to the women's volleyball program
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Murray Fraser Hockey Awards

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Donor: Supporters of menís ice hockey, in memory of Murray Fraser, former president of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and an ardent supporter of the menís ice hockey team

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Ice Hockey team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Chris Galenzoski Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Menís Volleyball program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Menís Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Full-time student and member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Hellard Foundation Men's Basketball Awards

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Donor: Hellard Foundation

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Menís Basketball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Men's Basketball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's basketball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's basketball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Hellard Foundation Men's Basketball First Year Awards

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Donor: Hellard Foundation

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Basketball

  • Must be participating in the interuniversity men's basketball program
  • Based on contribution to the men's basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's basketball coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Stew Hendry Memorial Football Awards

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Donor: Established by friends in memory of the late Stew Hendry, a dedicated supporter of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Dinosaur Football team

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity football program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Made a significant contribution to the football team based on the qualities of leadership, citizenship and ability

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

HSBC/Dinos Football Business Award

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Donor: Friends of Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football program and HSBC Securities

Value: $1000

Number: 1

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Haskayne School of Business

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity football program
  • Based on overall contribution to the football program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as a full-time student at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Husky Dino Cup Scholarships

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Donor: Husky Oil Marketing Company

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Dinosaur Volleyball team
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Preference will be given to students whose permanent home address is in a small town or rural Alberta community

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Dennis Kadatz Athletic Awards

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Donor: Sports Program, Faculty of Kinesiology, Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Interuniversity Athletics

  • Must be a member of an interuniversity athletic team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the athletics program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Lanny McDonald Hockey Award

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Donor: Flames Project 75 Hockey Association in honour of Lanny McDonald and funded by a bequest from Albert Scott

Value: $1250

Number: 1

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Participated in the interuniversity men's ice hockey program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as a full-time student at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based on leadership exemplifying the best qualities of the student athlete and contribution to the community

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Men's Soccer Awards

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Donor: Former members of the Dinosaur Menís Soccer team and supporters of university soccer

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Soccer

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Must be a member of the Men's Soccer team
  • Based on contribution to the men's soccer program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's soccer coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Molson Breweries Athletic Awards

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Donor: Molson Breweries Ltd.

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Interuniversity Athletics

  • Must be a member of an interuniversity athletic team
  • Based on contribution to the athletics program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Skip Morgan, Janice Paskevich Basketball Awards

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Donor: An endowment established by friends of basketball, in recognition of the outstanding achievements of former participants in the basketball programs at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Basketball

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity basketball program
  • Based on contribution to the basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Split evenly between women's basketball and men's basketball

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head basketball coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Nestle Canada Inc. Athletic Awards

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Donor: Nestle Canada Inc., Don Mills, Ontario

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Football team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the football program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Jack Neumann Athletic Awards

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Donor: Funds raised through family and friends of Jack Neumann

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Interuniversity Athletics

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based primarily on contribution to the athletics program
  • Full-time student
  • Member of a Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà interuniversity athletic team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Ron Nolan Golf Awards

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Donor: Funded from an endowment established with a portion of the proceeds from various fund raisers for the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Golf program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Golf

  • Must be a member of either the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's or Women's Golf team
  • Based primarily on contribution to either the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's or Women's Golf team
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head golf coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Jerry Orban Hockey Awards

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Donor: Established by friends, teammates and family of Jerry Orban, a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Dinosaur Hockey team from 1977-1980

Value: up to $600

Number: 2

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Ice Hockey

  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Ice Hockey team
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based primarily on general contribution to the men's ice hockey program
  • Preference given to students with a grade point average of 2.60 and above

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's ice hockey coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Guy Perdue Memorial Scholarships

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Donor: Supporters of Dinosaur volleyball in memory of Guy Perdue, long time player and assistant coach of the menís volleyball team

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's volleyball program
  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Rhonda and Brent Quinton Athletic Awards

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Donor: Rhonda and Brent Quinton, Calgary

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Basketball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Basketball team
  • Based primarily on general contribution to the basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head basketball coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Sergei Shalibashvili Memorial Scholarships

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Donor: Estate of Alan Lorne Paterson

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Swimming

  • Must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Swim team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head swimming coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Timbertown Building Centre Ltd. Men's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Timbertown Building Centres Ltd.

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's volleyball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Timbertown Building Centre Ltd. Women's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Timbertown Building Centre Ltd.

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Volleyball team
  • Based on contribution to the women's volleyball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered for nomination by the director of athletics and head women's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Dinosaur Women's Basketball Awards

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Donor: Former Dinosaur players and supporters of womenís basketball

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Basketball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Based primarily on contribution to the women's basketball program
  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Basketball team

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's basketball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's and Women's Track and Field Awards

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Donor: Friends of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Menís and Womenís Track and Field program

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Track and Field

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of either the U of C Men's or Women's Track and Field team
  • Based on contribution to the men's and women's track and field teams

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head track and field coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Basketball Awards

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Donor: Former Dinosaur players and supporters of university basketball

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Basketball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Men's Basketball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's basketball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's basketball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball Awards

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Donor: Dinos Menís Volleyball Alumni

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Men's Volleyball

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Men's Volleyball team
  • Based on contribution to the men's volleyball program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head men's volleyball coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Wrestling Scholarships

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Wrestling Club and supporters of university wrestling

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Wrestling

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Wrestling team
  • Based on contribution to the wrestling program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head wrestling coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Uniglobe Custom Travel Basketball Awards

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Donor: Uniglobe Custom Travel

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Basketball

  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Basketball team
  • Based primarily on contribution to the basketball program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head basketball coaches for nomination in November.

Apply Date:

Waste Management of Canada Corporation U of C Football First Year Awards

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Donor: Waste Management of Canada Corporation

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd at U of C

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Football

  • Currently participating in the interuniversity Football program
  • Contribution to the Football program
  • Maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head football coach for nomination in May.

Apply Date:

Women's Soccer Awards

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Donor: Friends and supporters of womenís soccer and the Dino-Mytes Soccer Foundation

Value: Up to a maximum of tuition and compulsory fees

Number: Variable

Year Entering: Entering or Non-entering

Faculty: Any

Field of Study: Women's Soccer

  • Entering students must have an admission average of at least 80% or an equivalent grade point average from another post-secondary institution
  • Non-entering students must have maintained satisfactory academic standing in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as full-time students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
  • Must be a member of the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Women's Soccer team
  • Based on contribution to the women's soccer program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the director of athletics and head women's soccer coach for nomination in November.

Apply Date: