Special Deferred Final Examinations

Special deferred final examinations may be granted by a dean to students who are prevented by health reasons (certified on a Physician/Counsellor Statement form), domestic affliction or other extreme circumstances from writing a deferred final examination. Applications for special deferred final examinations must be received no later than the prescribed application deadline indicated in the Examinations Schedule. Students who failed to apply for a deferred final examination or did not apply for a special deferred examination initially will forfeit the right to a special deferred final examination.

Dates on which special deferred final examinations are held are also noted in the Examination Schedule. Special deferred final examinations are scheduled by the Registrar and a timetable will be posted outside the Office of the Registrar and on the web () a few days prior to the examinations. Students writing a special deferred final examination must consult this timetable to determine the exact date and time of their special deferred final.

A special deferred final examination question paper will differ in content (to the extent possible) from previously given final examinations in the course and may not necessarily be of the same format.

Students who receive approval to write a special deferred final examination and who fail to write this examination, for whatever reason, will have lost the privilege of writing the special deferred final examination at a later date.

Students in their graduating year who write Fall Session special deferred final examinations will not graduate until the Fall Convocation.