
Faculty of Humanities

Faculty Regulations

Students in the Faculty of Humanities are governed by the academic regulations of the University as a whole (see the section of this Calendar headed "Academic Regulations"), by the regulations in this section, and by the specific requirements made by Departments for specific programs and courses (see "Program Details" later in this section and "Courses of Instruction" later in the Calendar).

Students are advised to read and consider carefully all relevant regulations and to consult the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of Humanities, Social Sciences Building 209 (220-6798) or the Department concerned if interpretation is needed.


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New applicants should refer to "Admission Requirements" in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

Frosh and transfer students wishing to register in the Faculty of Humanities must meet minimum admission requirements as set out in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. All applicants for admission to the Faculty must have included English 30. See "Honours Degree with a Major Field" for admission requirements to Honours programs. All students must satisfy the Effective Writing Requirement as outlined in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.


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First Year Students

Full-time first year students (those registered in three full-course equivalents or more) must register in at least two full-course equivalents in the Faculty of Humanities.

Until at least three full-course equivalents at the junior level have been successfully completed, a student may not register in senior courses unless their program requires it.

The programs offered by the Faculty of Humanities do not require specific preparatory courses in the first year. However, registration in Humanities 200 is strongly recommended. Students are encouraged to take a wide selection of courses in their first year. For guidance in course selection, first year students should obtain a copy of the Course Registration and Planning Guide for new students from the Office of the Registrar.

Accuracy of Registration

Students are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their registration and for arranging their course selections to meet all program requirements as detailed in the following pages. Students should seek the advice of the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) and/or the Department of their Major. It is important that students acquaint themselves with the deadline dates for advance registration set by the University (see Registration in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar) and allow sufficient time before these deadlines for Department and Faculty consultation and approval. Consultations with the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) are strongly recommended for those students who are registering in the final courses towards a degree. Any departure from standard requirements must receive prior authorization in writing from the Associate Dean (Student Affairs). Except with permission of the Associate Dean (Student Affairs), a student successfully completing a course without having a normal prerequisite course in the same field may not subsequently register in the prerequisite course for program credit.

Regardless of their home Faculty, students are not permitted to register in more than six full-course equivalents from any group of courses constituting the field of a major program other than that to which the student has officially been admitted.

Course Load

Five courses taken concurrently represent a normal full load. Students who have completed such a course load through the previous Fall and Winter Sessions with a grade point average of at least 3.20 will be permitted to register in six courses concurrently, but it should be stressed that extra courses represent substantial burdens and may damage overall performance. Opportunities for accelerated progress also exist through credit in Spring and Summer Sessions and through credits obtained "by special assessment."

Course Work

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Senior Courses Requiring No Prerequisite



Withdrawal from Courses

Students will not be permitted to withdraw more than once from a particular course. Students will be required to withdraw if they have accumulated a total of more than five full-course equivalent withdrawals while in attendance at the 六九色堂.

Subject to the regulations specified above, students may withdraw from a course by using Infonet. In any full or half course the withdrawal must be processed prior to the deadline specified in the Academic Schedule printed in this Calendar. Withdrawal from a course will result in the letter "W" being recorded on the transcript in lieu of a grade.

Students wishing to withdraw completely from the University should refer to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Repetition of Courses

A student may repeat a course previously failed or one in which a higher grade is sought, but will normally be permitted to repeat a particular course only once. Taking or repeating a course that is a prerequisite for a higher level course after having completed the higher level course with a grade of

"C-" or better will only be allowed with the permission of both the faculty in which the student is registered and the department offering the course.

Credit "By Special Assessment"

Students are referred to the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar for University regulations on obtaining course credits "by special assessment."

Application should be made on the form headed "Permission to Take Courses by Special Assessment" and signed by the appropriate Department Head. The form should then be presented to the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) for consideration in the light of the student's background and the program regulations. Some Departments offer special assessment procedures only at particular times in the year. Students should check for deadlines with Department Offices.

A course previously failed or one in which a higher grade is sought may not be taken subsequently "by special assessment," nor may any course be attempted more than once in this way. No more than five full-course equivalents completed "by special assessment" may be counted towards a degree.

Permission to Take Course Work at Another Institution for Transfer of Credit

The Faculty of Humanities encourages its students to participate in exchange programs with another university and to seek opportunities for study abroad. Information and advice are available from departments.

A student may be given permission to take courses at another university if the proposed courses are acceptable to this Faculty and suitable for the degree program. Students with poor academic performance, such as being on probation or having a large number of withdrawals, will not be allowed such privileges.

