Other Academic Staff

    Information Resources

    • Director: Pannekoek, F. BA(Hons) (Alberta), MA PhD (Queen's) Associate Professor
    • Atkinson, L.A. BA (Lethbridge), MA (Western Ontario), MArAd (Liverpool) Associate Archivist
    • Baker, C.M. BSc (Mt St Vincent), MLS (Western Ontario) Librarian
    • Beatty, S.D. BA(Hons) (All India Inst), BLS (Toronto), MCed (Calgary) Librarian
    • Bede, G. BA (Simon Fraser), MLIS (Western Ontario) Associate Librarian
    • Bellew Martin, K.J.J. BA (Memorial (NL)), MLS (McGill) Associate Librarian
    • Buckley, K.L. BA (Toronto), MA (Calgary), Diploma Assistant Archivist
    • Clarke, H.E.M. BA(Hons) (Saskatchewan), MLS (Alberta) Librarian
    • Cloutier, C.C. BSc (Victoria), MLIS (Alberta) Associate Librarian
    • Cole, J.H. BSc(Hons) (Bristol), MSc (Sheffield), PhD (McGill) Librarian
    • D'Amour, H.Y. BA (Calgary), MLIS (Western Ontario) Associate Librarian
    • Hayden, K.A. BSc MLIS MSc PhD (Alberta) Associate Librarian
    • Hayward, E.C. BA (Mount Allison), MLS (Dalhousie) Librarian
    • Hemmings, M. BA (Concordia), LLB MA (Calgary), MLS (McGill) Librarian
    • Hinks, Y.R. BA (Manitoba), BLS (Alberta) Librarian
    • Hunter, M.E. BA (St Patrick College), BEd (Queen's), MLS (Western Ontario) Associate Librarian
    • Lee, J. BSc (McGill), MISt (Toronto) Assistant Librarian
    • Lipton, S.R. BA (Calgary), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • Matheson, A.A. BA BLS (Alberta), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • McConnell, M.E. BA MBA (York), MLS (Toronto), Certificate Librarian
    • McKee, S.A. BES (Waterloo), LLB (Victoria), MLIS (Western Ontario) Associate Librarian
    • Nasserden, M.D. BFA (Calgary), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • Neary, S.E. BA (Victoria), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • Nechka, A.M.A. BEd Cert (Calgary), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • Pahulje, D.J. BA (Lethbridge), MLS (British Columbia) Librarian
    • Pival, P.R. BA, MLS (St Univ of NY) Associate Librarian
    • Reilly, T.A. BA(Hons) (Trent), MA (York) Archivist
    • Robertson, H.L.L. BA (Calgary), MLIS (Alberta) Associate Librarian
    • Robins, N.D.S. BA (Montreal), BLS (McGill), MA (Concordia), MLS (McGill) Librarian
    • Roseneder, J.M. BA BLS (Alberta), CertEd Librarian
    • Rutherford, S. BA (Victoria), MLIS (Dalhousie) Associate Librarian
    • Sanders, D.R. BA (Wisconsin), MLS (Toronto) Librarian
    • Schretlen, L.A. BA (Calgary), MLS (Syracuse) Associate Librarian
    • Steele, A.L. BA(Hons) (Windsor), BLS (Toronto) Librarian
    • Stieda, V. BFA MLS (British Columbia) Associate Librarian
    • Tiessen, R.J. BA (Goshen Coll (Ind)), MLIS (Western Ontario) Associate Librarian
    • Toews, L.C. BA (Lethbridge), MLS (Alberta) Associate Librarian
    • Waller, A.B. BSc (Calgary), MLS (British Columbia) Associate Librarian
    • Warren, D.C. BA(Hons) (Mount Allison), MLS (Dalhousie) Librarian
    • Watson, E.J. BA(Hons) (Queen's), MLS (British Columbia) Associate Librarian
    • Westell, M.E. BA (McMaster), MA MLS (Western Ontario) Librarian
    • Wheeler, J.L. BA (Calgary), MLIS (Alberta) Associate Librarian
    • White, M.E. BA (Michigan), MA (McGill), MLS (Toronto) Librarian
    • Woelk, B.F. BA(Hons) (Calgary), MAS (British Columbia), Certificate (Grant MacEwan Coll), Diploma Associate Archivist

    The Nickle Arts Museum

    • Director: Davis, A. BA(Hons) (Bishop's), MA (Toronto), PhD (York)
    • Chimirri-Russell, G.E. BA(Hons) (Calgary), BA(Hons) (Sheffield), MA (Calgary) Associate Curator
    • Devine, H. BEd MEd PhD (Alberta) Associate Curator
    • Hardy, M.A. BA (British Columbia), BFA, MA (Alberta), Diploma, PhD (British Columbia) Assistant Curator
    • Sowiak, C.F. BA BFA (Regina), MFA (Calgary) Associate Curator

    Counselling Centre

    • Director: Crozier, S.D.R. BEd MSc PhD (Calgary) Sr Counsellor
    • Cairns, S.L. BA(Hons) (Winnipeg), MA PhD (Manitoba) Counsellor
    • Chew, J.H.F. BA (Queen's), MSW (Wilfrid Laurier), PhD (Alberta) Sr Counsellor
    • Ciccocioppo, A.L. BA(Hons) (Manitoba), MEd (Alberta) Counsellor
    • Handy, L.C. BS MS (Iowa State), PhD (Oregon) Sr Counsellor
    • Lalande, V.M. BA(Hons) (Alberta), MSc PhD (Calgary) Sr Counsellor
    • Laverty, S.M. BA (Moravian College), MEd (Lehigh), PhD Counsellor
    • Miles, J.J. BS (Nebraska), MS (California), PhD (Calgary) Sr Counsellor
    • Voyna Wilson, S.M. BA (Western Ontario), MA (McGill) Sexual Harassment Advisor

    The Native Centre

    • Director: Cunningham, S.M. BA (Lethbridge), MA (Alberta)
    • Dobson, M.A.E. BA (McMaster), BEd (Queen's), BPHE (McMaster), MA (Calgary) Instructor

    Centre for Military and Strategic Studies

    • Zelinski, V.A. BA (Saskatchewan), Cert, MEd (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor

    Learning Commons

    • Director: Garrison, D.R. BEd MEd (Calgary), EdD (British Columbia) Professor
    • Graham, J.R. BA (Toronto), MA (Queen's), MSW PhD (Toronto) Professor
    • Keren, S. BA (Hebrew), MA (Minnesota), Certificatwe (Hebrew), PhD (Minnesota) Adjunct Professor
    • Pedersen, R.P. BA(Ed) (Alberta) Instructor
    • Weible, J. BA (Manitoba), MA (Lyon) Instructor
    • Zelinski, V.A. BA (Saskatchewan), Cert, MEd (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor