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Applied Psychology APSY

Instruction offered by members of the Division of Applied Psychology in the Faculty of Education.

Associate Dean - V.L. Schwean

Note: Additional Education courses are offered under the course headings Education In-Service, Education Teacher Preparation, and Educational Research.

Note: Only Psychology courses may be used to fulfill the requirements for the Major or Minor in Psychology.

Senior Courses

Note:For all listed prerequisites, "or equivalent" and "or consent of the Division" are assumed.

Applied Psychology 301 H(3-2)

Statistics in Applied Psychology and Education I

An introduction to statistics and research design with particular reference to the treatment of data derived from instructional processes.

Note: Credit towards degree requirements will be given for only one of Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301/303, Engineering 319, Political Science 399, Psychology 312, Sociology 311/315, Statistics 201/211, 213/217, 327, 333, 357; that one being a course appropriate to the degree program.

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Applied Psychology 303 H(3-2)

Statistics in Applied Psychology and Education II

An intermediate-level study of behavioural statistics and research design relevant to the applied field.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 301 or equivalent.

Note: Credit towards degree requirements will be given for only one of Anthropology 307, Applied Psychology 301/303, Engineering 319, Political Science 399, Psychology 312, Sociology 311/315, Statistics 201/211, 213/217, 327, 333, 357; that one being a course appropriate to the degree program.

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Applied Psychology 307 H(3-0)

Applied Psychometrics

Introduction to principles of measurement in applied psychology and education.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Psychology 407.

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Applied Psychology 321 H(3-0)

Introduction to Counselling Psychology

An introduction to theory and practice in counselling psychology.

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Applied Psychology 323 H(2-1)

Communicating Across Cultures

Interpersonal communication theory and practice to support cultural diversity in education and applied psychology.

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Applied Psychology 325 H(3-0)

Human Sexuality: Psychological Issues and Problems

Studies in the psychology of human sexual behaviour.

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Applied Psychology 327 H(2-2)

Career Management

An introduction to the practical and theoretical aspects of career planning, higher education and managing career transitions. Provides students with both theoretical understanding and practical skills pertinent to managing their careers.

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Applied Psychology 341 H(3-0)

Introduction to School Psychology

Introduction to theory and practice in school psychology.

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Applied Psychology 411 H(3-0)

Cognition and Learning in Applied Psychology

Introduction to cognitive processing and skill acquisition in applied settings.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Psychology 365.

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Applied Psychology 413 H(2-1)

Assessment of Classroom Learning

Assessment and evaluation of student learning and achievement.

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Applied Psychology 417 H(3-0)

Psychology of Adjustment

A study of the social and psychological adjustments that individuals make to meet the challenges of life.

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Applied Psychology 419 H(1-2)

Communication Skills in Guidance and Counselling

The application of communication skills to interpersonal relationships in counselling psychology.

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Applied Psychology 427 H(3-0)

Stress and Burnout

Organizational structure and the individual as sources of stress and "burn out" in the helping professions; methods of preventing and coping with "burn out."

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Applied Psychology 503 H(3-0)

Theory and Practice of Inclusive and Special Education

Introduction to the theory and practice of inclusive and special education. Development of professional knowledge and skills in relation to the standards of the Council for Exceptional Children.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Educational Psychology 361.

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Applied Psychology 513 H(2-2)

(formerly Applied Psychology 663)

Consultation and Collaboration for Students with Special Needs

Examination of current theory, issues and practice of the consultative role of special educators in the school. Practicum is based upon within school implementation of a consultation model.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Educational Psychology 361.

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Applied Psychology 521 H(2-7)

Practicum in Guidance

Supervised practice in psycho-educational interventions in schools and applied psychology settings.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 419 and 421 or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 523 H(3-0)

Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties

The study of theory and research on reading, writing and learning difficulties experienced by students focusing on intervention strategies/programmes that can be used to help these students overcome their learning problems.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Applied Psychology 569.

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Applied Psychology 533 H(3-0)

Supporting Students with Social, Emotional and Behavioral Needs

Analysis of principles, practices, assessment and intervention methods for supporting students with social, emotional and behavioural needs

Note: Not open to students with credit in Applied Psychology 565.

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Applied Psychology 543 H(3-0)

Professional Portfolio in Inclusive and Special Education

Preparation of a portfolio of casework, projects and professional in activities as evidence to verify learning outcomes in relation to CEC standards

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Applied Psychology 553 H(3-0)

Applying Research and Program Evaluation in Inclusive and Special Education

Introduction to basic concepts, principles, and methods of research and evaluation as applied in the field of inclusive and special education. Analysis of research information and how to apply this in practice.

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Applied Psychology 571 H(3-0)

Psychology and Education of Gifted and Talented Individuals

Definition, screening, identification, special educational provisions for gifted and talented individuals.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 361 or equivalent or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 593 H(3S-0)

Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 597 H(1-3)

Programs for Small Group Instruction

Practicum in identifying levels of performance, designing and implementing educational intervention for a small group of students with exceptional needs.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 361 or equivalent or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 599 H(1-3)

Programs for Whole Class Instruction

Provides practical knowledge for teaching students with special educational needs within elementary and secondary schools. Emphasis will be placed on differentiating content, process, product, evaluation and learning environment. Offered in a workshop format, integrating lectures and laboratory work.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 307 and 361 or equivalents.

