Transportation Studies TRAN

Instruction offered collaboratively by members of the Department of Economics, Geography, and Political Science in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.

Contact - N.M. Waters

Senior Courses

Transportation Studies 301 H(3-0)(Area III)

(formerly Transportation Science 301)

Transportation Systems and Analysis

An introduction to sources of data and methods of analysis for describing and analysing transportation systems. Transportation systems will be treated at the municipal, provincial and federal levels and on a modal basis.

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Transportation Studies 303 H(3-0)(Area II)

Introduction to Transportation Studies

Provides a critical foundation for understanding transportation systems in their modern context, with a particular emphasis on a broad, policy focused exploration. Topics include the role of various transportation modes in Canada's development as a nation, the current status of Canadian transportation modes, and challenges facing the transportation system.

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Transportation Studies 473 H(3-2)(Area III)

(Civil Engineering 473) (formerly Transportation Science 473)

Introduction to Transportation Planning

Goals and objectives of urban and regional transportation planning; the transportation planning process; trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, traffic assignment; transportation surveys and data collection; fundamentals of traffic flow; capacity and level of service; urban transportation technology; computer simulation models of urban transportation; environmental impacts; transportation systems management; energy considerations; pedestrian movement systems; urban goods movement; impact of transportation system on city growth; urban transportation policy and financing in Canada.

Prerequisites: Transportation Studies 301 or both Engineering 319 and Civil Engineering 371; or consent of the Instructor.

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Transportation Studies 499 H(5-0)(Area III)

(formerly Transportation Science 499)

Group Project in Transportation Issues

Students will work in groups to examine real-world transportation problems identified by the instructor. Methodology will be based on knowledge acquired in Transportation Studies 301.

Prerequisites: Transportation Studies 301 and consent of the program or Transportation Minor Advisor.

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Transportation Studies 503 H(3-2)(Area III)

Decision Support Systems in Transportation Planning

An exploration of the history of decision support in transportation planning from theory to application, including a critical exploration of the 1960's through to modern spatial and aspatial approaches, with an emphasis on critically understanding the decision-support techniques of modern transportation planning. Students will use modern decision-support software tools.

Prerequisites: Transportation Studies 303.

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Transportation Studies 511 H(3-0)(Area II)

Selected Topics in Transportation Economics

Topics may vary from year to year. Provides students with in-depth coverage of transportation issues in a specific sector or region in Canada and relies heavily on microeconomic analysis. Consult the Transportation Studies Program Director for topics available in a given year.

Prerequisites: Economics 301, 357 and one of 315 or 395; or consent of the Transportation Studies Director.


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Transportation Studies 513 H(3-0)(Area II)

Selected Topics in Transportation Policy

Analysis of government's role in regulating, financing, and managing transportation infrastructure and operations. Comparison of cases in Asia, North America, and Europe will highlight the challenges and opportunities of making transportation more sustainable. Consult the Transportation Studies Program Director for the topics to be explored in a given year.

Prerequisites: Political Science 357, and either 447 or 451 or permission of the Instructor.


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Transportation Studies 599 H(5-0)(Area III)

(formerly Transportation Science 599)

Independent Research in Transportation Issues

Individual work on an assigned topic concerning a practical transportation issue under the supervision of a faculty member. The project will normally involve a literature review and the application of theoretical analysis to an actual problem encountered by practitioners. Submission and defence of a midterm progress report and a final report are included.

Prerequisites: Consent of program or Transportation Minor Advisor.

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