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Culture and Society CUSP

Graduate Courses

Note: Courses that are considered electives will be offered on the basis of student needs and contingent upon the availability of staff resources.

Culture and Society 601 H(3S-0)

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Culture and Society

An introduction to ways of studying culture and society from a variety of perspectives, including approaches rooted in traditional disciplines and those that have arisen in a more interdisciplinary climate such as cultural studies and critical discourse analysis. Specific problems in culture and society will provide the basis for course work.

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Culture and Society 613 H(3S-0)

Cultural Theory

An examination of a wide range of critical social theories, including feminist theory, critical race theory and postcolonial theory will provide students with the analytical sophistication and critical thinking skills necessary to unpack complex cultural and social dynamics and to develop innovative a approaches to vexing issues. Students will study a particular problem in culture from one specific point of view appropriate to their intended concentration, including aspects of law, cultural identity, personal identity, gender identity, and literary/artistic culture.

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Culture and Society 615 H(3S-0)

Research Methods

Designed to provide a fundamental understanding of research methods appropriate to the study of culture and society.

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Culture and Society 711 H(3S-0)

Directed Studies

A research project under the direction of a Faculty member.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Program Director.

Note: May be repeated for credit once.


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Culture and Society 717 H(3S-0)

Selected Topics in Culture and Society

A variety of topics based on faculty expertise.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Program Director.


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