General Information and Policies

NOTE: Awards in this section are for students in the Faculty of Medicine MD program only.

• Students entering the Bachelor of Health Sciences program are eligible to apply for Outstanding Achievement Awards (Deadline for application is December 1 of the year prior to entering the University) and/or Entrance Awards (Deadline for application is March 1).

• Students continuing in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program are eligible to apply for Competitive Undergraduate Awards (Deadline is August 1).

Application forms for Medicine Awards (Faculty of Medicine Bursaries) are available from the Student Awards and Financial Aid web site by the end of March each year:

Application for awards must be made on the current application. Deadline for application is August 1.

Unless otherwise stated, completed applications for these awards must be postmarked or received by the Student Awards and Financial Aid office on or before August 1.

By completing one Faculty of Medicine Bursaries application form, applicants will be considered for all bursaries listed in this section with the exception of those stating "No application required."

Where no application information is listed, nomination is made automatically by the faculty without need for application.

Note: Medical Elective Awards require separate application.

Unless otherwise stated, the following policies are in effect with regard to University administered awards:

In order to qualify:

• Monetary awards, except certain cash prizes, are contingent upon the student proceeding with his, or her, university program in the immediate next academic session. Unless otherwise stated in the terms of reference, awards are payable only when the student is in actual full-time attendance at the University of Calgary.

• The payment of tuition and fees is the first charge against scholarships and bursaries. If the value of an award is stated as "tuition and fees", it is understood not to include differential fees.

• In order that awards may be equitably distributed, no student may normally hold more than one major award in any one year.

• Once in the program, students must have successfully completed the previous year in order to be eligible for an award.

• If a student is granted an award, the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà reserves the right to release pertinent information to provincial funding bodies or the donor of the award.

The University assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards only to the extent that gifts from donors, or returns from particular investments for these purposes will permit.

As this information is published a considerable time before the opening of the session, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including cancellation or addition of particular awards.

Alberta Blue Cross 50th Anniversary Bursary in Medicine

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Donor: ABC Benefits Corporation Foundation

Value: $1250

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Graduate of an Alberta high school
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Asamera Inc. Bursaries

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Donor: Asamera Inc., Calgary

Value: up to $1700

Number: Three

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Satisfactory academic merit
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen
  • Resident of Alberta
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

A.J. Bliek Bursary

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Donor: Established by the Bliek family in memory of Dr. A.J. Bliek

Value: up to $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Nat Christie Foundation Medical Entrance Awards

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Donor: Nat Christie Foundation, Calgary

Value: $5000 (Renewable)

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Based on the admission rating as determined by the Admissions Committee
  • Renewable for two additional years subject to satisfactory completion of the previous year's study
How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by their faculty for nomination.

Leo Ciccone Bursary

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Donor: Family and friends in memory of Leo Ciccone

Value: up to $350

Number: One

Year Entering: Any

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Marion F. Cole and Kate L. Fast Bursary in Medicine

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Donor: Established by an anonymous donor in memory of Marion F. Cole and Kate L. Fast

Value: up to $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. P. Collins Bursary

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Donor: Dr. P. Collins

Value: $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Mature student
  • Financial need
  • Graduated from a high school in Alberta
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Preference is given to students who have dependent children
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Alex R. Cummings Bursary in Medicine

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Donor: Funded by an endowment established by Pembina Corporation in 1989 in honour of Alex R. Cummings on the occasion of his retirement from the Board of Directors, Pembina Resources Limited

Value: up to $2000

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Harvey E. Dowling, MD and Pearl Christie-Dowling, MD Bursaries

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Donor: Estate of Harvey Elwood Dowling

Value: up to $2300

Number: Eight

Year Entering: 2nd and 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Four of the bursaries are awarded to students entering second year and four are awarded to students entering third year
  • Financial need
  • Divided equally between male and female students
  • Born and educated in Alberta
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Avis Downey Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Friends and colleagues of Avis Downey who was employed in the Medical Instructional Resources office from 1979 to 1989

Value: up to $1500

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Jason Edwards Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Friends of the late Jason Edwards

Value: up to $200

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Maintained general academic proficiency through the 1st year of medical training
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Michael E. Finnegan Memorial Bursary

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Donor: In memory of Michael E. Finnegan, friends and family have established this award to honor Michael's belief in equal access to education

Value: up to $650

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Consideration given to involvement in extra-curricular activities
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Ron Ghitter Award in Human Rights

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Donor: Endowed by the Honourable Ron Ghitter and Myrna Ghitter

