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Course Outlines

Each instructor responsible for a course is required to make a course outline available to each student by the first class for those courses which are scheduled one day per week and by the second class for all other courses. The course outline will consist of a typed statement outlining:

(a) whether or not a passing grade on any particular component of a course is essential if the student is to pass the course as a whole;

(b) whether students in the course may be expected to participate as subjects or researchers when research on human subjects may take place;

(c) whether or not there will be a final examination and if an examination is held, whether the use of aids such as open book, etc. are permitted;

(d) a list and description of optional and mandatory supplementary fees for courses;

(e) the weights to be assigned to the various components which are to be considered in determining the final grade (term papers, laboratory work, class participation, tests, final examinations, etc.). This weighting may not be changed during the session or at the time of grade reporting;

(f) when writing and the grading thereof is a factor in the evaluation of the student's work. (See Writing Across the Curriculum statement below.)

Instructors will also indicate in the course outline the use of calculators and/or portable computing machines that will be allowed. In the absence of a written statement, the presumption is that the use of any calculators and/or portable computing machines during examinations will not be allowed.

Instructors have the authority, at the discretion of the dean of their faculty, to require that specific course assignments, term papers and academic exercises be submitted in typewritten form where equipment for preparing such is available to students at no cost. Instructors cannot require that multiple copies of an assignment be submitted.