Entrance Awards:
Any Undergraduate Faculty

Alberta Blue Cross 50th Anniversary Bursary for Students with Special Needs

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Donor: ABC Benefits Corporation Foundation

Value: $1250

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Offered to students who will incur additional expenses due to a disability
  • Must provide proof of disability (i.e. doctor's statement)
  • Graduate of an Alberta high school
  • Must be registered full time, but need not be carrying a full course load

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Alberta Blue Cross 50th Anniversary Entrance Bursaries

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Donor: ABC Benefits Corporation Foundation

Value: $1250

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Must have a scholarship average of 80%
  • Graduate of an Alberta high school

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Alberta Blue Cross 50th Anniversary Relocation Bursary

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Donor: ABC Benefits Corporation Foundation

Value: $1250

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Graduate of an Alberta high school
  • Permanent home address must be more than 100 kilometers outside of the greater Calgary area

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Alberta Union of Provincial Employees Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Alberta Union of Provincial Employees

Value: up to $500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Financial need
  • Academic merit
  • Member in good standing (two consecutive years of service) of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees or the sons, daughters, legal wards or spouses
  • Dependent of retired or deceased member within a period of 10 years of retirement or death of the member. Dependent must be under the age of 25

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Betty Brook Ferdyn Bursary

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Donor: Mrs. Betty Brook Ferdyn

Value: up to $1250

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Calgary Kotobuki Society Bursary

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Donor: Calgary Kotobuki Society

Value: $2000

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Preference is given to a student who has graduated from a high school in Calgary within the previous three years

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Yew-Teck (Audrey) Chung and Eng-Theng Teo Memorial Bursaries

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Donor: Mr. See-Wing Chung in memory of his wife, Audrey Y.T. Chung, and his late father-in-law, Eng-Theng Teo

Value: up to $2000

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Dr. A. Downey Memorial Award

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Donor: Family and friends of Dr. A. Downey

Value: up to $850

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Above average academic achievement
  • Some preference given to students intending a career in dentistry
  • Must have played minor hockey

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Evelyn Mitchell Emerson Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Jack Emerson in memory of his wife, Evelyn Mitchell Emerson

Value: up to $2500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

John and Sarra Fabbro Scholarships

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Donor: Estate of Sarra Fabbro

Value: up to $1700

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Entering from a separate school system in Alberta
  • Successfully completed Italian 20
  • Scholarship average of at least 75%

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Fischer Family Bursaries

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Donor: Charlie Fischer and Joanne Cuthbertson, Calgary

Value: up to $2000

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Bob Grainger Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Bob Grainger, Calgary

Value: $2000

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Extra-curricular activities

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Bob Grainger Entrance Bursary (Bow Valley Area)

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Donor: Bob Grainger, Calgary

Value: $2000

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Preference given to students who are graduates of a high school in the Bow Valley area west of Calgary

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Harnam Singh Hari Memorial Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Jason Hari, great grandson of well renowned Calgarian, Harnam Singh Hari, Sikh pioneer and mentor to the community, a philanthropist to his homeland, and one who guided many towards opportunity and prosperity in Canada

Value: $1500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Extra-curricular activities involving contribution to the Indo-Canadian community and/or promotion of the Indo-Canadian culture
  • Demonstrate a commitment to family

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Lee Haskayne Bursaries

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Donor: Richard Haskayne in memory of Lee Haskayne

Value: up to $4000

Number: 10

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Preference given to students who are graduates of rural Canadian high schools and intend to live in University residence during their first year

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Don Henderson Memorial Ringette Scholarship

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Donor: Ringette Calgary Association

Value: up to $1200

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Must be full members in good standing in Ringette Calgary
  • Active player for the past two years and intend to remain active in the upcoming year

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Hire a Student/Chamber of Commerce Bursary

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Donor: Hire A Student Board of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce

Value: up to $500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club of Calgary Scholarship

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Donor: Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club of Calgary

Value: $500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Female student
  • Completed Grade XII at a Calgary high school
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

William Keyte Memorial Bursaries

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Donor: Estate of William Keyte

Value: up to $4000 (Renewable)

Number: 4

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Must be from the Special Areas District of Alberta (Hanna, Youngstown, Oyen, Cereal, etc.)
  • Based primarily on financial need providing academic standing is satisfactory
  • Renewable in second, third, and fourth year providing a minimum grade point average of 2.60 is maintained for each year of study

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

La bourse Lebel

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Donor: Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Lebel, Calgary

Value: up to $1000

Number: 1

Year Entering: ±Ê°ù±ð³¾¾±Ã¨°ù±ð

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Les candidats ou candidates devront avoir terminé leurs études secondaires dans une école d'immersion française ou une école francophone de Calgary
  • Selon le rendement académique et les besoins financiers

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Chi-Yung Lee Memorial Bursaries

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Donor: Family and friends in memory of Chi-Yung Lee who died tragically in September 1998

Value: up to $500

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Offered to one male and one female student
  • Financial need
  • Academic merit
  • Extra-curricular activities involving athletics and/or contribution to the school
  • Graduate of a high school located within the City of Calgary

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

McCaig Family Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice W. McCaig

Value: up to $1800

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Gerald Roberts Mortimer and Victor Emanuel Mortimer Entrance Bursaries

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Donor: Estates of Victor E. Mortimer and Gerald R. Mortimer

Value: up to $1600

Number: Up to three

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Attended high school in the Judicial District of Calgary, excluding the City of Calgary, for at least two consecutive years
  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Gerald Roberts Mortimer and Victor Emanuel Mortimer Entrance Scholarships

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Donor: Estates of Victor E. Mortimer and Gerald R. Mortimer

Value: up to $1600

Number: Up to three

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Attended high school in the Judicial District of Calgary, excluding the City of Calgary, for at least two consecutive years
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Margaret and Ted Newall Bursaries

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Donor: Margaret and Ted Newall with a matching donation from Nova Corporation

Value: up to $5000

Number: 20

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Permanent home address must be outside the greater Calgary area

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Senator the Honourable H.A. Olson Scholarship

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Donor: H.A. Olson Scholarship Fund and friends in honour of Senator H.A. "Bud" Olson

Value: up to $1800

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • From Alberta living south of Latitude 50 excluding Calgary
  • Preference given to graduates from a high school within the 1968 boundaries of the federal electoral constituency of Medicine Hat
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Gary A.S. Owen Bursary

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Donor: Provided by Mr. & Mrs. R.M.S. Owen in memory of their son

Value: up to $1800

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Completed high school in a rural community
  • Financial need
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

John D. Petrie Memorial Entrance Bursaries

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Donor: Contributed by the Petrie family and the estate of Mrs. Mary Petrie

Value: up to $5000 (Renewable)

Number: 5

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Financial need
  • Academic merit
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Alberta resident
  • Renewable in second, third and fourth year providing minimum grade point average of 2.60 is maintained

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Garett Shawn Prentice Entrance Award

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Donor: Dr. and Mrs. A Prentice in memory of their son, Garett Shawn

Value: up to $1750

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Graduate of the bilingual program at Branton Junior High School
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Richard M. Proctor Memorial Bursaries

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Donor: Canadian Progress Club - Calgary Downtown in memory of Richard M. Proctor

Value: up to $2000

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Participated in Big Sisters and Big Brothers program (formerly Uncles or Aunts at Large)
  • If no candidates meet above requirements then sons or daughters of current Canadian Progress Club Calgary Downtown will become eligible
  • If no candidates from either group, the award will be based generally on academic merit and financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 288) Scholarships

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Donor: Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 288), Airdrie

Value: up to $700

Number: 3

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Graduate of Bert Church High School, George McDougall High School or St. Martens de Porres High School in Airdrie
  • Academic merit
  • Cannot be receiving an Alexander Rutherford Scholarship based on Grade XI grades

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Royal Canadian Legion Bursaries (Alberta - N.W.T. Command)

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Donor: Royal Canadian Legion, (Alberta - N.W.T Command), Calgary

Value: $500

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Financial need
  • Academic merit
  • Priority given to: son or daughter of a deceased or disabled veteran; son or daughter of a war veteran; ex-service man or woman; son or daughter of ex-service personnel; grandson or granddaughter of ex-service personnel; or native-born or naturalized Canadian domiciled in Alberta or N.W.T.