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Graduate Courses

Note: Graduate courses within the Division of Applied Psychology can be taken only with consent of the Division of Applied Psychology and in specific cases additional requirements may be necessary (see below).

Applied Psychology 601 H(3- 3)

Individual Psychological/Intellectual Assessment

Seminars and related experiences in the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests with an emphasis on individual intellectual assessment.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 615 or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 603 H(3-0)

Ethics in Applied Psychology

Ethical and legal issues in Applied Psychology. Professional issues in practice settings.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 605 H(3-2)

Research Design and Statistics in Applied Psychology

Research design and statistics, including methods for research in applied psychology and related laboratory instruction.

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Applied Psychology 607 H(3-2)

Research in Applied Psychology - Multivariate Analysis

Research design and statistics in applied psychology, with special reference to large sample techniques.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 301 and 303 or equivalents.

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Applied Psychology 611 H(3-2)

Qualitative Research Methodologies

Advanced study of qualitative research methods for use in applied psychology and education.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 301 and 303 or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 615 H(3-0)

(formerly Applied Psychology 693.24)

Theoretical and Clinical Foundations of Assessment

In-depth review of theoretical and clinical foundations of psycho-educational assessment. Focus is on processes of assessment, properties of tests, use and interpretation of tests and clinical diagnosis.

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Applied Psychology 619 H(3-0)

Counselling Girls and Women

Sex role development; stereotyping and social roles; counselling theories; counselling approaches.

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Applied Psychology 621 H(2-2)

Creating a Working Alliance

Theory and practice in developing skills contributing to working alliance and problem clarification. Ethical, legal and professional issues are the context for the application of generic counselling skills in laboratory experiences.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 419 or consent of the Division.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Applied Psychology 623.

Note: Not open to unclassified students.

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Applied Psychology 623 H(3-0)

Theory in Counselling

History and systems involved in counselling psychology and client change.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 625 H(3-0)

Cultural Influences on Professional Practice

An examination of cultural influences on theory and practice in applied psychology.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 627 H(3-1)

Group Processes in Applied Psychology

Theory of group practice in applied psychology, with experiential laboratory.

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Applied Psychology 629 H(3S-2)

Theory and Applications: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 631 H(3-0)

Theories of Career Development

Study of career development theory and related research; implications for the applied field.

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Applied Psychology 633 H(2-2)

Career Counselling

Laboratory and field experiences in career counselling.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 631.

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Applied Psychology 637 H(3-0)

Relationship Counselling

Review of theory and systems in marriage and family counselling. Structured observation activities.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Applied Psychology 640 or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 639 H(2-2)

Counselling Interventions

Theory and practice in planning and implementing client change interventions; the application of counselling interventions in laboratory experiences.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 621 and 623 or consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 640 F(2-7)

Practicum in Counselling Psychology

Supervised counselling experience and related seminars.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 621, 623, 625 and consent of the Division.

Corequisites: Prerequisites or Corequisites: Applied Psychology 639 and one of 601, 615, or 685, or equivalent.

Note: Not open to unclassified students.


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Applied Psychology 641 H(3-0)

Development, Learning and Cognition - Child and Adolescence

The interactions of development, learning and cognition in childhood and adolescence.

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Applied Psychology 643 H(3-0)

Development, Learning and Cognition - Adult

The interactions of development, learning and cognition in childhood and adulthood.

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Applied Psychology 645 H(3-0)

Cognitive Processes

The nature and development of cognitive processes related to intelligence and creativity.

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Applied Psychology 647 H(3-0)

Instructional Psychology

Examination of models of instruction in relation to motivation and cognition. Analysis and evaluation of selected models of instruction with reference to the empirical literature.

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Applied Psychology 649 H(3-0)

Advanced Study of Learning Theories

An analysis of contemporary learning theories relevant to school learning.

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Applied Psychology 653 H(3-0)

Applied Developmental Psychology: Child

Principles and foundations of social and cognitive development in infancy, early childhood and middle childhood and their implications for learning and education.

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Applied Psychology 655 H(3-0)

Applied Developmental Psychology: Adolescence

Theory and applications in human development during adolescence.

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Applied Psychology 659 H(3-0)

Applied Social Psychology

Study of the influence of other people on the individual in applied settings.

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Applied Psychology 661 H(3-0)

Psychological Foundations of Student Exceptionality

Major trends, developments, theoretical foundations, and current practices and challenges relative to the education of students with diverse learning needs.

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Applied Psychology 667 H(3-3)

Assessment of Students with Exceptional Learning Needs

Theory and practice in school-based academic and social-emotional assessment techniques and strategies for use with students with diverse learning needs. Laboratory and field experiences.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 661 or equivalent.

