Drama DRAM

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Drama in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Department Head - J. Dugan

Junior Courses

Drama 200 F(3S-2)

Introduction to Acting

Practical experience in acting; improvisation and introductory work from texts; the development of communication skills and personal acting creativity.

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Drama 222 F(1-3)

Introduction to Theatre Production

An introduction to design, technical and organizational principles of theatre production.

Note: Participation on the production crews of Department productions is required.

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Drama 240 F(3-1T)

Introduction to Drama

Interpretation and study of dramatic genres related to the Department's season of plays; introduction to play analysis.

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Senior Courses

The following listing is provided to assist students in their selection of related groups of Drama courses.

Acting and Directing:






Design and Technical:




















Dramatic Literature, Criticism, History, Theory:







Theatre for Young Audiences and Developmental/Performance Drama:







Senior Option Courses:






Production Courses:








Graduate Courses:













Drama 300 F(2S-4)

Advanced Acting I

Further development of fundamental acting techniques; participation in the Department's season of plays may be required.

Prerequisites: Drama 200 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 313 H(2S-2)

Introduction to Design for Theatre I

Basic set, props, lighting and costume design theory, process and technique for a variety of theatre forms and performance styles.

Prerequisites: Drama 319 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 315 H(2S-2)

Introduction to Design for Theatre II

Continuation of Drama 313.

Prerequisites: Drama 313 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 317 H(2S-2)

Introduction to Stage Sound

Basic principles of sound for the theatre: recording, reinforcement and reproduction techniques and methods used in creating a production design.

Prerequisites: Drama 222 or consent of the Department.

Note: This course meets for two hours per week during the Fall and Winter Sessions.

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Drama 319 H(2S-2)

Graphics and Model Building for Theatre

An introduction to graphic and model building techniques for the theatre designer.

Prerequisites: Drama 222 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 321 H(2S-2)

Stage Management

Principles of stage management; a stage management project related to one of the presentations in the Department's season of plays.

Prerequisites: Drama 222 or consent of the Department.

Note: This course meets for two hours per week during both the Fall and Winter Sessions.

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Drama 325 H(4-0)

History of Civil Dress and Decor I

An overview of the history of civil dress and the allied arts of architecture and decor from prehistory to the Renaissance.

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Drama 329 H(4-0)

History of Civil Dress and Décor II

An overview of the history of civil dress and the allied arts of architecture and decor from the Renaissance to contemporary times.

Prerequisites: Drama 325 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 340 F(4S-0)

Seminar in Drama I

Critical examination of each play performed in the Department's season of plays centred upon their genres and historical settings; staging requirements for contemporary productions and other works by the same authors and their contemporaries may also be studied.

Prerequisites: Drama 240 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 342 F(3-0)

History of the Theatre: Origins to the Late Eighteenth Century

Theatre as an art and social phenomenon in selected cultures, emphasizing the development of Western traditions.

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Drama 344 F(3-0)

History of the Theatre: The Late Eighteenth Century to the Present

Popular and elite traditions of theatre in Western Europe and North America.

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Drama 356 F(3S-0)

Canadian Theatre and Drama

History, literature, and cultural milieu of Canadian theatre from its colonial origins to the present day.

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Drama 360 F(2S-2)

Performance Creation I

Explorations in personal/group creative process; facilitation of performance forms that may include sound and movement exploration, storytelling, ritual, mask, puppetry, and the collaborative creation of original performance. Theory and history of performance creation is integrated with practical experience.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 366.

Note: Required for combined BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program).

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Drama 362 F(2S-2)

Theatre for Young Audiences I

Exploration of performance techniques specific to Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) content, forms and venues. Study of the history and production of TYA, as well as the creation of original performances. There is a performance component that includes tours in the community.

Prerequisites: Drama 200 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 364 F(2S-2)

Performance Media

Methods of adapting alternative spaces for performance, with emphasis on non-traditional modes of production, exploration and investigation of existing hardware and software to facilitate image and sound manipulation in the creation of performance environments.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

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Drama 371 H(2S-2)

Introduction to Playwriting

Directed exercises in writing for the theatre; workshop sessions for developing and reworking material.

Prerequisites: Drama 200, 222, and 240 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 375 H(1.5-1.5)

Fundamentals of Puppetry

History and development of puppetry; basic design, construction and manipulation of hand, rod and shadow puppets.

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Drama 391 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum I

Practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 200, 222, and 240 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 390.

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Drama 393 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum II

Further practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 391.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 390.

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Drama 400 F(3S-6)

Advanced Acting II

Further study in the techniques of acting; performance in the Department's season of plays may be required.

Prerequisites: Drama 300 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 410 F(2-2)

Fundamentals of Directing

Theories and practical techniques of directing plays; students may be required to observe or assist faculty directors. Studies will be coordinated with the Department's season of plays whenever possible.

Prerequisites: Drama 200, 222, and 340 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 415 H(2-2)

Advanced Lighting Design and Technique I

Advanced studies in lighting design for the theatre. Studies in design and presentation for lighting various forms of contemporary theatre events and spaces.

Prerequisites: Drama 315 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 426.

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Drama 417 H(2-2)

Advanced Lighting Design and Technique II

Continuation of Drama 415. Advanced studies in lighting design for the theatre.

