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Linguistics and Language

BA in Linguistics and Language


The major in Linguistics and Language is offered jointly by the Department of Linguistics in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the language departments in the Faculty of Humanities: French, Italian and Spanish; Greek and Roman Studies (Greek, Latin); Germanic, Slavic, and East Asian Studies (German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese); and Religious Studies (Classical Hebrew, Classical Arabic, Classical Chinese, Sanskrit, Tibetan). Students wishing to enroll in this program should consult the program advisor or a departmental undergraduate advisor.

Program Information

Coordinator: J. Archibald

Office: Social Sciences 822

Telephone: (403)220-7316

Fax: (403)282-3880


Students may register for this major in either the Faculty of Social Sciences or the Faculty of Humanities. Courses constituting the field of Linguistics and Language are those Linguistics and language courses used to satisfy the Requirements below.

Student advisors for this major are associated with the Faculty in which students register. For example, students registered in the Faculty of Social Sciences may seek program guidance from the Linguistics Undergraduate Advisor, whereas students registered in the Faculty of Humanities will be advised by the Undergraduate Advisor in the Humanities department offering the language selected to fulfill the language requirement.

Students are subject to admission and graduation requirements of the Faculty in which they are registered. Students must declare their language choice as a concentration when they declare their major.

See also "Faculty Regulations -- Admissions" and other requirements under "Faculty Regulations - Graduation."

Note: For students resident in the Faculty of Humanities, Linguistics courses count as "courses outside the Faculty of Humanities" for the purpose of graduation requirements. (See Calendar section "Faculty Regulations - Graduation.")

For students resident in the Faculty of Social Sciences, language courses count as "courses outside the Faculty of Social Sciences" for the purpose of graduation requirements. (See Calendar section "Faculty Regulations - Graduation.")


Students in this program select a particular language option (e.g., French or German or Russian, etc.). Students are not permitted to mix their languages (except in the Ancient and Classical Languages option).

Note: Students who are interested in becoming school teachers should choose their electives wisely, and are encouraged to consult the Faculty of Education.

1. Linguistics Requirements

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Linguistics (of which a minimum of 1.0 full-course equivalent must be at the 400 or 500 levels), including the following:

(a) Linguistics 201, 203, 301, 303, 353, and 341

(b) One of Linguistics 319, 407 and 455

Note: Students who are interested in language teaching are recommended to take Linguistics 311 and 313.

Students are also encouraged to consider a study abroad program to gain international experience and linguistic exposure.

2. Language Requirements

Note: In their selection of courses and sequencing, students are strongly recommended to check with the Undergraduate advisor of their language of concentration.

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in one of the following languages in accordance with the following requirements:

French Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in the field of French, including French 415 and at least two other half courses at the 400 or 500 levels, of which one must be in literature.

Romance Studies 399 or 409 may be used to satisfy part of this requirement in lieu of French courses. French 349 is strongly recommended when available.

Note: French 209, 211, 235, 237, 335, 337 may not be counted for credit toward the major.

Note: Students beginning in French 213 should be aware that 5.0 full-course equivalents will normally be required to complete the French option requirements.

Spanish Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Spanish, including Spanish 405 and at least two other half courses at the 400 or 500 levels, of which one must be in literature.

Romance Studies 399 or 409 may be used to satisfy part of this requirement in lieu of Spanish courses. Spanish 475 is strongly recommended when available.

Italian Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Italian, including at least two half courses at the 400 or 500 levels.

Romance Studies 399 or 409 may be used to satisfy part of this requirement in lieu of Italian courses.

German Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in German, including German 401 and at least one additional half course at the 400 or 500 levels.

Russian Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Russian, including Russian 333 and at least two half courses at the 400 or 500 level.

Japanese Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Japanese, including Japanese 333 and at least two half courses at the 400 or 500 level.

Chinese Option

A minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Chinese, including Chinese 333 and at least two half courses at the 400 or 500 level.

Ancient and Classical Languages Option

From the following listed courses, in a maximum of two languages, students are required to have successfully completed a minimum of 4.0 and a maximum of 5.0 full-course equivalents, of which a minimum of one half course must be at the 400 or 500 level.

Greek Language: Greek 201, 203, 301, 303, 333*, 401, 413, 453*, and 525

Latin Language: Latin 201, 203, 205, 207, 301, 303, 333*, 401, 413, and 453*

Latin Literature: Latin 525

Hebrew Language: Religious Studies 207, 209, 401, and 403

Sanskrit Language: Religious Studies 211, 213, 391, and 491

Tibetan Language: Religious Studies 215, 217, 393, and 491

Classical Chinese: Religious Studies 219, 221, and 395

Quranic and Classical Arabic: Religious Studies 277, 279, and 473

*Quarter courses

Suggested Registration Sequence for all Options

Year 1: Linguistics 201 and 203; two half-course equivalents in the selected language; and 3.0 full-course equivalent options*

Year 2: Linguistics 301 and 303; two half-course equivalents in the selected language; and 3.0 full-course equivalent options*

Year 3: Linguistics 341, 353 and one of 319 or 407 or 455; two half-course equivalents in the selected language (including any required senior courses specified in the regulations); and 2.5 full-course equivalent options*

Year 4: One half-course equivalent in Linguistics at the 400 level (or two half-course equivalents if Linguistics 319 is taken in Year 3); two half-course equivalents in the selected language at the 400 or 500 level (as specified in the regulations); and 3.5 full-course equivalent options*

*Options may include Linguistics or language courses as long as the overall maximums of 5.0 full-course equivalents in Linguistics and 5.0 full-course equivalents in the selected language are not exceeded.