Applications for such authorization must be made as early as possible in writing to the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) and must be accompanied by full details of the proposed courses and the total hours of instruction (machine copies of actual calendar descriptions are preferred). Students will be advised officially by letter of the acceptability of the proposed courses for transfer credit in the program and an appropriate letter will be sent to the Registrar of the other university.

It will be the responsibility of the student to ensure that an official transcript of grades is forwarded directly to the Registrar of this University in order that credit may be officially recorded.

Minor Field Option

A student may formally declare a Minor Field within the Faculty of Humanities and have this officially recorded on the transcript of record, provided that he/she successfully completes at least five and no more than six full-course equivalents in that Field including at least three at the senior level. At least half of the minimum requirement must be taken at the 六九色堂.

Students registered in the Faculty of Humanities may also complete a Minor Field in Continuing Education and in the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Education, Fine Arts, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences and the Haskayne School of Business. Students should consult the Calendar section of the other faculty within which they intend to declare a Minor for the appropriate regulations.

Student Standing

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Academic Standing

The academic standing of each student registered in the Faculty will be reviewed after each Winter Session, except for students who have not completed three full-course equivalents while registered in the Faculty of Humanities since their previous review; those students will retain their current standing. A student must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.00 in order to be considered in good academic standing in the Faculty of Humanities. Honours students should see further the requirements stated under "Honours Degree with Major Field" below.

Students Previously in Satisfactory Standing

Students previously in satisfactory standing:

(a) Will retain that standing if they have achieved a grade point average of at least 2.00 on all courses taken since their previous review;

(b) Either will be placed on probation if they have achieved a grade point average of at least 1.70 but less than 2.00 on all courses taken since their previous review or will be required to withdraw if their overall record is considered unsatisfactory (e.g., if there have been other periods of probation within the previous five years);

(c) Will be required to withdraw from the Faculty if they have achieved a grade point average of less than 1.70 on all courses taken since their previous review.

Students Already on Probation

Students already on probation:

(a) Will be reinstated in satisfactory standing if they have achieved a grade point average of at least 2.00 on all courses taken since their previous review;

(b) Will be required to withdraw from the Faculty if they have achieved a grade point average of less than 2.00 on all courses taken since their previous review.

(c) Students who are on probation when they apply for convocation will have their probation cleared if their grade point average in the courses taken since being placed on probation and required for the degree is at least 2.00.

Students placed on probation or required to withdraw from the Faculty will be so advised in writing.


Students who have been required to withdraw for unsatisfactory academic performance may be considered for readmission after 12 or more months have elapsed since the date of dismissal.

Applicants must apply by the deadlines stated in the current Calendar and meet the current admission requirements of the program to which they are seeking admission.

Applicants must attach a letter to their application which (a) offers an explanation for their previously poor record, (b) outlines their academic plans and (c) explains why they are now likely to be successful.

Readmission is not guaranteed.

Students so readmitted must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.00 on all courses taken after readmission. Failure to do so will result in permanent dismissal from the Faculty of Humanities. Students who have twice been required to withdraw from one or more Faculties at this or any other institution will not normally be considered for admission at any time.

Dean's List

The Dean's List recognizes outstanding academic achievement of students in the Faculty. It is compiled annually at the end of the Winter Session. To be included, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.60 or higher over all courses taken in the preceding Fall and Winter Sessions with a minimum of four and one-half full course equivalents completed. The student's transcript will record naming to the Dean's List.

Students completing a required Co-operative Education Work Term in either a Fall or Winter Session will be eligible for inclusion on the Dean's List, provided they have completed 2.5 full-course equivalents with a grade point average of at least 3.60 over all courses taken in the complementary Fall or Winter Session, and have passed the Work Term.

Students registered in one of the Faculty of Humanities' combined degree programs (Engineering, Fine Arts, Haskayne School of Business, Science, Social Sciences) will be eligible to be placed on the Faculty of Humanities Dean's List if they have completed at least four and one-half full-course equivalents and if their grade point average over all courses taken during the preceding Fall and Winter Sessions in question is at least 3.60.


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BA with a Major Field

Course Requirements

The Faculty requires that students complete an approved program equivalent to 20 full courses, with a grade point average of at least 2.00. Although there are no specific time limitations, a student is expected to make every effort to complete the program within 10 consecutive 12-month periods. The program must include the following components:

(a) At least 12 full-course equivalents at the senior level (i.e., numbered 300 or above).