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Applied Psychology 671 H(1-3)

Practicum in School-based Interventions for Children and Youth with Exceptional Learning Needs: I

Practicum in educational interventions for children and adolescents with special learning needs. Focus on general assessment, analysis, intervention, and strategies in applied settings.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 661 or equivalent.

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Applied Psychology 673 H(3-3)

Practicum in School-based Interventions for Children and Youth with Exceptional Learning Needs: II

Advanced practicum in educational interventions for children and adolescents with special learning needs. Focus on specialized assessment, analysis, interventions, and strategies in applied settings.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 671 or equivalent.

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Applied Psychology 677 H(3-0)

Play Therapy Theory and Process

The theoretical foundations and basic orientation necessary to understand and use play as therapy are outlined, along with the developmental underpinnings of play in children and the basic principles upon which child-centered play therapy is built.

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Applied Psychology 679 H(3-0)

Fundamentals of Solution-Oriented Therapy

Provides a working knowledge of the theory and practice of solution-oriented therapy and related models.

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Applied Psychology 681 H(3-2)

Psychometric Theory and Practice in Applied Psychology

In-depth study of classical and modern techniques of measurement, assessment and evaluation in applied psychology and education.

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Applied Psychology 683 H(3-0)

Psychology of Childhood Disorders

Study of theory and research in child and adolescent psychopathology.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 685 H(3- 4)

Individual Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents

Individual intellectual assessment, behavioural assessment, ecologically based assessment in laboratory and field settings.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 689 and consent of the Division.

Note: Not open to unclassified students.

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Applied Psychology 687 H(3-8)

Applied Psychology Practicum: Childhood Disorders

Practicum in interventions dealing with emotional and behavioural problems in children and adolescents.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 683 or 661 and consent of the Division.

Note: Not open to unclassified students.

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Applied Psychology 688 F(3-8)

Practicum in School Psychology

Practicum in school psychology; seminar on theoretical and professional issues in assessment and intervention. Development of competence in formulating intervention programs in the context of a consultation model.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 603, 615, 683, 685 and consent of the Division.

Note: Not open to unclassified students.

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Applied Psychology 689 H(3-2)

(formerly Applied Psychology 629.01)

Behavioural and Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents

Development of skills in the behavioural and clinical assessment of children and adolescents. Focus is assessment planning, interview and observational methods, standardized behaviour assessment, and professional report writing.

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Applied Psychology 691 Q(1.5S-0)

Graduate Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 692 F(3S-0)

Graduate Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 693 H(3S-0)

Graduate Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 694 F(1S-3)

Graduate Practicum: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 695 H(1S-3)

Graduate Practicum: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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1. 700-level courses are normally available only to students in the Applied Psychology doctoral program.

2. Students seeking an internship can do so by registering in a 700-level Special Topics course, in consultation with their supervisor.

Applied Psychology 701 H(3-0)

Advanced Research Design, Psychometrics and Statistics in Applied Psychology

Provides intensive exposure to sophisticated quantitative techniques relevant to research design, psychometrics, and statistics such as structural equation modelling (SEM), item-response theory (IRT), and hierarchical linear modelling (HLM).

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 607 or equivalent.

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Applied Psychology 703 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in Applied Psychology

Doctoral seminar in issues in applied psychology. Dissertation development.


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Applied Psychology 705 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in Special Education I

Advanced study of theoretical, empirical, and practical issues affecting individuals with exceptional learning needs.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 661 or equivalent.

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Applied Psychology 709 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in Applied Learning and Developmental Psychology I

Advanced study of theory and practice in human development and learning.

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Applied Psychology 713 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in School Psychology I

Advanced study of school psychology theory and research.

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Applied Psychology 715 H(2-7)

Advanced Practicum in School Psychology I

School and community placements for the advanced study of school psychology: related campus seminar.


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Applied Psychology 717 H(2-7)

Advanced Practicum in School Psychology II

Advanced, special placement practicum in school psychology, with related seminars.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 715 or consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 719 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in School Psychology II

Selected topics in school psychology.

Prerequisites: Applied Psychology 713 or consent of the Division.

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Applied Psychology 741 H(3-2)

Advanced Professional Skills and Issues

This course focuses on providing knowledge and developing skills in the areas of consultation, supervision, and program development and evaluation across the lifespan.

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Applied Psychology 742 F(2-7)

Advanced Practicum in Counselling

Advanced practicum in counselling psychology, and related seminars.


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Applied Psychology 788 F

Pre-Doctoral Internship in Counselling Psychology

One full calendar year, full-time (or two years, half-time) supervised training experience in an approved clinical setting. Practical application of theories and interventions pertaining to individual and group, couple, or family counselling as well as assessment, consultation, and supervision. Experience in addressing a variety of professional issues.

Note: Open only to students enrolled in the PhD program in Counselling Psychology.


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Applied Psychology 792 F(3-0)

Advanced Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 793 H(3S-0)

Graduate Seminar: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 794 F(1S-3)

Advanced Practicum: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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Applied Psychology 795 H(1S-3)

Advanced Practicum: Selected Topics

Prerequisites: Consent of the Division.


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