Music Education MUED

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Music in the Faculty of Fine Arts.

Department Head - J. Brown

Senior Courses

Music Education 315 H(3-2)

Music Techniques in the Elementary School I

An introduction to the philosophy and teaching of elementary school music with particular emphasis on the primary grades.

Prerequisites: Music Theory and Composition 203 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 317 H(3-2)

Music Techniques in the Elementary School II

Continuation of Music Education 315.

Prerequisites: Music Education 315 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 331 H(2-1)

Conducting I

Basic conducting techniques with the use of the baton; simple and condensed scores for selected choral and instrumental works.

Prerequisites: Music Theory and Composition 203 and 221.

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Music Education 333 H(2-1)

Conducting II

Continuation of Music Education 331; the full score and more difficult choral and instrumental works.

Prerequisites: Music Education 331 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 391 H(2-2)

Brass Techniques

Performing and teaching techniques for brass instruments.

Prerequisites: Music Theory and Composition 203 and admission to the Secondary School Music Route or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 393 H(2-2)

Woodwind Techniques

Performing and teaching techniques for woodwind instruments.

Prerequisites: Music Theory and Composition 203 and admission to the Secondary School Music Route or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 397 H(2-2)

Percussion Techniques

Performing and teaching techniques of percussion instruments: snare drum, tympani and mallet instruments. Not open to percussion majors.

Prerequisites: Music Theory and Composition 203 and admission to the Secondary School Music Route or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 405 H(3-1)

Choral Music in the School I

Prerequisites: Admission to the Secondary or Elementary Route in the BMus program or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 407 H(3-1)

Choral Music in the School II

Prerequisites: Music Education 405 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 409 H(3-2)

Instrumental Music in the Secondary School I

Prerequisites: Music Education 333 and two of Music Education 391, 393 or 397.

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Music Education 411 H(3-2)

Instrumental Music in the Secondary School II

Prerequisites: Music Education 409 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 501 H(2-2)

Practicum in Secondary Music Education I

Supervised practical application of techniques of planning and teaching music.

Prerequisites: Music Education 407 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 503 H(2-2)

Practicum in Secondary Music Education II

Continuation of Music Education 501.

Prerequisites: Music Education 501 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 511 H(2-2)

Practicum in Elementary Music Education I

Supervised practical application of techniques of planning and teaching music.

Prerequisites: Music Education 317 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 513 H(2-2)

Practicum in Elementary Music Education II

Continuation of Music Education 511.

Prerequisites: Music Education 511 or consent of the Department.

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Music Education 555 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Individual study in a selected music education area.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Graduate Courses

Music Education 601 H(2-2)

Kodaly: Musicianship I

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 603 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Principles and Practice I

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 605 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Folk Music Studies and Choral Materials I

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 607 H(2-2)

Kodaly: Musicianship II

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 609 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Principles and Practice II

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 611 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Folk Music Studies and Choral Materials II

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 613 H(2-2)

Kodaly: Musicianship III

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 615 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Principles and Practice III

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 617 H(3-0)

Kodaly: Folk Music Studies and Choral Materials III

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 621 H(3-0)

Scoring I for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 623 H(3-0)

Conducting I the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 625 H(3-0)

Literature I for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 627 H(3-0)

Scoring II for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 629 H(3-0)

Conducting II for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 631 H(3-0)

Literature II for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 633 H(3-0)

Scoring III for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 635 H(3-0)

Conducting III for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 637 H(3-0)

Literature III for the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.

Note: Offered in three weeks during the Summer Session.

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Music Education 655 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Individual study in a selected music education area.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music Education 671 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in School Music

Selected topics with emphasis upon practical application relevant to the field of music education. Various topics are regularly offered under this title, such as early childhood, Kodaly pedagogy, administration of school music programs and techniques of school music supervision.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music Education 695 H(2-4)

Practicum in School Music I

Practical application of teaching techniques studied in graduate level school music courses. Will include various topics such as early childhood, Kodaly, choral and instrumental.

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Music Education 697 H(2-4)

Practicum in School Music II

Continuation of Music Education 695.

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Music Education 755 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Individual directed study in an area of Music Education (doctoral level).

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Music Education 771 H(3-0)

Selected Topics in Music Education

Selected topics with emphasis upon practical application relevant to the field of Music Education. Possible topics may include early childhood musical development, Kodaly pedagogy, folk music studies, choral and instrumental pedagogy and the role of new technologies within the discipline.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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