General Information and Policies

NOTE: Medical Elective Awards are for students in the Faculty of Medicine MD program only.

Application forms for Medical Elective Awards are available from the Student Awards and Financial Aid web site by the end of January each year: www.ucalgary.ca/awards/

Application must be made on the current application form.

Unless otherwise stated, completed applications for these awards must be postmarked or received by the Student Awards and Financial Aid office on or before April 1.

Unless otherwise stated, the following policies are in effect with regard to University administered awards:

In order to qualify:

• Monetary awards are provided directly to the student one month prior to undertaking the approved elective study. Students must first provide a copy of the elective approval form as well as confirmation of acceptance by the hospital/clinic where the elective is to take place. In the event that the elective has already been completed prior to receiving notification of the award from the Student Awards and Financial Aid office, the student must then provide a copy of the elective evaluation in addition to the elective approval.

• Should the student change the dates or focus of the elective study, they must provide a copy of the change to the Student Awards office as it may affect their eligibility for the award.

• If a student is granted an award, the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà reserves the right to release pertinent information to provincial funding bodies or the donor of the award.

The University assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards only to the extent that gifts from donors, or returns from particular investments for these purposes will permit.

As this information is published a considerable time before the opening of the session, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including cancellation or addition of particular awards.

Joseph Albert Awards for Elective Study at Centres of Excellence

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Donor: Mrs. Rosalia Bacs in memory of her brother Joseph Albert

Value: up to $2000

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Clerkship elective at a recognized centre of excellence in any area of Medicine
  • Outside Calgary but within North America
  • Minimum of a four-week elective is required
  • Longer visits may receive an adjusted award
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Betty Bedford Boyd Travel Awards

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Donor: Mrs. C.W. Roenisch

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Haematology)

  • Undertaking an approved independent learning or clerkship elective in the area of haematology
  • Four weeks or more in duration
  • At least 50 kilometres outside the city limits of Calgary
  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. Ken Buchan Memorial Award

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Donor: Family and friends of Dr. Buchan

Value: up to $300

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Undertaking an approved independent learning or clerkship elective
  • Four weeks or more in duration
  • At least 50 kilometres outside the city limits of Calgary
  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Giah Eisenstein Memorial Bursary

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Donor: Students' Union, friends, family and colleagues of Giah Eisenstein in recognition of her contribution as general manager of the Students' Union from 1991 until her death in 1996

Value: up to $600

Number: One

Year Entering: 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Oncology)

  • Undertaking a research project in the area of oncology
  • Interest in the field of oncology
  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Frosst Medical Elective Award

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Donor: Merck Frosst Canada Ltd., Dorval QC

Value: $1000 and Bronze Medal

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Internal Medicine)

  • Undertaking a research project, independent learning elective or clerkship elective in internal medicine
  • Preference is given to students proposing research projects
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. S.K. Littmann Memorial Award

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Donor: Calgary Chapter, Schizophrenia Society of Alberta

Value: up to $1200

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Schizophrenia)

  • Undertaking a research project, independent learning elective or clerkship elective in any aspect of schizophrenia
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Merck Sharp & Dohme Medical Elective Award

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Donor: Merck Frosst Canada Ltd., Dorval QC

Value: $1000 and Merck Manual

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Therapeutic Agents)

  • Undertaking a research project, independent learning elective or clerkship elective
  • Recipient to be associated with a drug research project within the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Pfizer Canada Inc. Medical Elective Award

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Donor: Pfizer Canada Inc.

Value: $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Internal Medicine)

  • Undertaking clerkship elective in the area of internal medicine
  • Four weeks or more in duration
  • At least 50 kilometres outside the city limits of Calgary
  • Financial need
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Dr. Jo Anne Skeith Medical Elective Award

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Donor: Friends, colleagues and family of Dr. Jo Anne Skeith (MD 1983)

Value: up to $500

Number: One

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program (Family Medicine - Obstetrics)

  • Undertaking an approved independent learning or clerkship elective in family medicine - obstetrics
  • At least 50 kilometres outside the city limits of Calgary
  • Financial need
  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
How to Apply: Student Awards Office

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Medical Elective Bursaries

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Donor: Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

Value: Variable

Number: Variable

Year Entering: 2nd or 3rd

Faculty: Medicine

Field of Study: MD Program

  • Undertaking an approved independent learning or clerkship elective
  • Four weeks or more in duration
  • At least 50 kilometres outside the city limits of Calgary
  • Financial need
  • Where possible, unsuccessful applicants for other named Medical Elective awards will be automatically considered for these bursaries
How to Apply: Student Awards Office