English Language Foundation Program

The English Language Foundation (ELF) program is a comprehensive intensive program designed to prepare academically qualified students whose native language is not English for entry to the University's degree or diploma programs. The ELF program is for prospective international, Permanent Resident or Canadian students whose level of English language proficiency is at a high-intermediate to low-advanced level. This program is not designed for beginners. ELF students have the option of enrolling as ELF Only students to study English only or academically qualified students can apply for admission to the combined ELF + Degree program.

At the beginning of each session all ELF students are given a placement examination and the results determine whether the student will be placed in Level 1, 2 or 3, or at an introductory level, Pre-ELF. Each level of ELF consists of four half-course equivalents. Courses in each level are corequisites, i.e. they must be taken as a group. Students who wish to satisfy the proficiency requirement must complete all four half-course equivalents in Level 3. In addition to the courses, ELF students will participate in a series of organized activities designed to enhance conversational, learning and study skills. These programs will assist students to succeed while studying in a new educational system and environment. ELF students who are admitted into Level 3 are permitted to take one University credit course per session while enrolled in the program with the approval of the ELF Coordinator. ELF courses may not be used for credit toward a degree or diploma program.

One session (four months) is required to complete each Level. ELF courses are offered during Fall, Winter, and combined Spring/Summer Sessions and students can begin their ELF classes at the beginning of any session. The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà will accept applications for admission to the ELF program throughout the year for the next scheduled session. Fees are the same as regular Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses. All international students (those on Study Permits) pay the regular differential fees. Regardless of the category under which a student registers, no waiver of fees will be made. Students cannot audit ELF courses. Class sizes are limited to 22 students per section.

Continuation Requirement

(a) Pre-ELF, Level 1 Courses and Level 2 Courses: Students who achieve a grade of "C" or better in all ELF courses at these levels will be permitted to advance to the next level. Students who achieve a grade of "C-" in one or more courses may be deemed to have insufficient preparation for subsequent ELF courses and may be required to repeat and successfully complete all courses in that level before advancing. Students who obtain a grade of "D+," "D," or "F" in one or more courses must repeat and satisfactorily complete all courses in Pre-ELF and Level 1 and the unsatisfactory courses in Level 2 before advancing to the next level.

(b) Level 3 Courses: Students who wish to satisfy the proficiency requirement must complete all four half-course equivalents in Level 3 with a grade of "C" or better. Students who achieve a grade of "C-" in one or more courses may be deemed to have insufficient proficiency in that subject area and may be required to repeat and successfully complete the courses. Students who obtain a grade of "D+," "D," or "F" in one or more courses must repeat and satisfactorily complete those courses before advancing into full-time degree studies.

Students repeating courses will not have the original grade removed from the transcript of record. The transcript of record will indicate both the original grade and the repeated courses with the final grades in the session(s) in which they were taken. Appeals of grades in ELF courses will be heard by a special committee.

ELF + Degree

ELF students enrolled in University undergraduate degree/diploma programs: A student may be admitted as a Regular Student to an undergraduate degree or diploma program in the faculties of Communication and Culture, Engineering, Fine Arts, Humanities, Kinesiology, Science, Social Sciences and Social Work with the requirement that he/she successfully completes the ELF program. Students have 12 months to complete all three levels of ELF or their registration will be cancelled. Admission into regular university courses requires the successful completion of ELF Level 3. Applicants admitted to the ELF program with an English 30 or equivalent deficiency must either complete ELF Level 3 in lieu of English 30 or complete an English 30 equivalent elsewhere prior to being admitted to a degree/diploma program. An acceptable TOEFL score will not be accepted in lieu of English 30. Students enrolled in Level 3 may pre-register for credit courses offered in the next session(s). If a student does not complete Level 3 successfully within 12 months, his/her registration will be cancelled. Students who will not be completing Level 3 may retain their offer of admission to the degree program if a TOEFL score of 220 or higher is presented by June 30. In exceptional circumstances, the Dean of the student's home faculty may extend the time required to complete the ELF program beyond the 12 months.

All ELF + Degree students must meet the University's Effective Writing Requirement within twelve months from the beginning of the session of the student's initial registration in a credit course.

Applications for Admission to the ELF + Degree will be accepted for the Fall Session only.

ELF + Degree students are advised that grades for ELF courses are not used in the calculation of yearly grade point averages for the purposes of the official transcript of record nor cumulative and continuous grade point averages determined by the faculties. These students are also advised that faculty requirements for continuation in a degree/diploma program are significantly different than that for the ELF program. Students must refer to the appropriate sections of this Calendar for specific promotion and graduation requirements.

ELF Only

ELF students not enrolled in University undergraduate degree/diploma programs: ELF students may register (as Unclassified students) for the English program only. If students are also interested in seeking admission to a degree/diploma program at the University, they must complete an Application for Admission form, meet the admission requirements of the University and receive a notice of acceptance before registering in credit courses. Students registered in ELF Level 2 or 3 are, however, permitted to register in one credit course per session upon approval of the ELF Coordinator. Successful completion of the ELF program does not guarantee admission to a degree or diploma program.

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà will accept Applications for Admission to ELF Only in all three sessions.

Withdrawal from ELF Courses

The last day to withdraw from ELF courses will be the last day of lectures for ELF courses.

Further Information

The English Language Foundation program courses are listed in the courses of instruction section of this Calendar.

For information on admission to the ELF Only program or the combined ELF + Degree program, please contact the English Language Foundation program office.

Location: Education Tower 1422
Telephone: (403) 220-3485
Fax: (403) 220-8554

E-mail: elfprog@ucalgary.ca


Admission Requirements

The normal requirement for admission to the ELF program is English as a Second Language training with results at a high-intermediate to low-advanced level. Upon arrival at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, all students will be tested and placed in the appropriate level of training. Students must be present at the placement test in the session they are first attending. If unable to attend, students must notify the ELF Coordinator at elfprog@ucalgary.ca by the placement test date. Failure to notify the Coordinator could result in cancellation of their acceptance into the program. Additionally, students applying to the ELF + Degree must meet the admission requirements of the faculty to which they are applying. Students requiring letters of acceptance for immigration purposes are strongly encouraged to apply early due to varying processing times required by Canadian Immigration.

ELF + Degree Application Deadlines

Students must submit their Application for Admission form and all required documents to the Admissions Office by the following dates:

International Students applying from outside Canada

Fall Session- December 1

International Students applying from within Canada

Fall Session - March 1

Canadian and Landed Immigrants

Fall Session - March 1

ELF Only Application Deadlines

Applicants must submit all required forms and documents to the English Language Foundation Coordinator no later than two weeks prior to the deadline stated below. The Coordinator will then submit the forms and documents to the Office of the Registrar by the appropriate deadline.

International Students applying from outside Canada

Fall Session - April 1

Winter Session - September 1

Spring/Summer Sessions - January 15

International Students applying from within Canada

Fall Session - July 1

Winter Session - November 1

Spring/Summer Sessions - March 1

Canadian and Landed Immigrants

Fall Session - August 1

Winter Session - November 15

Spring/Summer Sessions - April 15