Geography GEOG

Contact Info


Earth Sciences Building, Room 356

Department number

(403) 220-4838


(403) 282-6561

E-mail address


Web page URL

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Arts (MA), thesis-based

Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based

Master of Geographic Information Systems (MGIS), course-based with research project.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department of Geography requires all thesis applicants to submit:

(a)A proposal describing applicant's intended research area

(b)A letter of application briefly stating applicant's intent and area of interest

(c)For PhD applicants, a current curriculum vitae or résumé.

MGIS applicants require:

(a) A statement of interest outlining the applicant's goals and motivation for applying to the program and a description of their research area of interest

(b) A current curriculum vitae

For the academic background requirements for the Master of Geographic Information Systems program, the Department will accept a four-year BA or BSc degree in Geography or in any related field that makes use of spatial data. Examples would include, but are not limited to, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Computer Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Geology/ Geophysics, Geomatics Engineering, History, Management, Mathematics, Political Science, Psychology, Tourism, Transportation Studies or Engineering, and Urban Studies.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for submission of complete applications:

For thesis programs

15 January for September admission

31 August for students with international transcripts for January admission

21 September for students with Canadian and US transcripts for January admission

For MGIS applicants

31 January

Applications from Canadian citizens and permanent residents may be reviewed on an ad hoc basis after the deadline. There is no guarantee of admission.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to a required level for admission.

Note: For the MGIS program, ten half-courses must be completed while in the program.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Geographic Information Systems

Ten half-courses, eight at the 600 level or higher, which include:

(a)Three core courses in Geographic Information Sciences in the areas of Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis and Geographic Information Systems:

Geography 633 Research and Applications in Remote Sensing

Geography 639 Advanced Spatial Analysis and Modeling

Geography 647 Advanced Research and Applications in Geographic Information Systems

Each course assumes that the student has two undergraduate courses in the areas of Remote Sensing, analytical methods in Geography (or inferential statistics) and Geographic Information Systems, respectively.

(b) Two research-based courses related to the area of Geographic Information Science:

Geography 681 GIS Project: Theoretical Issues

Geography 683 GIS Project: Application

These courses will be on a topic mutually agreed upon between the student and the supervisor. The first course will be concerned with gathering information and literature on the research topic and will provide a critical assessment of this literature. This will be written up as a course paper that will equate to the literature review chapter of a traditional thesis. The second research course will be concerned with carrying out a program of analysis in the chosen research area using the Geographic Information Science tools discussed in the core courses. The final paper produced for this course will equate to the analysis and discussion chapters of a traditional thesis.

(c) Five additional half-courses chosen by mutual agreement between the student and the supervisor. These courses will support the student's chosen research project and understanding of the Geographic Information Sciences.

The program may be completed on a full-time or a part-time basis.

Master of Arts, Master of Science

(a)Two full-course equivalents in a two-year period including at least two of the core Geography Graduate Seminars.

An approved thesis proposal filed on or before the end of the sixth month in program.).

Doctor of Philosophy

(a)One full-course equivalent, consisting of two of the 600-level Geography Graduate Seminars, during the first two years in program

(b)An approved thesis proposal filed at least four months before the completion of the candidacy examination, which should be held within 20 months of initial registration

For detailed information on courses and program requirements please refer to the Geography Graduate Manual available on line at

6. Additional Requirements

For all students:participation in an Orientation Session for incoming students held at the beginning of either the Fall or Winter term.

For thesis programs:presentation of a research paper at the Department Conference (scheduled for MA/MSc thesis-based students in their second year of program and for doctoral students in their third year of program.)

For MGIS students: development of an academic poster of their project work for presentation/display at the Department conference.

Departures from regular departmental program/course requirements may be recommended on an individual basis by the interim advisor or supervisor with approval from the Graduate Coordinator.

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

No more than one-half of a regular thesis graduate student's coursework can be at the undergraduate level. Programs requiring a larger ratio of undergraduate courses must receive approval of the Dean of Graduate Studies at the time of admission. MGIS students are allowed a maximum of one full-course credit at the 500 level.

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years in Master of Arts and Master of Science programs and four years in the doctoral program. Maximum completion time is four years for thesis Master's programs and six years for the doctoral (PhD) program.

For the MGIS Program, minimum completion time is one calendar year and maximum completion time is six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

Each Master's student has an interim advisor assigned-by mutual agreement-within the first week in program. The interim advisor may be appointed as the supervisor upon successful defence of the thesis proposal when an Appointment of Supervisor Form must be filed with the Faculty of Graduate Studies. For MGIS students, a supervisor must be appointed by the second term of the program.

Doctoral students have an interim advisor assigned-by mutual agreement-within the first term of the program. The interim advisor may be appointed as the supervisor with a written request to the Graduate Coordinator. The supervisory committee must be appointed no later than the 12th month of program (i.e., four months before the last possible date for the thesis proposal defence).

10. Required Examinations

Final thesis oral examinations are open.

MGIS oral comprehensive examinations will be based on project and course work.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

See Program/Course Requirements.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may be available to qualified thesis students. For information on awards, see the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar. Unless otherwise stated, awards are made only to full-time students in thesis programs.

14. Other Information


15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Faculty members and their research interests can be found at http://earthsystems.ucalgary.ca/Geog/

GEOG 609, 619, 633, 637, 639, 647, 649, 681, 683, 691, 695, 697, 699, 795, 797, 799