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Engineering, Energy and Environment Interdisciplinary Specialization

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Information & Communications Technology Building, Room ICT248

Faculty number

(403) 210-9892


(403) 210-9892

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The Centre for Environmental Engineering Research and Education (CEERE) in the Schulich School of Engineering has the overall responsibility for the coordination and delivery of a comprehensive postgraduate program specialization in the multi-disciplinary field of energy & environment. All five engineering departments participate in delivering this Faculty-wide specialization.

Applications for admission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies should be submitted to the engineering department that best matches the applicant's undergraduate and/or postgraduate academic training.

1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Degrees with an interdisciplinary specialization in Energy & Environment:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Science (MSc)

Master of Engineering (MEng)

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty and home department requirements, the Energy & Environment specialization requires:

Master of Engineering and Master of Science

A Bachelor's degree in engineering

Note: Applicants with applied science degrees may be considered, but additional undergraduate engineering courses may be required.

Doctor of Philosophy

A Master's degree in engineering

Note: Transfer to the doctoral program without completing the Master's degree may be approved for exceptional students.

3. Application Deadline

Deadlines for submission of complete applications for students with international transcripts:

15 May for September admission

15 September for January admission

15 December for May admission

Deadlines for submission of complete applications for students with Canadian and US transcripts:

15 June for September admission

15 October for January admission

15 March for May admission

4. Advanced Credit

See "Engineering Programs."

5. Program/Course Requirements

Master of Engineering (Courses Only Route)

10 half-courses of which a minimum of six must be graduate half-courses. At least four courses must be selected from a list of courses related to Energy & Environment available from CEERE.

Students with non-engineering undergraduate degrees may be required to take additional prerequisite courses at the undergraduate level.

Master of Engineering (Thesis Route)

A minimum of four graduate half-courses. At least two courses must be selected from a list of courses related to Energy & Environment available from CEERE.

Students with non-engineering undergraduate degrees may be required to take additional prerequisite courses at the undergraduate level.

Master of Science

A minimum of four graduate half-courses. At least two courses must be selected from a list of courses related to Energy & Environment available from CEERE.

Students with non-engineering undergraduate degrees may be required to take additional prerequisite courses at the undergraduate level.

Doctor of Philosophy

For applicants with Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Engineering:

A minimum of two graduate half-courses. At least one course must be selected from a list of courses related to Energy & Environment available from CEERE.

For applicants with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, but without a completed Master's degree:

A minimum of six graduate half-courses. At least three courses must be selected from a list of courses related to Energy & Environment available from CEERE.

Students with non-engineering undergraduate degrees may be required to take additional prerequisite courses at the undergraduate level.

6. Additional Requirements

Not applicable

7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Not applicable

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for the Master of Science degree, and three years for the Doctor of Philosophy. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Science and Master of Engineering (Thesis) degrees and six years for the Master of Engineering (Courses Only) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

9. Supervisory Assignments

All students are required to have a thesis supervisor before the second annual registration. For students in the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs, a supervisor is normally appointed at the time of admission.

10. Required Examinations

All final thesis oral examinations involve a public seminar/presentation before a closed oral examination.

11. Research Proposal Requirements


12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

See "Engineering Programs."

14. Other Information

See "Engineering Programs."

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

The current research interests of the academic staff can be found at http://www.schulich.ucalgary.ca/CEERE/ or from the various engineering departments.