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Energy and Environment Engineering ENEE

Instruction offered by members of the Schulich School of Engineering.

Associate Dean (Academic & Planning) - R. Brennan

Senior Courses

Energy and Environment Engineering 311 H(3-1.5T-3/2)

Engineering Thermodynamics of Energy Systems

Thermodynamic systems, properties and state, energy, temperature and the zeroth law, equilibrium, properties of the pure substance, equations of state. Work, reversibility, heat, first law, specific heats, enthalpy, ideal gas, flow systems. Entropy and the second law, Carnot cycle, thermodynamic temperature scale, process equations, cycles, process efficiencies, calculation of entropy change. Exergy analysis, Thermo-economics of energy and environmental systems. Applications to common machines.

Prerequisites: Engineering 201 and Applied Mathematics 217

Note: Credit for both Engineering 311 and Energy and Environment 311 will not be allowed.

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Energy and Environment Engineering 355 H(3-1T)

Introduction to Energy and the Environment

History of energy technologies, energetics of natural systems and agriculture, formation, extraction, and transformations of fossil fuels, renewables such as biomass, solar and wind; and the electricity system, environmental impacts of energy systems, technical options for transforming energy systems to reduce environmental impacts.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Energy Management Concentration (Haskayne School of Business) or the Engineering Energy and Environment Specialization (Schulich School of Engineering) or the Energy Sciences Concentration (Faculty of Science).

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Energy and Environment Engineering 501 H(3-2T-1)

Pollution Prevention and Control for Energy Industry

A review of environmental laws and regulations. Environmental standards for air quality, water and land. Regulatory approval process for new energy projects. Base-Line Study and Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental review of new energy projects. Pollution prevention methodology and techniques. Separation and recycle streams. Process modification, integration, analysis and control. Risk assessment

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing in the Schulich School of Engineering

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Energy and Environment Engineering 503 H(3-2T-1)

Life Cycle Assessment

Concepts of life cycle analysis. Applications to energy utilization, environmental consequences, sustainable development, environmental process analysis, and optimization. Inventory, impact and improvement analyses of energy systems. LCA Model development and utilization. Human health and safety considerations.

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing in the Schulich School of Engineering

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Energy and Environment Engineering 505 H(3-2T-1)

Effluent Treatment Processes for Energy Industry

Application of fundamental engineering concepts to develop process design specifications for various unit operations and separation processes used for the treatment of gaseous (air), aqueous (wastewater) and solid effluents from mining, exploration, production, transportation and utilization of carbon-based energy sources.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 331, Chemical Engineering 403 or equivalent.

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Energy and Environment Engineering 519 H(3-2T)

Special Topics in Energy and Environment

Current advanced topics in Energy and Environment.

Prerequisites: Consent of the ENEE Director or designate.

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Energy and Environment Engineering 573 H(3-2T)

Engineering Aspects of Sustainable Communities

Ecological footprint, life cycle assessment, sustainable construction, energy efficiency in buildings, intelligent and sustainable transportation, control of water/air pollution from mobile and stationary sources, energy from waste

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing in Civil Engineering

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Energy and Environment Engineering 575 H(3-2T-3/2)

Alternative Electrical Energy Sources

Large scale wind generation, hydro generation, demand side management, environmental impact of electrical generation

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 489

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Energy and Environment Engineering 577 H(3-2T-3/2)

Transmission System Planning and Operation

Electricity markets, carbon markets, optimal operation of electricity systems, environmental impacts of transmission networks, Alberta Energy and Utilities Board.

Prerequisites: Electrical Engineering 489

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