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Summary of Revisions
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2015-2016 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions E Environmental Design Architecture EVDA
Environmental Design Architecture EVDA

Instruction offered by members of the Faculty of Environmental Design.

Environmental Design Architecture courses are only open to students in the Master of Architecture program or with consent of the Instructor. Priority will be given to students in the MArch program.

Environmental Design Architecture 511       Building Science and Technology I
Functioning of the building enclosure: demonstration of the behaviour of building elements and their sub-assemblies under differential temperature and pressure stresses; fundamentals of acoustics; nature and use of building materials; response of building materials to climatic cycles radiation, precipitation, heating and cooling.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 511 and Architectural Studies 449 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Architecture 523       History of Architecture and Human Settlements

A survey history of architecture and human settlement from the prehistoric times until the present. The first course addresses the premodern traditions of the major world cultures. The second course explores the traditions of the Western world from the beginning of the Italian Renaissance until the present. The courses will examine the changes in world view that have altered the course of architecture through the study of selected works of architecture and urbanism.

523.01. History of Architecture and Human Settlements I - Premodern Traditions of the World.

523.02. History of Architecture and Human Settlements II - The Rise of Modernity, 1750 to Present.

Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 523 and Architectural Studies 457 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Architecture 541       Graphics Workshop I
A skill building course with instruction and supervised experience in basic drafting, sketching and rendering; principles of perspective, drawing and presentation conventions. A variety of instruction may be offered to accommodate the varied level of student development.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(0-8)
Environmental Design Architecture 580.
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 541 and Architectural Studies 451 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Architecture 543       Graphics Workshop II
Instruction and supervised experience in drafting, sketching and rendering; drawing and presentation conventions. Builds on Environmental Design Architecture 541. A variety of instruction may be offered to accommodate the varied level of student development.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(0-8)
Environmental Design Architecture 582.
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 580 and Architectural Studies 453 will not be allowed.
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Environmental Design Architecture 580       Studio I – Design Thinking
Instruction and supervised experience in drafting, sketching and rendering; drawing and presentation conventions. A variety of instruction may be offered to accommodate the varied level of student development.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
Environmental Design Architecture 541
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 580 and Architectural Studies 484 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Environmental Design 503)
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Environmental Design Architecture 582       Studio II in Architecture
An introduction to the application of ordering principles of architecture and to the numerous layers that contribute to the quality of inhabitation of place and space through design. Issues explored include the formal, the experiential and the theoretical concerns of architectural design in today's cultural context.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
Environmental Design Architecture 543
Credit for both Environmental Design Architecture 582 and Architectural Studies 444 will not be allowed.
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Graduate Courses
Environmental Design Architecture 611       Building Science and Technology II
Theory and principles of structural, foundation and building service systems. Application of building science principles to building structure and enclosure, examination of the types and manufacture of building elements and the application of building components to specific problems in architecture.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 613       Structures for Architects I
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis including: the characteristics and performance of the various components of structures; the terminology and notation necessary for effective teamwork with structural engineering consultants; and basic design calculations for simple structures.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 615       Environmental Control Systems
Approaches to the design of heating, cooling, and ventilation systems for buildings. Issues in system design such as energy efficiency and indoor air quality.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; Q(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 617       Architectural Lighting Design
Fundamentals of light and visual perception. Approaches to the design of non-uniform and uniform lighting systems for buildings. Issues in system design such as human satisfaction and performance and energy efficiency. Development of skills in the selection and design of lighting systems.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; Q(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 619       Structures for Architects II
Advanced structural systems for buildings including: structural connections and composite structures; system characteristics and architectural intent; and case studies in contemporary building structures.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 621       Introduction to Design Theories
The contemporary cultural, social, and philosophical arenas in which architecture exists are examined through lectures, readings and seminars.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 661       Architectural Professional Practice I
The nature of the building industry, stakeholders and many of the participants and their responsibilities. Brings together the theoretical framework of the architect's role in society with the practicality of managing a practice. Project management and office administration, trends, liabilities and systems for project control such as building economics; cost analysis and estimating techniques; and cost controls during design and construction.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 663       Architectural Professional Practice II
An overview of the structure, organization and changing roles of the design professions through history with emphasis on emerging patterns of practice. The procedures, constraints and opportunities of practice in its legal, ethical and technical dimensions will be analysed using a case study method.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(3-0)
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Environmental Design Architecture 682       Intermediate Architectural Design Studio

An intermediate design studio in which students work on projects defined by the instructor. Topics may vary from year to year. They are determined by the creative interests of the faculty assigned to the course. Enrolment may be limited.

682.02 Intermediate Studio

682.04 Comprehensive Design Studio

Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
Environmental Design Architecture 682.02 and 682.04 must be successfully completed in numerical order.
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Environmental Design Architecture 703       Directed Study in Architecture
Research and readings in architecture and design related to the Senior Research Studio in Architecture.
Course Hours:
3 units; H(0-3)
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Environmental Design Architecture 782       Senior Research Studio in Architecture
A research  design studio in which students collaborate with design faculty in exploring projects that engage contemporary issues defining the built and natural environments.
Course Hours:
6 units; F(0-8)
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