• Dean: Scherf, K.D. BA (Toronto), MA PhD (British Columbia) Professor
  • Andre, J.D. BA(Hons) (Saskatchewan), MA (Waterloo) Sr Instructor
  • Atkins, C.G.K. BA MA PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Bakardjieva, M.P. MA, PhD (Hungary Acad Sci), PhD (Simon Fraser) Assoc Professor
  • Beaty, B.H. BA (Carleton), MA PhD (McGill) Assoc Professor
  • Beauchamp, B. BSc MSc (Montreal), PhD (Calgary) Adjunct Professor
  • Brent, D.A. BA(Hons) (British Columbia), MA (Carleton), PhD (British Columbia) Professor
  • Brown, D.F. BA (McGill), MA (Calgary), PhD (California) Asst Professor
  • Cochrane, R.M. BEd (Alberta), BSc (Memorial (NL)), MEd (Alberta), PhD (York) Asst Professor
  • Cragg, G.W. BA(Hons) (Victoria), MA (McMaster) Sr Instructor
  • Devine, H. BEd MEd PhD (Alberta) Asst Professor
  • Dickin, J.P. BA LLB MA (Calgary), PhD (Alberta) Professor
  • Einsiedel, E.F. BS (Philippines), MA (California State), PhD (Indiana) University Professor
  • Epstein, M.J. BA(Hons) (Wisconsin-Madison), MA PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Felske, L.W. BA MA (Calgary), PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Feng, P.S.T. BASc (Hons) (McMaster), MS PhD (Rensselaer Inst) Asst Professor
  • Finn, P.J. BA (McGill), PhD (Victoria) Adjunct Assoc Professor
  • Foran, M.L. BEd MA PhD (Calgary) Assoc Professor
  • Glasberg, R.P. BA MA PhD (Toronto) Assoc Professor
  • Hawkins, R.W. BA MA (Simon Fraser), DPhil (Sussex) Professor and Canada Research Chair
  • Holmes, H.E. BA (Montana), MA (Waterloo) Sr Instructor
  • Husby Scheelar, M. BA(Hons) MA PhD (Calgary) Sr Instructor
  • Kassam, K.A.S. BA (Calgary), MPhil (Cambridge), MSc (London School Econ) Asst Professor
  • Keren, M. BA (Hebrew), PhD (Minnesota) Professor and Canada Research Chair
  • Khouri, M. BA(Hons) (Carleton), BA(Hons) (York), MA (Carleton), PhD (McGill) Asst Professor
  • Langford, C.H. AB (Harvard), PhD (Northwestern) Faculty Professor
  • Melnyk, G.R. BA(Hons) (Manitoba), MA (Chicago), MA (Toronto) Assoc Professor
  • Milthorp, R. BA (McGill), BFA (Calgary), MA (Essex), MFA (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Mitchell, D.B. BA (Victoria), MA (British Columbia), PhD (McGill) Professor
  • Nelson, F.A. BA(Hons) MA (Calgary) Asst Professor
  • Oak, A. BFA BSc (Alberta), MA (Royal College Art), PhD (Cambridge) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Onwuekwe, C.B. BL LLB, LLM (Lagos), LLM (Saskatchewan), Certificate, PhD (Saskatchewan) Asst Professor
  • Pannekoek, F. BA(Hons) (Alberta), MA PhD (Queen's) Adjunct Professor
  • Parmar, A. BA(Hons) MA PhD (Delhi) Assoc Professor
  • Perras, L.A. BA(Hons) (Saskatchewan), MA DipEd (Calgary) Sr Instructor
  • Rusted, B. BA (Trent), MA (Pennsylvania), MA (Toronto), PhD (Northwestern) Assoc Professor
  • Schneider, B. BA (Wisconsin-Milwauke), MA (Calgary), DipArt (Toronto), PhD (Calgary) Asst Professor
  • Sciban, L. BA MA (Alberta), MA (Nat'l Taiwan), PhD (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Seiler, R.M. BA MA (Calgary), PhD (Liverpool) Assoc Professor
  • Seiler, T. BA (Brigham Young), MA (York), PhD (Alberta) Assoc Professor
  • Smith, T.S. BA MA (Alberta), PhD (Ohio State) Asst Professor
  • Sullivan, R. BA(Hons) (Toronto), MA (Carleton), PhD (McGill) Assoc Professor
  • Sutherland, C.T. BA (Oxford), MA (McGill), MA DipEd (Oxford) Professor
  • Taras, D. BA (Sir George Wlms), MA PhD (Toronto) University Professor
  • Tettey, W.J. BA(Hons) (Ghana), MA (British Columbia), Grad Dip (Ghana), PhD (Queen's) Assoc Professor
  • Tunstall, L.A. BA(Hons) MA (Carleton), PhD (Cambridge) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Wetherell, D.G. BA(Hons) MA (Saskatchewan), PhD (Queen's) Assoc Professor
  • Williams, A.L. MA (Toronto), PhD (Ohio State) Asst Professor