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Arts and Science Honours Academy ASHA

Instruction and services offered by the Faculties of Humanities, Science and Social Sciences-Interim Program Director - Daniel Maher

Junior Courses

Arts and Science Honours Academy 220 F(3-0)

Quests and Questions

This course will introduce students to a variety of perspectives on human culture. Students will inquire into such topics as the nature of discovery and creation, tradition and modernity, gender and social structure. These topics will be approached through careful analysis of artistic, literary, religious, philosophical and scientific texts.

Note: Open only to students in the University Scholars Program. Successful completion of this course in the first year is required for continuation in the program.

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Arts and Science Honours Academy 321 H(3-0)


Far more than a neutral reflection of the world, representation, be it of artistic, social or scientific phenomena, is a complex issue. Issues, inconsistencies and flaws arising from the concept of representation will be studied in a variety of contexts. Topics to be covered include: sensory perception from neurological, psychological and cultural perspectives; mimesis and metaphor in literature and the visual arts; and the use of images, imaging, and interpretative frameworks in the social and natural sciences.

Prerequisites: Arts and Science Honours Academy 220

Note: Open only to students in the Arts and Science Honours Academy.

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Arts and Science Honours Academy 421 H(3-0)


From the slingshot to steam power to intellectual property, from prophets to scientists to novelists; the theory and practice of invention looms large in human history and is of particular importance to the present age. This course will examine the nature and development of technological, conceptual, and linguistic invention in a variety of contexts.

Prerequisites: Arts and Science Honours Academy 321

Note: Open only to students in the Arts and Science Honours Academy.

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