Contact Info


Health Sciences Centre, Room G321

Faculty number

(403) 220-2558


(403) 210-8109

E-mail address


Web page URL

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Science (MSc) thesis-based.

Combined MD/Master's and MD/PhD programs are offered under the title "Leaders in Medicine."

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

(a)A minimum admission grade point average of 3.20 on a four point scale, or equivalent

(b)For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written test) or 237 (computer-based test)

Applicants who do not meet the above requirements will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for the submission of complete applications:

15 May for September admission

15 September for January admission

15 January for May admission

Students applying to the MD/Master's or MD/PhD program must apply individually to each program and complete a supplementary application to the Leaders in Medicine Program.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will be not given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Science

(a)The completion of a minimum of one full course equivalent

(b)The presentation of an annual seminar in the applicable research group

Doctor of Philosophy

(a)The completion of a minimum of one and one-half full course equivalents

(b)The presentation of an annual seminar in the applicable research group

(c)The presentation of a seminar on the results of his/her thesis research

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

No more than half a student's program may be done at the 500-level.

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for students in the Master of Science program and four years for doctoral students. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Science program and six years for the doctoral program.

Leaders in Medicine- Expected completion time for the MD/Master's program is four to five years, and for the MD/PhD program, six to seven years. The maximum completion time is six years for the MD/Master's, and eight years for the MD/PhD program.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Students may interview several potential supervisors. The decision to establish a relationship is based upon mutual agreement between the student and the supervisor. Supervisory committees are established based upon the needs of the student and the expertise of the committee members, following discussions between the student and the supervisor. The Graduate Coordinator approves supervisors and supervisory committees. Master of Science students in the Leaders in Medicine program must have a supervisory committee constituted according to the regulations of the graduate program. Both Master of Science and doctoral students will also be evaluated and advised by a Joint Liaison Committee composed of the Associate Dean (Graduate Sciences Education), Associate Dean (Undergraduate Medical Education), and the Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine.

10. Required Examinations

Doctoral candidacy examinations have a written and an oral component. The student is required to prepare four written papers from a choice of six questions. One of the papers will normally be in the form of a grant proposal. Each paper will not exceed 20 double-spaced typewritten pages excluding references and figures. The responses to the written examination questions provide the basis for the candidacy oral examination.

Final thesis oral examinations are closed.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

A written research proposal must be presented to the student's supervisory committee no later than sixteen months after initial registration as a full-time graduate student. The supervisory committee approves the research proposal after an oral presentation of the written proposal.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

The general policy of the MID Graduate Program is that all students shall be full-time and that all students will receive financial support for the entire 12-month period of their annual registration. Financial support is determined after acceptance into the MID Graduate Program.

14. Other Information

Courses in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases are offered under the auspices of the Department of Medical Science and are listed in this Calendar under that heading.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

The research interests of the faculty can be found at: