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Kinesiology KNES

Contact Info


Kinesiology B, Room 140

Faculty number

(403) 220-5183


(403) 220-0105

E-mail address


Web page URL


1. Degrees and Specializations Offered

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Master of Science (MSc), thesis-based

Master of Kinesiology (MKin), course-based

The Master of Science degree is a full-time degree that may be taken in a variety of specializations according to faculty research interests. The Master of Kinesiology, Exercise and Functional Fitness, is offered as a course-based program. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered as a full-time degree that may be taken in a variety of specializations according to faculty members' research interests.

The Universities of Calgary and Alberta offer a joint Biomedical Engineering Program. Further information can be obtained at the website http://www.schulich.ucalgary.ca/Biomedical/.

2. Admission Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Kinesiology requires:

Master of Science

(a)Consent for supervision from an approved Faculty of Kinesiology member

(b)An appropriate academic background for the area of specialization

Master of Kinesiology

(a)An appropriate undergraduate degree with course work in Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Growth and Development, Biomechanics, Sports Psychology

(b)One year's experience in testing and working with appropriate population groups in fitness and exercise programs, or equivalent

(c)A demonstrated ability to be self-motivated and capable of independent study as shown in undergraduate studies and/or full-time work

Doctor of Philosophy

(a)Consent for supervision from an approved Faculty of Kinesiology member

(b)An appropriate academic background for the area of specialization

(c)A minimum admission grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a four-point scale over the last two years of study

(d)For applicants required to provide proof of proficiency in English, a minimum TOEFL score of 580 (written) or 237 (computer-based)

A student may request a transfer from the Master of Science program to the doctoral program, upon the recommendation of the supervisory committee

3. Application Deadline

The deadline for the submission of complete applications is 31 March for September admission.

4. Advanced Credit

Advanced credit will be limited to two full course equivalents with a grade of B or higher for students admitted to the Master of Kinesiology program. The student must request advanced credit in writing at the time of application for admission to the Faculty of Kinesiology.

5. Program/Course Requirements

In addition to Faculty of Graduate Studies requirements, the Faculty of Kinesiology requires:

Master of Kinesiology,

(a)Ten half-courses

Core Courses(Required of all students): Kinesiology 607, Kinesiology 611, Kinesiology 637, Kinesiology 663, Kinesiology 673, Kinesiology 697, Kinesiology 733, Kinesiology 775

Electives:Two approved graduate level half-courses

(b)A practicum: Kinesiology 690 or Kinesiology 605*

*If KNES 605 is selected, the student must add one approved graduate level half-course.

(c)A comprehensive examination with a written and an oral component.

Master of Science

(a)One-half course in statistics at the graduate level

(b)One-half course in research design at the graduate level

(c)A maximum of three additional half-courses, determined by the supervisor according to the student's background and research focus. When appropriate, students shall enrol in courses offered by faculties other than Kinesiology

Doctor of Philosophy

A minimum of three graduate-level half-courses, approved by the supervisory committee

6. Additional Requirements


7. Credit for Undergraduate Courses

Graduate credit may be granted for courses offered at the 500-level at the discretion of the Associate Dean (Graduate).

8. Time Limit

Expected completion time is two years for the Master of Science and Master of Kinesiology programs. Maximum completion time is four years for the Master of Science and six years for the Master of Kinesiology. Expected completion time is four years for the Doctor of Philosophy; maximum completion time is six years.

9. Supervisory Assignments

An interim supervisor will be assigned to each student in the Master of Kinesiology program when the student is admitted. The interim supervisor will, in most instances, continue as the permanent supervisor.

The relationship between the supervisor and the student is the basis of the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs in Kinesiology. Rather than having a specified program and extensive rules and regulations determining the learning experience, the supervisor and student are expected to determine the scope and quality of the student's program. The Faculty offers a broad spectrum of areas within the field of Kinesiology.

Master of Science and doctoral students must have identified a supervisor at the time of admission. For the Master of Science program, the student and supervisor together select a supervisory committee consisting of the supervisor plus one other faculty member within three months following the initial registration. The composition of the supervisory committee must be approved by the Associate Dean (Graduate).

The doctoral supervisory committee is selected according to Faculty of Graduate Studies procedures. The student meets with the supervisory committee within the first three months in program, then a minimum of once a year thereafter.

10. Required Examinations

Doctoral candidacy examinations have a written and an oral component. The student and supervisor select one of the following:

(a)The written component will be a closed book, six-hour examination in two three-hour blocks, administered by the supervisor. The examination is based on questions from the candidacy examination committee. The student will answer four out of five questions. The written answers are circulated to the candidacy examination committee immediately thereafter, and the oral candidacy examination, based on the written examination and the thesis topic, will take place seven days later; or

(b)Five questions from the candidacy examination committee will be given to the student four weeks before the oral examination. The student will prepare a written paper for four of the questions and submit a copy of each paper to each examiner one week before the oral examination. Each paper should be a maximum of twenty double-spaced pages.

Both the written and the oral components of the candidacy examination must be found acceptable in order to receive a passing grade.

Final thesis oral examinations are open.

For the Master of Kinesiology degree, a final comprehensive examination with both a written and an oral component is required within 60 days of the completion of all coursework and the practicum. The purpose of the examination is to determine the student's ability to integrate and apply course work material, to organize and express thoughts in a clear and logical manner, and the student's general understanding of the area. The written component will be written in two sections, three hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon of the same day. The student will have the choice of hand writing their response or using a computer to produce the final product. The student will be given five questions each designed to be answered in no longer than 60 minutes. Three questions will be answered in the morning session and two questions in the afternoon. The final oral comprehensive examination will take place five to seven days later and the written responses to the questions will serve as the basis of the oral examination.

11. Research Proposal Requirements

Students whose research involves human subjects must receive approval from the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board before beginning data collection.

Each Master of Science student presents a thesis proposal to a thesis proposal committee before collecting data. The committee, selected by the supervisor and the student, consists of the supervisor (chair) and two other faculty members, one of whom must be external to the Faculty of Kinesiology. Each doctoral student must prepare a research proposal, normally within twelve months, and no later than twenty-four months after beginning the program. The proposal consists of:

(a)Background information from the scientific literature, including a critical evaluation of previous work;

(b)A clear statement of the objectives of the proposed research program;

(c)An analysis of the methodology to be used in the implementation of the proposal;

(d)An indication of the contributions to scientific knowledge that should result from the candidate's research.

The supervisory committee may limit the length of the proposal, and must officially approve it no later than three years after the student's initial registration. The approval and the proposal itself must be submitted to the Associate Dean (Graduate).

12. Special Registration Information


13. Financial Assistance

For Doctoral students, evidence of financial support for their program must be provided before admission. It is expected that students will be self-funded through competitive scholarships or studentships or supported by their supervisors' research funds.

Financial assistance in the form of Graduate Research Scholarships and Graduate Assistantships (Teaching) may be available to qualified students. For information on awards, please contact the Graduate Program in the Faculty of Kinesiology. Students are encouraged to seek external financial assistance for their programs because the Faculty of Kinesiology cannot guarantee financial assistance.

Students applying for scholarships must submit their applications to the Graduate Program, Faculty of Kinesiology by 31 January.

14. Other Information

Initial enquiries should be directed to the Graduate Program, Faculty of Kinesiology.

15. Faculty Members/Research Interests

Current faculty and their areas of research interest can be found at http://www.kin.ucalgary.ca/2002/profiles/index.asp