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University of Calgary: General Faculties Council

Subject to the authority of the Board of Governors, General Faculties Council is primarily responsible for the academic affairs of the University. As stipulated in the Post-Secondary Learning Act, General Faculties Council consists of the following voting members:

  • the President (as Chair),
  • the Vice-Presidents,
  • the Dean of each Faculty,
  • the Director of each School
  • the chief librarian,
  • the director of extension, or equivalent officer
  • the Registrar,
  • elected academic staff members representing the Faculties,
  • two students nominated by the council of the Students' Union,
  • one student nominated by the council of the Graduate Students' Association, and
  • the appointed members, who include:
    • students representing each undergraduate Faculty,
    • the academic officer for student affairs,
    • the head of Information Technologies,
    • the President of the Faculty Association,
    • one representative of the Alumni Association,
    • one additional representative of the Graduate Students' Association,
    • one member elected by Student Enrolment Services, and
    • one member elected by the Library Council

Non-voting observers include:

  • two representatives from the Senate,
  • one representative from the Management and Professional Staff,
  • one representative from the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, and
  • the Deputy Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic)

The activity of the Board of Governors and the General Faculties Council is supported by the University Secretariat.

For a current General Faculties Council membership list, please refer to the University Secretariat website: .