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Manufacturing Engineering ENMF

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering

Department Head - R. Hugo

Director (Manufacturing Engineering Program) - A. Ramirez-Serrano

Director (Graduate Program, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) - A. Mohamad

Senior Courses

Manufacturing Engineering 401 H(3-2)

Computer-Aided Design and Graphics

Hardware and software for computer-aided design. Engineering drawing principles and standards. Geometric transformation and projection. Curve modelling, surface modelling, and solid modelling. Visual realism. Animation, assembly, tolerancing, and data exchange. Automatic product design.

Prerequisites: Engineering 253 and Mechanical Engineering 337.

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Manufacturing Engineering 405 H(3-1T-3/2)

Mechanics of Materials

Special topics in structural members: shear centre, unsymmetric bending, torsion of non-circular thin-walled members. Stiffness analysis of complex structures. The variety of material behaviour. Introduction to virtual work and energy methods. Stability of equilibrium. Buckling. Applications.

Prerequisites: Engineering 317.

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Manufacturing Engineering 407 H(3-2)

Human Behaviour in Organizations

Social learning theory. Motivation and performance. Group dynamics. Interpersonal communication. Decision making. Power and authority. Leadership. Team Building. Conflict resolution. Negotiation. Occupational stress. Coping skills.

Note: Laboratory work will emphasize situational role-playing, simulation and case studies.

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Manufacturing Engineering 411 H(3-2)

Quality Assurance

Estimation and inference using sampling. Acceptance sampling (operating characteristic curves, sampling plans). Statistical process control (variable and attribute control charts). Process capability analysis. Process improvement tools and strategies. Product function analysis (QFD, DFM, concurrent engineering). Product parameter selection (DOE, Taguchi methods). Quality economics. Quality management philosophies. Quality standards.

Prerequisites: Biomedical Engineering 319 or Engineering 319.

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Manufacturing Engineering 415 H(3-2)

Integrated Manufacturing Systems I

Introduction to integrated manufacturing systems. Capacity Planning. Facility Location Planning. Materials flow and facility layout. Process planning and management. Forecasting. Inventory management and control. Production planning and control (MRP, JIT). Production activity control systems.

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Manufacturing Engineering 417 H(3-1T-2/2)

Manufacturing and Production Processes

The role and characterization of manufacturing technology within the manufacturing enterprise. Overview of deformation processes, joining processes, consolidation processes, material-removal processes, and material alteration processes. Process selection and planning.

Prerequisites: Engineering 253.

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Manufacturing Engineering 473 H(3-2)

Fundamentals of Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Basic mechanisms and linkages in machinery. Position, velocity, acceleration and dynamic forces in planar mechanisms. Cam design and dynamic analysis. Gears and gear trains. Planetary trains. Introduction to linear vibrations.

Prerequisites: Engineering 249 or 349.

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Manufacturing Engineering 501 H(3-2)

Modelling and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems

General modelling of production systems. Spreadsheet modelling for capacity analysis. Fundamentals of discrete-event simulation including: key concepts; simulation world views; the simulation study life cycle. Modelling and programming aspects of discrete-event simulation including: verification and validation; simulation animation; interfacing simulation software with other systems. Statistical aspects of discrete-event simulation including: random number and random variate generation; input process modelling; output analysis; variance reduction techniques. Applications of discrete-event simulation to the design and analysis of manufacturing systems.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing Engineering 415 and one of Biomedical Engineering 319 or Engineering 319.

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Manufacturing Engineering 503 H(3-2)

Computer Numerically Controlled Machines

CNC machine tools, controllers and devices. CNC programming. Planning for CNC operations. Adaptive CNC machine control. Design for CNC manufacture. CNC in computer integrated manufacturing systems. Electric discharge machines and coordinate measuring machines. Sculptured surface machining.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing Engineering 417.

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Manufacturing Engineering 505 H(3-3/2)


Kinematics, statics, dynamics and control of robot arms. Robot actuators, drives, sensors, and vision. Applications of robots. Laboratories: task planning and programming of industrial robots.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing Engineering 473 or Mechanical Engineering 473.