(b) Not fewer than seven (eight for English, French, Greek and Roman Studies, History and Philosophy of Science, Religious Studies and Applied Ethics, Religious Studies and Spanish) and not more than 10 full-course equivalents in the Major Field (except for a BA Major in General Humanities), and not more than one full "D" or "D+" grade in these courses. The grade point average for courses in the Major Field must be at least 2.00. At least half the courses counting toward the Major must be taken at the 六九色堂.

(c) At least four full-course equivalents offered by faculties other than the Faculty of Humanities.

(d) At least one-half full-course equivalent in Logic (Philosophy 275, 279, or 377) or in Mathematics (any course offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science).

(e) At least two full-course equivalents in each of two of three areas - A. Scientific Thought, B. Creative and Artistic Expression, C. Social Analysis. In each area, at least one full-course equivalent must be at the 300 level or above. (See section below "Areas for BA Degrees in the Faculty of Humanities" for courses in each area.)

Note: Students may not use courses in the major field to fulfill requirement (e).

Note: A course in Mathematics taken to fulfill (d), above, may also count towards Area A.

(f) At least two full-course equivalents in language and/or culture, with at least one full-course equivalent at the 300 level or above.

Students are encouraged to meet this requirement by focusing on an integrated area of study including one or more of the following:

1. Any language other than English taught at the University (Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Native Languages, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, Tibetan). Transferable language courses taught at other recognized institutions will also be accepted.

2. Any course offered by the Departments of French, Italian and Spanish and Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies or equivalent.

3. Any course in Comparative Literature or equivalent.

4. Courses in world culture, listed below or equivalent.

Note: Courses used to satisfy requirement (e) above may also be used to satisfy requirement (f).

Courses in World Cultures


AFST (all courses)

ANTH 317, 319, 437

ARHI 319, 321

GEOG 377

HTST 309, 401, 501

POLI 371, 471

RELS 339

Ancient Mediterranean World

GRST 209, 355, 357, 455, 457 (literature in translation)

GRST 205, 209, 231, 305 (RELS 305), 315, 321, 325, 327, 335, 337, 339, 341, 345, 347, 349, 413, 415, 417, 419, 421, 423, 425, 431, 433, 445, 447, 481, 483, 491, 494, 525, 551

RELS 201, 383

Central Europe

CEST (all courses)

SLAV 355

East Asia

ANTH 323, 327, 427

ARHI 323, 325, 365

EAST (all courses)

ETAS (all courses)

HTST 209, 315, 317, 389 (POLI 389), 405, 407, 503

POLI 365, 389 (HTST 389), 465, 467, 475

RELS 203, 319, 323, 325, 327, 329, 359, 453, 455


ARHI 201, 203, 313, 315, 405, 407, 413, 415

HTST 421, 511

POLI 363, 561


HTST 413, 515

International Development, Economics and Politics

DEST (all courses)

GEOG 425, 463

POLI 485, 491, 493, 579

SOCI 487

International Literatures written in English

ENGL 392, 492, 513


ARHI 201, 203, 313, 315, 327, 329, 357, 405, 407, 413, 415

HTST 417, 419, 507

POLI 363, 561

ROST 341

Judaism and Jewish History and Culture

RELS 201, 207, 209, 301, 369, 401, 403, 469, 477

Latin America and the Caribbean

ANTH 321, 405, 421

ARKY 341, 343, 345, 347, 351, 353, 355, 357, 503, 511, 553

ECON 327, 337

GEOG 327, 371, 463

HTST 365, 367, 391 (POLI 391), 415, 467, 469, 471, 487, 499, 553 (ARKY 553), 565, 569

LAST (all courses)

POLI 359, 391 (HTST 391), 473, 579

Middle East and Arab World

POLI 369, 469, 479, 569

RELS 201, 351, 353, 355, 457

Native and Indigenous Studies

ANTH 335, 337, 355, 419

ARHI 311, 367, 369

HTST 303, 345, 529

INDG (all courses)

NTVE (all courses)

SOCI 307

Russia and the former U.S.S.R.

CEST (all courses)

GEOG 387

HTST 411, 513

POLI 375, 461

South Asia

HTST 311, 403, 501

RELS 203, 303, 313, 319, 325, 327, 451, 453

SAST 315


ARHI 201, 203, 313, 315, 405, 407, 413, 415

HTST 415

POLI 363, 561

Other courses not listed may be acceptable. Students should check with Associate Dean (Student Affairs), SS 209 (220-8155).

