Health and Society HSOC

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Medicine.

Contact - Bachelor of Health Sciences program office

Junior Course

Health and Society 201 H(3-0)

Introduction to Health and Society

A cross-cultural and historical introduction to definitions and models of health, disease, and illness. Introduction to basic concepts in population health: mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence, rates; examination of schemes for critical appraisal of scientific studies in the health sciences; an overview of areas of concentration in the field of Health and Society.

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Senior Courses

Health and Society 301 H(3-0)

Determinants of Health

A broad based, interdisciplinary overview of models of the determinants of health. Includes an analysis of evidence of the relatived influence of environmental factors, health services, lifestyles and health behaviours, social and economic factors, biological predispositions, and a critical analysis of the mechanisms and power relations involved in the societal uptake of various conceptions.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Health and Society 201.

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Health and Society 311 H(3-0)

Health Services and Health Systems

Introduction to the health policy process, health care insurance, financing and delivery of health care, history of medicine, the legal basis for the Canadian health system, and public health, in international and historical perspective.

Prerequisites: Health and Society 201.

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Health and Society 401 H(3-0)

Health Research Methods

Advanced study of methods from the social and life sciences as applied to health phenomena. Emphasis is placed on a critical analysis of the process of formulating research questions, designing studies appropriate to those questions, measuring variables, and evaluating and interpreting the results of research.

Prerequisites: Health and Society 301 and 311.

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Health and Society 591 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in Health and Society

An advanced seminar involving critical analysis of contemporary health issues. Topics vary from year-to-year, but are always drawn from the current academic literature, from the public policy arena, and/or from the popular media.

Prerequisites: Health and Society 401 and registration in the BHSc Honours Health and Society major.

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