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Manufacturing Engineering 509 H(3-2)

Integrated Manufacturing Systems II

Manufacturing strategy and competitive manufacturing. Queuing theory and its application to manufacturing systems analysis (including rapid modelling tools). Linear programming and its application to manufacturing systems problems. Scheduling problems in manufacturing. Supply chain modelling and integration. Enterprise resource planning systems.

Prerequisites: Manufacturing Engineering 415.

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Manufacturing Engineering 512 F(3-4)

Manufacturing Engineering Design Methodology and Application

Preliminary and detailed engineering design of a system with the emphasis on the design process as it is associated with mechanical and manufacturing engineering. Topics include design methodology and general design principles for engineers, concurrent engineering, computer aided design, modelling and simulation, decision making processes, reliability, embodiment, detailed drawing and product life-cycle design. The team-based design project may be sponsored by industry or the department. Also, an emphasis is given to writing the design proposal, the final design report and presenting these to a committee from the department and industry.

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing.

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Manufacturing Engineering 513 H(3-2)

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

Introduction of artificial intelligence; knowledge-based systems, state space representation, search strategies, knowledge representation, and reasoning with uncertainty; fuzzy sets, membership functions and operations, fuzzy relations, and fuzzy reasoning; neural networks, basic neuron modelling, multi-layer perceptron, self-organizing networks and adaptive resonance theory; genetic algorithms, fundamentals of genetic algorithms, and genetic algorithms for optimization and search; applications of artificial intelligence in design and manufacturing

Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 337.

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Manufacturing Engineering 515 H(3-1T-3/2)

Computer-Based Control for Manufacturing

Basic concepts of digital control. Computer control systems. Programmable logic controller architecture, programming and applications. Digital control of single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. Intelligent control systems.

Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 461.

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Manufacturing Engineering 517 H(3-2)

Experimental Design and Analysis

Introduction to statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) techniques for efficient data collection, analysis and interpretation. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), including blocking and nesting, in full and fractional factorial designs to understand sources of variation in performance. Robust design, including classical response surface and Taguchi techniques, to minimize effects of environmental factors on performance variability. Applications to product and process improvement.

Prerequisites: Biomedical Engineering 319 or Engineering 319.

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Manufacturing Engineering 519 H(3-2)

Special Topics in Manufacturing Engineering

Advanced topics in Manufacturing Engineering.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department.


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Manufacturing Engineering 521 H(70 hours)

Manufacturing Practicum

Review of material removal and solidification mechanisms, measurement systems, tolerancing. Operation and characterization of material removal processes and specific machines including saws, lathes, drills, milling machines as well as adjunct processes such as layout and inspection. Expendable mould casting processes including pattern design, mould making, melting and pouring practice. Process planning and evaluation. Design for manufacture. Workshop operations and safety.

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Manufacturing Engineering 527 H(3-2)

Production and Project Engineering

Contract law and the tendering process. Cost analysis. Critical Path Method of scheduling including network diagrams, manpower levelling, and minimizing project cost. Industrial Engineering work measurement techniques.

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Manufacturing Engineering 529 H(3-2)

Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and devices in­cluding microsensors and microactuators. Principles of operation, material properties, fabrication techniques including surface and bulk micro­machining, IC-derived microfabrication techniques, sensing and actuation principles, sensor dynamics issues, circuit and system issues, packaging, calibration and testing. Illustrative examples include (1) micromachined inertial sensors and actuators for manufacturing processes, (2) microactuator arrays for "smart surfaces," (3) biosensors for medical applications, and (4) transducers for aerospace applications.

Prerequisites: Mechanical Engineering 461.

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Manufacturing Engineering 533 H(3-3/2)

Elements of Automation

Digital circuits, microprocessor arithmetic, design, programming, and interfacing; I/O devices; sensors and actuators; work cells and production lines; industrial control systems and programmable logic controllers; laboratory: design and programming of mobile robots.