Value: up to $2500

Number: One

Year Entering: Final, Enrolled, Enrolled, Entering or Enrolled

Faculty: Any, Law, Medicine, or Graduate Studies

Field of Study: Human Rights

  • Full-time studies
  • Demonstrated a commitment to the advocacy and exploration of human rights through academic studies and related activities
  • Contributed to the understanding or resolution of human rights issues through activities such as making the public aware of human rights abuses, helping to resolve human rights problems, or furthering equality of disadvantaged minorities
  • Academic merit
  • Applicants must include a one-page statement indicating studies and activities that have contributed to the understanding or resolution of human rights issues
  • Letter of support required: undergraduate applicants should request this letter from the head of their department; graduate students should request this letter from their supervisor
How to Apply: Apply to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

Harley Hotchkiss Bursaries

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Donor: Family of Harley Hotchkiss to commemorate the occasion of his admission to the Order of Canada May 7, 1998

Value: up to $2000

Number: Three

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Marianne Huyer Bursary

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Donor: Family and friends of Marianne Huyer, who tragically lost her life before being able to commence her studies in the MD program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: up to $1500

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Mature student
  • Academic merit
  • Demonstrated interest in outdoor activities
  • Financial need
  • Preference given to students who have been in the work force and are making a career change or students holding a Masters or Doctoral level degree who are now entering the MD program
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Audrey Krassman Memorial Bursary in Medicine

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Donor: Estate of Audrey Darlene Krassman

Value: up to $2000

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Normie Kwong Bursary

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Donor: Anonymous donation in recognition of Normie Kwong's participation in bringing the Flames Hockey Team to Calgary

Value: up to $1000

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Alvin and Mona Libin Scholarship in Medicine

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Donor: Alvin and Mona Libin Foundation, Calgary

Value: $10,000 ($5000 in 1st year; $5000 in 2nd year)

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Alberta resident
  • Academic merit
  • Consideration given to extra-curricular activities and community involvement
  • Selection made by the Admissions Committee
How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by their faculty for nomination.

Right Honourable Don Mazankowski Scholarship for Excellence in Undergraduate Medical Education

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Donor: Don Mazankowski Scholarship Foundation with matching funds from the Faculty of Medicine

Value: up to $1250

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Based on the admission rating as determined by the Admissions Committee
How to Apply: No application required. Eligible students will automatically be considered by their faculty for nomination.

Louise McKinney Scholarships (Alberta Scholarship Programs)

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Donor: Province of Alberta, Alberta Scholarship Programs

Value: $2500

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd, 3rd or 4th; 1st or 2nd; 1st

Faculty: Any, Law, Medicine

Field of Study:

  • Alberta resident
  • Outstanding academic ability as demonstrated in a minimum of four full courses taken the preceding consecutive Fall/Winter Sessions
  • Students who are completing their undergraduate degree and proceeding immediately into a professional degree program (e.g. dentistry, law, medicine), must print an application from this web site: www.ucalgary.ca/awards and submit the completed application to the Student Awards Office by June 1
  • Students who will be entering a professional degree program, but who have not completed their undergraduate degree, do not need to complete an application as they will be considered automatically by their undergraduate faculty
  • Students need not be returning to the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, but must be entering the program at a recognized post-secondary institution
  • For further information contact the Student Awards Office
How to Apply: Eligible students will automatically be considered for nomination. Student Awards Office mails applications to nominees in late July.

Maunders McNeil Foundation Bursary in Medicine

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Donor: Maunders McNeil Foundation Inc., Calgary

Value: up to $1500

Number: One

Year Entering: Any

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Faculty of Medicine Alumni Bursaries

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Donor: Faculty of Medicine Alumni

Value: $1000

Number: Five

Year Entering: Any

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. John C. Morgan Bursary

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Donor: The Calgary Foundation and Dr. John C. Morgan Fund

Value: $700

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Consideration given to students who have demonstrated interest in or dedication to the field of cardiology
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Garett Shawn Prentice Bursary

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Donor: Friends, family and fellow students at Branton Jr. High, of Garett Shawn Prentice, who tragically lost his life before being able to pursue a career in the field of medicine

Value: up to $2000

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Preference given to students entering 2nd year
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Micheline Rostoker Bursaries

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Donor: Micheline Rostoker, Calgary

Value: up to $500

Number: Two

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Student Peer Assistance Bursaries in Medicine

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà undergraduate students and the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Board of Governors

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Bursaries in Medicine

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: $2000

Number: Ten

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. S.C. Verma Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Subodh and Sujata Verma in memory of their father, Dr. S.C. Verma

Value: $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

F.D. Wilson Memorial Bursaries

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Donor: Mrs. Mary Petrie in memory of her father, F.D. Wilson, M.D.

Value: up to $5000

Number: Two

Year Entering: 1st, 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Completed high school in Alberta
How to Apply: Student Awards Office