• Dean: Calvert, A.E. BA MEd DipEd (Alberta), PhD (Oregon), Professor
  • Acting Dean: Jordan , W.S. BMus (Georgia), AM (Pennsylvania), PhD (Florida State) Professor

Department of Art (ART)

  • Head: Nishimura, A.H. BEd (Lethbridge), Diploma (NAIT) Assoc Professor
  • Bershad, D.L. AB (Stanford), PhD (California) Professor
  • Cameron, E. BA(Hons) (Durham), DipArtHist (London) University Professor
  • Carreiro, L.E. BFA(Hons) (Manitoba), MFA (Alberta) Assoc Professor
  • Deacon, P.G. ATD (Wales), DipAD (Portsmouth College of Art), HDFA (London) Professor
  • Eiserman, J.R.F. BA (McGill), BFA (Regina), MA (McGill), PhD (Calgary) Assoc Professor
  • Hushlak, G.M. BEd (Calgary), MA (Royal College of Art) Professor
  • Huynh, K.L. BFA (Alberta), MFA (Victoria) Asst Professor
  • Kelly, R.W. BA BEd (Western Ontario), MEd (Victoria) Asst Professor
  • King, A.J. BEd MArch (Tech Univ of NS), Certificate (Acadia) Instructor
  • Kostyniuk, R.P. BA BEd (Saskatchewan), MFA MS (Wisconsin) Professor
  • Laing, W.J.H. MA (Royal College of Art), DipAD (Vancouver Sch Art), DipArt (Brighton Polytech) Professor
  • MacDonnell, C.R. BA(Hons) (Queen's), MA (NSCAD), EdD (British Columbia) Assoc Professor
  • McConnell, C.S. BA (UC Santa Barbara), MA (UC Davis) Professor
  • Simmins, G. BA(Hons) (Toronto), Diploma, MA (Toronto), MDiv (Winnipeg), PhilM PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Sowiak, C.F. BA BFA (Regina), MFA (Calgary) Adjunct Asst Professor
  • Stocking, J.R. BA (Grinnell College), MA (British Columbia), MAT (Harvard) Professor
  • Woodrow, P. MA (Concordia), Cert Ed (Leeds), DipArt (Vancouver School of Art) Professor

Department of Drama (DRAM)

  • Head: Dugan, J.S. BA MA (Lehigh), PhD (Toronto) Professor
  • Andrews, J.J. BA (Victoria), MA (Villanova) Assoc Professor
  • Campbell, V.C. BA (Toronto) Asst Professor
  • Farfan, P.C.M. BFA (Concordia), MA (McGill), PhD (Northwestern) University Professor
  • Foreman, K.J. BFA Cert Ed (Calgary), MA (Victoria) Professor
  • King, A.J. BEd MArch (Tech Univ of NS), Certificate (Acadia) Instructor
  • Lynn, H.B. BA MA (California), MA (Warwick) Sr Instructor
  • Martini, C.M. BFA (Calgary), Certificate (National Theatre School) Assoc Professor
  • McCaugherty, D.M. BEd (Lethbridge), BFA(Hons) (Victoria), MFA (York) Assoc Professor
  • McCullough, D.T. BA (Hope College), MA MFA (Northwestern) Professor
  • Scherf, K.D. BA (Toronto), MA PhD (British Columbia) Adjunct Professor
  • Semple, G.R. Certificate (National Theatre School), Certificate (Sadler's Wells) Assoc Professor
  • Smith, G.B. BA BEd (Mount Allison), BFA (Calgary), MA (Toronto) Professor
  • Thurston, G.R. BA (Alberta), BEd (Saskatchewan), MEd (Alberta) Assoc Professor
  • Yzereef, B. BFA (Windsor), MFA (York), PhD (Victoria) Assoc Professor

Department of Music (MUSI)

  • Head: Brown, J.S. BME (Washington State), MM (Rochester), Certificate (Eastman School of Music), DMA (Ohio State) Professor
  • Agopian, E.E. BMus (Toronto), MM (Juilliard School) Professor
  • Bell, A.G. BA MMus (Alberta) Professor
  • Bell, D.M. Certificate (Royal College of Music) Professor
  • Coelho, V.A. BA (California), MA PhD (UCLA) University Professor
  • Delong, K.G. BA(Mus) (Acadia), BMus (Manitoba), AM PhD (Stanford) Professor
  • Eagle, D.M. BMus MMus (McGill), PhD (UC Berkeley) Assoc Professor
  • Edwards, M.V. BEd (Lethbridge), MME (Montana) Professor
  • Engle, J.M. BM (Juilliard School), MA (New York), MScM (Juilliard School) Professor
  • Foreman, C.L. BM (Indiana), MusM DipArt (Toronto) Professor
  • Heimarck, B.R. BA(Hons) (Brown), MA (UCLA), PhD (Cornell) Assoc Professor
  • Horvath, J.K. Dip (BA equiv) Dip (MA equiv) (Franz Liszt Academy) Assoc Professor
  • Hrynkiw, P. BMus MMus (Calgary) Instructor
  • Kerlin, J.D. BS MA (Washington, MO), PhD (New York) Assoc Professor
  • Levin, G.J. BA (Harvard), MFA PhD (Brandeis) Professor
  • Levtov, V. BA MA (Tel Aviv), DMA (SUNY, Brockport) Assoc Professor
  • Price, G.D. BMus (Toronto), MMus DMA (Eastman School of Music) Professor
  • Welling, M.J. BMus (Colorado), MM (Wisconsin), PhD (Texas) Asst Professor
  • Coordinator: Program of Dance (DNCE): Flynn, A.P. BA (SUNY Brockport), MA (Wesleyan) Professor
  • McGehee, D.M. BA (Calgary), MFA (Simon Fraser) Assoc Professor
  • Monk, D. BA BA(Hons) (Carleton) Assoc Professor
  • Monteros, M.A. BFA (Utah), MA (UCLA) Assoc Professor
  • Moss, M. BEd (Calgary) Instructor
  • Mouat, A.F. BA (British Columbia), MFA (Utah) Assoc Professor