Engineering, biomedical (BMEN)

Contact Info


ICT 203

Faculty number

(403) 220-4818


(403) 210 8447

E-mail address


Web page URL


1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Science (MSc)

Master of Engineering (MEng) Thesis Route

The Biomedical Engineering program is offered in collaboration with the University of Alberta. The curriculum is designed for students with degrees in Engineering, Medicine, Physical Sciences, or Life Sciences. Background experience and qualifications, as well as areas of interest of the applicants will be taken into account at the time of admission. Students may study in this area in a relevant departmental program, and obtain that department's degree (e.g., Kinesiology, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science). However, students desiring a degree in Biomedical Engineering must complete the requirements for the Biomedical Engineering degree.

2. Admission Requirements

Students at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà must apply to the department of the intended supervisor. Students will be admitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the department and an Admissions Committee for the Biomedical Engineering program. All students must meet the admission requirements of both the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the respective department (the "home department"). Applicants must have adequate background in advanced mathematics and appropriate areas of the physical sciences. An applicant with a purely biology background may have to take courses to obtain the necessary background prior to admission.

3. Application Deadline

See the listing for department(s) of intended supervisor.

4. Advanced Credit

According to home departmental regulations

5. Program/Course Requirements

All students are required to take the two Core Courses. Other courses may be chosen from the listing of Additional Courses or from other courses offered by the students' home department or approved course from other departments. Courses offered via video link from the University of Alberta will also be acceptable, subject to the approval of the supervisor. Students may be required to take senior undergraduate courses as deemed by their Supervisory Committee, but graduate credit will only be granted for senior undergraduate courses as approved by the student's department. For a Master of Science degree, all students are required to take a minimum of four courses (in MDSC only two are currently required) as approved by the home department. For a Doctor of Philosophy, two further elective courses are required beyond the Master of Science requirements. For a Master of Engineering (Thesis Route), five to eight half-courses are required, in accordance with the rules of the respective home department and the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

In addition to the course requirements, all students pursuing the Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Science, or Master of Engineering (Thesis Route) degrees are required to complete a research project and to submit a written thesis in compliance with the regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and their departments.

Core Courses

1.Biomedical Engineering 601 - Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering

2.Biomedical Engineering 603 - Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering

Additional Courses

1.Biomedical Engineering 605 - Research Seminars of Biomedical Engineering

2.Biomedical Engineering 607 - Research Seminars of Biomedical Engineering

3.Biomedical Engineering 609 - Anatomy and Physiology for Biomedical Engineers

4. Biomedical Engineering 619.XX[BMEN619.XX] - Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering

Additional Courses in Theme 1: Medical Imaging

1. Electrical Engineering 697 - Digital Image Processing

2.Medical Science 689.01- Medical Imaging Techniques

3. Medical Science 689.02- Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

4. Medical Science 689.03- Advanced Medical Image Processing

5. Medical Science 689.99 -Medical Imaging Project

Additional Courses in Theme 2: Cell and Tissue Engineering

1. Chemical Engineering 659 - Advanced Cell and Tissue Engineering

Additional Courses in Theme 3: Biomechanics

1.Civil Engineering 651 - Finite Element Modeling

2. Civil Engineering 653 - Theory and Application of the Finite Element Method

3. Mechanical Engineering 653 - Continuum Mechanics

4. Mechanical Engineering/Kinesiology/Medical Science 663[KNES663][MDSC663] - Advanced Biomechanics (Muscle)

5. Mechanical Engineering 683 - Applications of 3D Rigid Body Mechanics in Biomechanics

6. Mechanical Engineering/Kinesiology/Medical Science 685[KNES685][MDSC685] - Measurement Techniques in Biomechanics and Comparative Biomechanics

7. Medical Science 751.30 - Bone and Joint Health Care Course

Additional Courses in Theme 4: Bioelectrical Engineering

1. Electrical Engineering 623/519.11[ENEL519.11] - Biomedical Instrumentation

2. Electrical Engineering 619.09 - Numerical Electromagnetic Field Computation

3. Electrical Engineering 619.15 - Physical Measurements in Medicine

4. Electrical Engineering 631 - System Identification and Parameter Estimation

(*) Additional Biomedical Engineering related courses may be listed under individual departmental listings.

(**) Courses are listed by theme, but students are not restricted to taking courses from within a theme. The supervisor and supervisory committee should be consulted for course selection.

6. Additional Requirements

Not applicable

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

According to home departmental regulations

8. Time Limit

According to Faculty of Graduate Studies regulations

9. Supervisory Assignments

A supervisory committee, approved by the graduate coordinator, will be established by the supervisor immediately upon the student's entry to the program. The committee will advise on course selection and research topic for the student. The supervisory committee normally will include academic staff members from at least two of the three participating faculties. Students will follow the guidelines of their home department regarding supervision, frequency of committee meetings, course changes, thesis proposals, candidacy examinations, etc.

10. Required Examinations

According to home departmental regulations

11. Research Proposal Requirements

According to home departmental regulations

12. Special Registration Information

According to home departmental regulations

13. Financial Assistance

See individual home departmental listings.

14. Other Information

A Master of Science, Master of Engineering, or Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering does not entitle graduates to a designation of Professional Engineer. The title of Engineer, or Professional Engineer, is restricted to those who are members of a Provincial engineering association.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Faculty members in this program are based in the Faculties of Engineering, Kinesiology, Medicine and Science. Many BME faculty are cross-appointed to multiple departments. Information about BME faculty research can be found at http://www.eng.ucalgary.ca/Biomedical/researchers.htm.

BMEN 601, 603, 605, 607, 609, 619.XX, 623, 651, 653.01, 653.02, 659, 663, 683, 685, 689.01, 689.02, 689.03, 689.99, 697