Other Requirements

A limit of ten is put on the number of full-course equivalents taken at other institutions to be accepted for transfer credit towards the degree.

Areas for BA Degrees in the Faculty of Humanities

Area A (Scientific Thought)

This requirement may be met through any courses from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering and those courses from the Faculty of Social Sciences listed below. Students who wish to fulfill this requirement through courses from the Faculty of Kinesiology or the Faculty of Medicine must have the permission of the Associate Dean (Student Affairs).

The following courses from the Faculty of Social Sciences may be used to meet this requirement.


307, 311, 351, 353, 404, 435, 451, 457, 505, 552, 553


201, 203, 306, 413, 415, 417, 453, 471, 493, 506, 509, 517, 533, 555, 595, 596, 599, 605, 607, 610, 611, 613, 619

Environmental Science

401, 502, 503


205, 211, 231, 305, 307, 313, 333, 339, 391, 393, 403, 405, 409, 413, 415, 417, 423, 433, 439, 445, 447, 503, 509, 511, 515, 517, 519, 533, 539, 547, 590, 599, 691,

695, 699, 795, 799


312, 363, 365, 369, 371, 375, 407, 411, 413, 425, 427, 429, 445, 451, 453, 455, 461, 463, 465, 467, 469, 471, 473, 475, 476, 479, 481, 483, 485, 487, 504, 505, 591, 598

Transportation Science--All courses

Area B (Artistic and Creative Expression)

Courses from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Film courses, and from the Creative Writing offerings in the Department of English (ENGL 364, 366, 494, 496, 510).

Area C (Social Analysis)

Courses in the Faculty of Social Sciences not included in Area A above, and courses offered by the Faculty of Communication and Culture in the following areas: Canadian Studies; Law and Society; Science, Technology and Society; Women's Studies.


The notation "With Distinction" will be entered in the permanent record and on the graduation parchment of a student who completes a Major program with a grade point average of at least 3.60 over the last 15 full-course equivalents taken for the degree. In cases in which the "last 15" must include some but not all of a group of courses taken concurrently, the selection will be made in the manner most advantageous to the student. A student who has taken part of his/her course work at another university or who has transferred into the Faculty at a relatively late stage may be granted a degree "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Faculty.

BA With a Double Major

Double Major programs are subject to the same Faculty graduation requirements as programs with a Major Field. Students must complete all graduation requirements set by each Faculty and Department. Therefore, candidates must successfully complete at least seven full-course equivalents in each Major Field. Note that not all double majors can be completed within the 20 full-course equivalent requirement for a BA degree. Students interested in obtaining a degree with a Double Major must obtain approval from the Associate Dean (Student Affairs). Where the second Major Field is outside the Faculty of Humanities, permission must be obtained from both Faculties.

Honours Degree with a Major Field

A principal aim of an Honours program is to prepare the student in the field of major interest for entry to higher degree programs. High standards of performance are required. Late transfer into an Honours program is possible, but, depending on the course work already taken, it may be difficult for the student to satisfy all Departmental requirements within the minimum total program of 20 full-course equivalents.

Honours programs are more strictly specified than ordinary Major programs. Precise specifications for Honours programs should be ascertained from "Details of Courses" below and from the relevant Departments.


In addition to the general admission requirements of the Faculty, students wishing to be considered for admission into an Honours program must have completed at least five full-course equivalents and must have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 over all courses completed.

Departments may set additional requirements.

Applications are referred to Departments for their recommendation before being considered by the Faculty. Students applying for admission to the Honours program should make requests for changes of program through the Infonet.

Applications will only be considered at the time of Fall Session registration and must be made by the June 1 deadline.

In order to avoid complications or interruptions in their programs, students should be aware that:

(a) All Honours candidates must meet with the appropriate undergraduate student advisor for approval of their course registration.

(b) The Honours candidate must achieve a grade point average of at least 3.15 in the courses taken in the Major Field in each succeeding pair of sessions.

Course Requirements

The provisions listed in "Course Requirements" for "BA with a Major Field" apply equally to Honours candidates, except that the candidate's Department will require no fewer than nine and no more than 12 full-course equivalents from the Major Field.

Other Requirements

Degrees with Honours are awarded in two classes:

(a) Honours will be awarded if the Honours candidate achieves a grade point average of at least 3.30 in the courses taken in the Major Field, and if the candidate meets any additional Departmental requirements as stated in the Calendar.