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Norman Ronald Silver Memorial Entrance Scholarship

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Donor: Family and friends of Norman Ronald Silver who was a student at Henry Wise Wood High School at the time of his death

Value: up to $1700

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Graduate of Henry Wise Wood High School
  • Exhibiting strong citizenship qualities
  • Minimum 75% scholarship average

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Vivian Stevenson Scholarships

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Donor: Estate of Vivian Stevenson

Value: up to $3000

Number: 5

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Student Peer Assistance Entrance Bursaries

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà undergraduate students and the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Board of Governors

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Financial need
  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Douglas (Yeung) Tims Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Friends, family and colleagues of the late Douglas Tims

Value: up to $800

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Extra-curricular activities involving contribution to the community
  • Preference given to students who have attended the Calgary Chinese School

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

TransAlta Corporation Entrance Scholarships

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Donor: TransAlta Corporation in memory of G.H. Thompson, late Chairman of the Board of Power Ltd. (now know as TransAlta Corporation)

Value: $750

Number: 5

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Consideration given to financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

John Tsafalas Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Friends and colleagues of the late John Tsafalas in recognition of his contribution as a long time member of the caretaking staff at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: up to $650

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Academic Scholarships for Entering Students

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $1000

Number: 5

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Four awards based on academic merit
  • One award based on academic merit and non-academic activities and achievements

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Entrance Bursaries

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $2000

Number: 12

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Entrance Merit Awards

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà International Baccalaureate Diploma Entrance Scholarships

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $3500

Number: 20

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Must have completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program with a minimum score of 35 points
  • Students must provide the Admissions Office with a transcript of their International Baccalaureate Diploma grades by August 1 of the year entering the University

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the Prospective Student Office for nomination.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Maths Extension Program Prizes

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $500

Number: 2

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Enrolled in the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Maths Extension Program at Western Canada High School
  • Based on proficiency in this program
  • Must enroll in their first year of undergraduate studies at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà within two years of completing the program

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for nomination.

Apply Date:

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Scholarships for Entering Students Outside of Alberta

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $2000

Number: 3

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Completed high school outside of Alberta
  • Two awards based on academic merit provided it is at a competitive level with all other applicants
  • One award based on academic merit with consideration given to non-academic activities and achievements

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Support Staff Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Branch 052 (Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ) of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees and the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: up to $1400

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Dependent of a Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Support Staff employee who holds a Regular or Sessional full-time position and who has completed three or more years of service at the time the award is made
  • Dependents of a deceased employee are also eligible provided that the deceased staff member was employed on a Regular or Sessional full-time basis at the time of death and had completed three or more years of service
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Vernon V. Van Sant, Jr. Memorial Entrance Bursary

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Donor: Friends and family of Vernon V. Van Sant, Jr.

Value: up to $2500

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Completed Grade XII at an Alberta high school

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Viscount Bennett Entrance Scholarships

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Donor: From a trust created by the late Right Honourable Viscount Bennett, P.C., K.C., LL.D., D.C.L., of Calgary and Mickelham

Value: $1000

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Resided for at least five consecutive years in Calgary, or within 32 kilometers of that city, or in Banff National Park
  • Academic merit
  • Good character
  • Satisfactory personal qualities

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Western Canada College Old Boy's Memorial Scholarships

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Donor: Western Canada College Old Boy's Association

Value: 1 @ up to $1200; 2 @ up to $900

Number: 3

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Graduands of Western Canada High School
  • Based on outstanding service to the student body consistent with high academic achievement and involvement in two or more of the following: athletics, cultural affairs, student government, community service
  • Principal will advise the Student Awards Office in June each year of the recipients
  • Must enroll at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà within 14 months of the granting of the award

How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by Western Canada High School for nomination.

Apply Date:

Mildred Rowe Weston Memorial Scholarships

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Donor: Alberta Distance Learning Centre, Department of Education, Edmonton

Value: $600

Number: 3

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Taken at least Grade XII in an Alberta high school outside of any of the cities of Alberta
  • Open to students from rural areas only
  • Preference given to students who have completed all or part of their high school by correspondence
  • Academic merit
  • In case of a tie, financial need will be considered

How to Apply:

Apply Date: March 1

Markin Flanagan Bursary

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Donor: Allan Markin and Jackie Flanagan, Calgary

Value: $5000 (Renewable)

Number: 1

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Any

Field of Study:

  • Admission to the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is based on high school grades
  • Financial need
  • Academic merit
  • Must be a resident of the Bowness community and a graduate of Bowness High School in Calgary
  • Preference given to students who have completed their entire high school program at that school
  • Renewable in the second, third and fourth years at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà providing the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 2.60 on all courses completed in the previous Fall/Winter Sessions as a full-time student
  • From time to time a non-renewable award may also be offered

How to Apply: Student Services Office, Bowness High School

Apply Date: by February 10