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International Relations INTR

Instruction offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Coordinator - P. Chastko

Senior Courses

International Relations 301 H(3-0)

A Multidisciplinary Survey of International Relations

A survey of International Relations integrating the approaches applied in various Social Sciences disciplines.

Note: Open only to majors in the International Relations program.

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International Relations 501 H(3-0)

Advanced Seminar in International Relations

An integrative seminar on selected themes from the International Relations field.

Prerequisites: International Relations 301 and third or fourth year standing.

Note: Open only to majors in the International Relations program.

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International Relations 597 H(3-0)

Independent Study

Prerequisites: Consent of the Program Coordinator.

Note: Normally open only to third and fourth year majors in International Relations. Students wishing to register in this course must submit to the Program Coordinator a detailed statement by the instructor of the work to be carried out.

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