
Haskayne School of Business

Business School Information

Contact Information

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Scurfield Hall 351

Student Information

(403) 220-6593

Phone number

(403) 220-5685

E-mail address


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The challenge of competing effectively in a rapidly changing global economy can only be met through well-educated responsive business leadership.

Preparing those who will successfully meet this challenge is the Haskayne School of Business's mission, accomplished through its mandate of teaching, research and community service. Recognizing that the practices of commerce, business and management are fundamental to, and impact upon every facet of contemporary society, delivery of comprehensive business education programs that are relevant and rigorous, yet responsive to change, forms the fundamental framework for the business school's broad range of academic and executive programs.


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The business school offers the undergraduate programs in traditional fashion in which students complete eight academic study semesters or through the Co-operative Education/Internship program in which students complement their academic studies by interspersing three or four four-month paid work terms with their study semesters. (Details regarding the Co-operative Education/Internship program appear in the Co-operative Education/Internship section of this Calendar.)

After admission to the Bachelor of Commerce program, a student will complete an integrative core curriculum of business education in the areas of strategy and global management, accounting, finance, human resources and organizational dynamics, operations management, management information systems, and marketing. An advisory system will provide assistance in selecting an area of concentration. The curriculum should then allow pursuit of a balanced program fulfilling the business school objective of a strong general educational background together with a broad, integrative commerce education permitting a limited degree of functional specialization.


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The component parts of the programs have been formulated on the principle that graduates will spend a major portion of their life in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, the task of the business school is to provide the student with the opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the concepts underlying the operation and management of organizations. Upon graduation, a student should be equipped to function, not only in an initial position, but also for the whole of his/her subsequent career.


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The Bachelor of Commerce program and Master of Business Administration program are accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Bachelor of Commerce

The generalist orientation of this degree enables graduates to succeed in a range of diverse industries and positions. Organizations seek candidates who have developed relevant educational, extracurricular (clubs, volunteer positions), summer/part-time work experiences and take responsibility for the direction of their working lives.

The key to obtaining meaningful employment after graduation is the development of a marketable portfolio of skills and experiences. The Career Centre at the Haskayne School of Business assists business students in:

researching career interests
skill identification
resume/cover letter targeting
interview preparation
identifying work opportunities

Opportunities arise in both full-time and contract positions. Entry-level opportunities for recent Commerce graduates have included:

Accounting: Chartered Accounting Articling Student, Junior Accountant (production, revenue), Auditor

Business Process Management: Business Process (Improvement) Consultant/Analyst, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Analyst, Operations Analyst, Process Improvement Analyst

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur, Small Business Manager, New Product Development Specialist

Finance: Investment Banking Financial Analyst, Customer Service Representative, Stockbroker, Commercial Lending Trainee, Financial Analyst, Treasury Officer

General: Business Development and Training Consultant, Management Consultant, Manager Trainee, Owner/Manager

Information Systems: Programmer Analyst, Systems Analyst, Database Administrator, Business Application Developer

International Business: Export Manager; Purchasing Manager; Sales Agent; Manager, International Operations

Marketing: Marketing Specialist, Marketing/Sales Representative, Research Analyst

Organizations and Human Resources: Team Leader, Industrial Relations Advisor, Employment Officer, Employee Compensation and Benefits Analyst, Human Resources Planning Specialist, Employee Training Coordinator, Organization Development Specialist, Change Agent

Operations Management: Operations Analyst, Process Improvement Consultant, Inventory Coordinator, Production Scheduler, Materials Planner, Purchasing Agent, Logistics Analyst, Quality Assurance Analyst, Operations Supervisor

Petroleum Land Management: Landman/Senior Land Negotiator

Risk Management and Insurance: Risk Analyst, Claims or Underwriting Trainee, Financial Planning, Brokerage

Tourism: Marketing and Public Relations Assistant, Manager Trainee, Human Resource Assistant

Transportation: Supply Chain Analyst, Transportation Coordinator, Management Consultant

Bachelor of Hotel and Resort Management

The intent of the degree is to develop students with both a skills-based and management theory education, who have the potential to assume senior positions in the hospitality industry (specifically in the accommodation and food and beverage sectors).

It is anticipated that these students will appeal to businesses in the hospitality sector of the tourism industry.


The mission of the Haskayne MBA is to challenge students to develop their abilities as managers. The program develops skills in leadership, business development, communication, and strategic analysis through the core functions of business, and through focused specializations.


In addition to the role of an academic professor, students earning the PhD degree can succeed in research and advisory roles in government as well as a broad spectrum of industries and organizations.

Student Affairs

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Commerce Undergraduate Society

The Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) is the largest student run organization affiliated with the Haskayne School of Business. The purpose of CUS is to facilitate interaction among BComm students, BHRM students, faculty members and the business community through a variety of social, academic and sports activities. All undergraduate students in the Haskayne School of Business are members.

Student Organizations and Clubs

There are numerous undergraduate student clubs and organizations in the Haskayne School of Business. Participating in one or more of these clubs provides countless opportunities to develop interpersonal skills, leadership skills, task management skills, as well as creative thinking and problem solving skills. Participating in "student life" is an example of achieving a balanced approach to education. There are opportunities to apply theory to practice in many of the student-organized activities. A network of business contacts starts with connections in student organizations.


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Computers in the Business School

All areas in business make extensive use of computers. Therefore, the business school recommends that students entering the business school purchase an appropriate computer for use in their academic program. Information on the recommended hardware and software configuration is available from the business school website ().