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Northern Planning and Development Studies NPDS

Instruction offered under the direction of the Faculty of Communication and Culture. For information visit the Faculty of Communication and Culture website, www.comcul.ucalgary.ca, or contact the Communication and Culture Faculty Office, 220-6343.

Additional interdisciplinary courses are offered under the course headings African Studies; Canadian Studies; Central and East European Studies; Communications Studies; Development Studies; East Asian Studies; Film Studies, General Studies; Innovation Studies, Latin American Studies; Law and Society; Museum and Heritage Studies; Science, Technology and Society; South Asian Studies; and Women's Studies.

Senior Courses

Northern Planning and Development Studies 401 H(3-0)

Sustainability and Human Ecology in the Circumpolar Arctic

The history of northern development and resource management in Canada with emphasis on specific case studies involving sustainability and human ecology in the Circumpolar Arctic.

Prerequisites: Development Studies 201 and 393.

Note: Credit for both Northern Planning and Development Studies 303 and 401 will not be allowed.

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Northern Planning and Development Studies 405 H(3-0)

Traditional Environmental Knowledge and Northern Development

The role of traditional environmental knowledge and its significance to northern development. Participatory research methodologies will be introduced.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Co-requisite: Northern Planning and Development Studies 401.

Note: Credit for both Northern Planning and Development Studies 305 and 405 will not be allowed.

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