UCalgary Emergency Alerts

This page will be updated in the event of an emergency incident on campus.

August 26th, 2024: Critical Water Usage Restrictions

Since the initial water main break and subsequent repairs of five main hot spots in early June, the City of Calgary has identified several other segments of pipe that require urgent repair. These repairs will begin on Aug. 26 and are expected to continue until the end of September. These repairs will  to ensure sufficient supplies for urgent needs, including a return to Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions, meaning no outdoor use of potable water and asking the community to take actions to reduce water usage including:  

  • Limit showers to three minutes 
  • Skip flushes when you can 
  • Only wash full loads of dishes and laundry 
  • Turning off water while brushing your teeth
  • Heating water in a kettle vs running water via a tap where possible

UCalgary is doing its part by actively taking steps to reduce our daily water usage by 25%. We encourage all members of the campus community to reduce their daily water usage to help us achieve this conservation goal and to support the broader community. Together, we can make a difference. Â