Tape Recording of Lectures

Tape recording shall be permitted for individual private study only at the discretion of the instructor. For any other use, whether by duplication, transcription, publication, sale or transfer of recordings, written approval must be obtained from the instructor for the specific use proposed. Any other use of recordings constitutes academic misconduct and may result in suspension or expulsion.

With the permission of the instructor, students may tape record lectures, provided that the student and instructor sign a Release form available from departmental and faculty offices. A copy of the Release form shall be retained by the instructor and by the department in which the course is offered.

Students are cautioned that lectures, demonstrations, performances, and any other course material produced by an instructor are the intellectual property of the instructor. The Copyright Act and the law regarding confidences protect every original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work, including lectures by University instructors. Any recording by students is permitted only for the purposes of private study by the individual student.

Students are encouraged to make notes of classroom discussions, lectures, demonstrations, and performances in order to advance their own learning and to develop a record for purposes of private study. The ordinary process of taking notes is encouraged since this practice requires that students develop the ability to actively attend to the material under consideration and to quickly summarize pertinent information in a coherent manner. Electronic or mechanical recording of lectures discourages the development of these important skills. In addition, the presence of recording devices may inhibit frank and open discussion of course material in the classroom, or otherwise interfere with the proper academic conduct of the class.

Instructors shall grant permission for electronic or mechanical recording of lectures to any disabled student who requires such assistance by virtue of a disability. In case of a dispute, the student's request for permission to tape record shall be directed to the head of the department in which the course is offered. The department head shall consult with the student, the instructor, and the Coordinator for Students with Disabilities before making a decision. The department head shall determine if there is a need to permit recording by virtue of the student's disability, and shall determine that the recording medium proposed by the student is appropriate to the needs of the student and in the context of the format of the course. The department head may impose such reasonable limitations on the recording privilege as may be warranted. The department head shall communicate his/her decision in writing, and, if tape recording is authorized, the student and the department head shall sign the appropriate Release form. A copy of the department head's letter and the Release form shall be retained by the department, and copies of these documents shall be given to the student, the instructor and the Coordinator for Students with Disabilities.

In case of a dispute with respect to the decision of the department head, the matter shall be referred to the dean of the faculty in which the course is offered, and is appealable to the Faculty Appeals Committee, in accordance with the appeals procedures authorized by the General Faculties Council and outlined in this Calendar.

This policy applies to all forms of electronic or mechanical recording of lectures, laboratories, tutorials, presentations, performances, electronic (computer) information, the duplication of course material, and to the translation of recordings or transcriptions of any of these materials to another form by electronic or mechanical means.