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Writing Across the Curriculum

"In teaching writing... we are teaching a way of experiencing the world, a way of ordering and making sense of it."1

Writing skills are not exclusive to English courses and, in fact, should cross all disciplines. The University supports the belief that throughout their University careers, students should be taught how to write well so that when they graduate their writing abilities will be far above the minimal standards required at entrance. Consistent with this belief, students are expected to do a substantial amount of writing in their University courses and, where appropriate, members of faculty can and should use writing and the grading thereof as a factor in the evaluation of student work. The services provided by the Writing Centre in the Effective Writing Office can be utilized by all undergraduate and graduate students who feel they require further assistance.

"The difficulty is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader but to affect him precisely as you wish."2

1James A. Berlin

2R.L. Stevenson