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Graduate Courses

Manufacturing Engineering 601 H(3-0)

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Manufacturing

Artificial intelligence; expert systems, system components and architecture, knowledge representation, search techniques, uncertainty; AI planning, problem representation, solution methods; programming languages and expert system shells for developing expert systems; introduction of neural networks, basic neuron model, multilayer perception, self organizing networks, adaptive resonance memory. Applications to design, manufacturing planning and robotics.

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Manufacturing Engineering 605 H(3-0)

Planning and Control of Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Advanced techniques for the design, planning, and control of integrated manufacturing systems. Course elements include: a framework for manufacturing planning and control; data flow and structured modelling methodologies; hierarchical models of manufacturing; cellular manufacturing organization; databases and communications; forecasting, demand management, capacity planning and master production scheduling; materials requirements planning, manufacturing resource planning, Just-in-Time manufacture, and Optimized Production Technology; control of independent demand inventory items; production activity control, shop floor control, scheduling, order release and dispatching; simulation in planning and control.

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Manufacturing Engineering 607 H(3-0)

Total Quality Management

Statistical Process Control (SPC) for discrete and continuous manufacturing processes. Acceptance Sampling. Process capability analysis. Introduction to design of experiments (DOE). Overview of quality economics, quality standards and management philosophy.

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Manufacturing Engineering 609 H(3-0)

Design and Analysis of Experiments

Statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) techniques for efficient data collection, analysis and interpretation. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), including blocking and nesting, in full and fractional factorial designs. Robust design, including classical response surface and Taguchi techniques. Applications to product and process improvement.

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Manufacturing Engineering 611 H(3-0)

Multi-Agent Systems

Historical background; types and definitions of agents; knowledge representation and reasoning; agent theories, architectures and languages; possible world model and alternatives; symbolic, reactive and hybrid architectures; agent communication; coordination, cooperation, negotiation and planning; agent frameworks; example multi-agent systems are considered throughout the course.

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Manufacturing Engineering 613 H(0-3S)

Research Seminar I

Reports on studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all MSc and thesis-route MEng students and must be completed before the thesis defence.


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Manufacturing Engineering 617 H(3-0)

Real-time Distributed Control Systems

Shop floor control systems. Programmable logic controller (PLC) concepts, languages and models (e.g., IEC 61131-3). Real-time distributed control models (e.g., IEC 61499, RT-UML). Intelligent control: real-time distributed control system design; safety-critical system issues; reconfiguration issues.

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Manufacturing Engineering 619 H(3-0)

Special Problems in Manufacturing Engineering

Designed to provide graduate students, especially at the PhD level, with the opportunity of pursuing advanced studies in particular areas under the direction of a faculty member. Students would be required to consider problems of an advanced nature.

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Manufacturing Engineering 621 H(3-0)

Optimization Methods with Robotics Applications

Designed for graduate and senior undergraduate students interested in advanced topics in robotics. Based on the students' research topics, contents may vary. These include: fundamental theory in robotics, mathematical toolbox for optimization, differential kinematics, kinematics and actuation redundancy, optimal control, cooperating manipulators, redundancy in force sensing and sensor fusion.

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Manufacturing Engineering 623 H(3-0)


Components of CAD/CAM/CAE systems. Geometric modeling. Development of customized CAD systems. Complex shape modeling. Computer-aided process planning. CNC machining. Rapid prototyping. Finite element analysis and motion analysis. Engineering optimization. Virtual design and manufacturing.

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Manufacturing Engineering 698 F(0-4)

Graduate Project

Individual project in the student's area of specialization under the guidance of the student's supervisor. A written proposal, one or more written progress reports, and a final written report are required. An oral presentation is required upon completion of the course. Open only to students in the MEng (courses only) program.

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Manufacturing Engineering 713 H(0-3S)

Research Seminar II

Reports on studies of the literature or of current research. This course is compulsory for all PhD students and must be completed before the candidacy examination.


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