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Anthropology ANTH

Contact Info


Social Sciences Building, Room 854

Faculty number

(403) 220-6517


(403) 284-5467

E-mail address


Web page URL

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Arts (MA)

Students in the Departments of Anthropology and Archaeology and the Faculty of Medicine may choose an interdisciplinary specialization in Biological Anthropology. For further information on the Biological Anthropology (Interdisciplinary) specialization, see the separate listing in this Calendar.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Arts

(a)A minimum grade point average of 3.30 or higher on a four-point scale

(b)An example of the applicant's written work: a term paper, research paper or other writing which the applicant considers representative of his or her best work

(c)A concise statement outlining the applicant's academic interests and reasons for wishing to pursue graduate work in this Department. The thesis research area should be clearly identified.

(d)Completion of Departmental Information form

Doctor of Philosophy

A minimum grade point average of 3.40 or higher on a four-point scale

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for the submission of complete applications is 1 February for September admission.

4. Advanced Credit

The applicant must make advanced credit requests as part of the admission process. Credit will not be given for course work taken as part of another completed degree/diploma or for courses taken to bring the grade point average to the required level for admission.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to the Faculty requirements, the Department requires:

Master of Arts

At least two and one-half full course equivalents in Anthropology at the 600-level. Students in the Social and Cultural stream are required to take ANTH 603, 611, 631 and 633, plus one elective course approved by their supervisor. Students in the Primatology stream are required to take ANTH 603, 613, and 635, plus two elective courses approved by their supervisor. Elective courses may consist of a second semester of ANTH 603, ANTH 605, or a graduate course in another department. ANTH 605 is recommended to all students contemplating an academic career in Anthropology.

Doctor of Philosophy

(a)A specialization of either primatology, or social and cultural anthropology

(b)Anthropology 701, a reading course in the student's substantive area. Beyond that, the supervisory committee will individually tailor each student's course requirements to the student's particular needs.

(c)For social and cultural anthropology, fieldwork outside the student's broad cultural milieu for a minimum of one year. Students in primatology will be required to collect primary data via experimental and/or observational research on wild or captive primate populations for a period of not less than twelve months.

(d)Demonstrated proficiency in a language other than English. Normally, in the course of the doctoral program, competent faculty in other Departments will evaluate the student's linguistic competence, principally in reading and writing.

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Not applicable

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for the Master of Arts degree and four years for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Arts degree and six years for the doctoral degree.

9. Supervisory Assignments

The graduate coordinator will serve as interim advisor to those students who enter the program without a designated supervisor, until the graduate studies committee determines an appropriate supervisor.

10. Required Examinations

The doctoral candidacy examination has a written and an oral component, and examines areas of knowledge determined by the supervisory committee in consultation with the student.

Final thesis oral examinations are closed.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Students are required to submit and successfully defend a research proposal fourteen months after initial registration as a full-time graduate student. The defence is open to interested faculty members and graduate students of the Anthropology Department.

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

Financial assistance in the form of research and teaching assistantships is available to qualified students. Information on awards can be obtained from the Department office or in the Awards and Financial Assistance section of this calendar. All students are strongly encouraged to seek external financial assistance for the program, as the Department of Anthropology cannot guarantee the availability of financial assistance.

Students applying for the Open Scholarship Competition must submit their applications to the Department by February 1.

14. Other Information

A complete description of the rules and regulations, and the facilities available to Anthropology graduate students, is available on line at: .

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Faculty members and their research interests can be found at .