Central and East European Studies CEST

Instruction offered under the direction of the Faculty of Communication and Culture. For information visit the Faculty of Communication and Culture website, www.comcul.ucalgary.ca, or contact the Academic Programs Office, 220-6343.

Additional interdisciplinary courses are offered under the course headings African Studies; Canadian Studies; Communications Studies; Development Studies; East Asian Studies; General Studies; Latin American Studies; Law and Society; Leisure, Tourism and Society; Museum and Heritage Studies; Northern Planning and Development Studies; Science, Technology and Society; South Asian Studies; and Women's Studies.

Senior Courses

Central and East European Studies 307 H(3-0)

Contemporary Issues

An interdisciplinary examination of the experience of Communism and post-Communism in the former USSR and Central and Eastern European countries. Topics include: the nature of Communist societies after 1945, the collapse of Communism, and contemporary political, social, economic, and cultural developments.

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Central and East European Studies 313 H(3-0)

An Introduction to Cultural Traditions

A survey of Russian and Eastern European cultural history from the settlement of the Slavic peoples to the early twentieth century. Included will be such topics as the ethnic, linguistic, and cultural composition of the region; art and architecture of medieval Russia; the Enlightenment; national revival movements; literature, music and painting; modernism; the cultural efflorescence of the early Soviet period.

Note: Not open to students with credit in History 335 or 493.19.

Note: This course is normally taught as part of the Term Abroad Program.

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