Prerequisites: Drama 415 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 426

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Drama 419 H(2-2)

Advanced Scene Design and Technique I

Set design and scenography for a variety of contemporary theatre forms and genres.

Prerequisites: Drama 315 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 422.

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Drama 423 H(2-2)

Advanced Scene Design and Technique II

Continuation of Drama 419 with a heightened emphasis on the interpretation of text to design.

Prerequisites: Drama 419 or consent of the Department.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 422.

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Drama 425 H(2S-2)

Advanced Costume Design and Technique I

Costume design and technique in relation to major styles of presentation.

Prerequisites: Drama 315, 319 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 429 H(2S-2)

Advanced Costume Design and Technique II

Continuation of Drama 425, costume design and technique in relation to major styles of presentation.

Prerequisites: Drama 425.

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Drama 440 F(4S-0)

Seminar in Drama II

Critical study of plays in the Department's season of plays suited to students in their third and fourth years; critical analysis and historical interpretation is integrated with a careful consideration of requirements for staging; plays generically or historically related may also be studied.

Prerequisites: Drama 340 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 460 F(2S-2)

Performance Creation II

Advanced exploration of personal/group creative process; facilitation of a variety of improvisation and interactive theatre forms; solo/group performance creation. Theories and history of performance creation are integrated with practical experience.

Prerequisites: Drama 360 or consent of the Department.

Note: Required for combined BFA (Drama Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program).

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Drama 462 F(2S-2)

Theatre for Young Audiences II

Problems of performance for young people through a study of comparative styles, research and practical projects; the rehearsal and production of scripted plays.

Prerequisites: Drama 362 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 471 H(2S-2)


Intermediate studies in writing for the theatre leading to the development of a one-act or full-length piece; workshop sessions for developing and rehearsing material.

Prerequisites: Drama 371 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 491 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum III

Further practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 393.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 490.

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Drama 493 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum IV

Further practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 491.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Drama 490.

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Drama 500 F(3S-6)

Advanced Acting III

Interpretation of roles and special problems in performance; performance in the Department's season of plays may be required.

Prerequisites: Drama 400 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 510 F(2S-3)

Advanced Directing

Problems in play directing; the directing of scenes and a short play; the preparation of a promptbook; history of directing; participation as an assistant to the director in the Department's season of plays may be required.

Prerequisites: Drama 410 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 517 H2S-2)

Advanced Design for Theatre I

Advanced set, props, lighting, and costume design theory, process and technique for a variety of theatre forms and performance styles.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

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Drama 519 H(2S-2)

Advanced Design for Theatre II

Continuation of Drama 517.

Prerequisites: Drama 517 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 531 H(2S-2)

Scene Painting I

Theory and technique of scene painting for a variety of theatre genres.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

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Drama 533 H(2S-2)

Scene Painting II

Continuation of theory and technique of scene painting for a variety of theatre genres.

Prerequisites: Drama 531 and consent of the Department.

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Drama 540 F(4S-0)

Seminar in Drama III

Critical study at an advanced level of the dramatic metaphor as presented in the Department's season of plays; intensive focus on the historical period and theatrical genre of one or two of the season's plays especially.

Prerequisites: Drama 440 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 560 F(2S-2)

Performance Creation III

Independent research, creation and facilitation of original solo or group performances.

Prerequisites: Drama 460 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 564 F(2S-2)

Drama Education

Research into the nature and function of drama education across a variety of age levels and learning environments. Practical experience in structuring learning activities, developing classroom controls and facilitating creative process and performance may be included.

Prerequisites: Drama 460 or consent of the Department.

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Drama 571 H(2S-0)

Directed Studies I

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Drama 572 F(2S-0)

Directed Studies II

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Drama 590 F(1S-10)

Professional Theatre Internship

Internship experience in acting; directing; design; dramaturgy; theatre, stage or production management with a local professional theatre organization.

Prerequisites: Fourth-year standing and consent of the Department.

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Drama 591 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum V

Further practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 493.

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Drama 593 H(0-6)

Performance Practicum VI

Further practical experience in theatrical production.

Prerequisites: Drama 591.

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Graduate Courses

Drama 605 H(2-0)

Methods in Theatre Research

Methods in research in the four areas of specialization in the MFA Theatre program.

Note: Required of all students enrolled in the MFA Theatre program.

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Drama 607 H(2S-2)

Director, Designer, and Mise-en-scene

Advanced collaborative methods and techniques for directors, designers and dramaturges, leading to the creation of a mise-en-scene for selected plays of varying styles and genres.

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Drama 610 F(2S-3)

Selected Problems in Directing

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Drama 623 H(2S-2)

Seminar in Scene Design


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Drama 625 H(2S-2)

Seminar in Costume Design


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Drama 627 H(2S-2)

Seminar in Lighting Design


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Drama 629 H(2S-2)

Seminar in Technical Direction


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Drama 648 F(3-0)

Studies in Modern Drama

Studies in the literature, history, theory, and criticism of drama, theatre, and performance from the late nineteenth century to the present.

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Drama 651 H(2S-0)

Directed Studies


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Drama 660 F(2S-3)

Seminar and Practicum in Performance Creation

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Drama 671 H(3S-0)

Selected Problems in Playwriting I


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Drama 673 H(3S-0)

Selected Problems in Playwriting II


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