(b) First Class Honours will be awarded if the Honours candidate achieves a grade point average of at least 3.70 in the courses taken in the Major Field, and if the candidate meets any additional Departmental requirements as stated in the Calendar.

Note: Once accepted into an Honours program, students who fail to attain the necessary grade point average or fail to fulfill requirements specific to the Honours degree may be recommended for graduation and granted the BA degree with a Major Field provided they have completed all other degree requirements.

Honours Degree with a Double Major

Students interested in obtaining an Honours degree with a Double Major must obtain the approval of the Associate Dean (Student Affairs).

BA and BA Honours Co-operative Education


Students in any degree program in the Faculty may apply to enter the Co-operative Education program in Humanities. This is a five-year degree program which includes 16 months of supervised work experience in various private and governmental agencies. Students who wish to enter this program are urged to discuss their pre-admission course selection with their department and with the Faculty of Humanities Co-op advisor as early in their program as possible.


Students should apply to Career Services by one of three application deadlines: May 1 (for a work term starting in September), September 1 (for a work term starting in January), or December 1 (for a work term starting in May). A GPA of 3.00 for majors and 3.30 for honours students is required for admission.

Students must have successfully completed at least eight full-course equivalents appropriate to their degree program before commencing the first co-operative education placement. Departments may require that specific courses have been completed in the major before applying.


Students must complete the following four courses in addition to the regular requirements for the BA or BA Honours:

Co-operative Education 531.01, 531.02, 531.03, 531.04.

Written work will be graded in the appropriate department under the supervision of the Associate Dean (Student Affairs).


In addition to the Faculty and Departmental regulations governing Honours and Majors programs and the regulations governing Co-operative Education programs, the following regulations apply. In the Co-operative Education program students must take study and work sessions consecutively and be registered full time. The Co-operative Education courses are in addition to normal requirements for the degree. Students must complete the same required courses and number of courses as required for a student completing the traditional BA or BA Honours degree program. Upon completion of each work term, the student must present a work term report to the Faculty Co-operative Education advisor.

Combined Degree Program Within the Faculty of Humanities

The program, offered by the Faculty of Humanities, leads to the awarding of two BA degrees, and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents.


Students may apply to the combined degree program by declaring two Major Fields (including Honours) with the Faculty of Humanities as described in this Calendar.

Course Requirements

Successful completion of all the courses required for graduation for a "BA with a Major Field" or "Honours Degree with a Major Field" in each of the selected Majors, as listed in this Calendar, is required. Faculty and Departmental requirements for entrance and graduation in both programs with a Major Field must be met.

The program requires careful selection of courses to complete all requirements of the Faculty. Interested students are urged to contact the Student Affairs office of the Faculty of Humanities for advice in choosing their first-year courses.

Other Requirements

It will be possible for students to opt out of the combined degree program until the end of their third year and complete a single degree program in four years. Students should note, however, that if courses have been unevenly distributed between the two Majors, more than four years may be required to complete the degree.

Second Baccalaureate Degree With a Major Field


Students who have an approved degree (BSc, BEd, etc.) may proceed to a second baccalaureate degree by completing the requirements for that degree under the following conditions:

(a) Up to 12 full-course equivalents completed in the first degree program and approved for credit in the Faculty may be counted towards the second degree.

(b) Of the additional courses required, at least five must be taken on this campus with a minimum of four senior full-course equivalents in the Faculty of Humanities.

(c) The additional courses taken at the University of Calgary must include at least half of the minimum requirements of the new Major Field.

On request, or on receipt of a formal application for admission to a second degree program, the Faculty will provide a detailed assessment of previous courses which can be applied to the degree and establish the remaining requirements in each individual case.

Other Requirements

The After Degree may be awarded "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Faculty if a GPA of at least 3.60 is achieved over all the additional courses required together with applicable courses (maximum seven) from the first degree.

Second Baccalaureate Degree With Honours in a Major Field

Students who have received one or more approved undergraduate degrees may apply for admission to a second baccalaureate degree program with Honours.

Other Requirements

Applicants for such a program are subject to the following requirements in addition to those specified above for "Second Baccalaureate Degrees With a Major Field":

(a) The regulations governing program content and the standards of performance for the corresponding degree with Honours must be satisfied.

(b) The consent of the Department must be obtained.

(c) The degree may be awarded as First Class Honours if a GPA of at least 3.70 in all courses taken in the Major Field (whether taken for the first or the second degree) is combined with a corresponding GPA of 3.70 in all courses taken for the second baccalaureate and if the candidate meets all requirements of the Department.