Grade Reappraisals and Academic Assessment Appeals
Do you have concerns regarding graded term work or the final grade you have received in a course? There is a specific process to follow as per .

Are you a graduate student looking for information on appealing the outcome of your candidacy or thesis exam? Academic assessment decisions regarding candidacy or thesis exams are appealable to the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Step 1: Talk to your instructor
Talk to your course instructor within 10 business days of receiving the grade.
Step 2: Grade Reappraisal Request
Not resolved? Request a reappraisal. The process depends on whether you are seeking a reappraisal for graded term work or for a final grade.
The process for reappraisals of graded term is detailed in of the Academic Calendar.
Reappraisals of graded term work are handled by the Faculty that offered the course.
- Within 2 business days of receiving a decision from your instructor (Step 1 above), contact the Department or Faculty to request a reappraisal. See Faculty Appeals Information and Contacts below.
- The Department Head or Dean will arrange for a reappraisal within 10 business days.
- Outcome of the reappraisal will be provided in writing.
The process for reappraisals of final grades (final academic assessments) is detailed in of the Academic Calendar.
Reappraisals of final grades for most courses are coordinated by the Office of the Registrar. For courses offered by the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and Cumming School of Medicine, contact the Faculty for information on grade reappraisals.
Important: The only element that is considered in a final grade reappraisal is the final assessment of the course (e.g., final exam, capstone project, etc.). Graded term work for which the grade is only made available after the end of the term may also be considered.
- Submit a Service Request for reappraisal of your final course grade through your Student Centre. Instructions and deadlines can be found here: .
- The Office of the Registrar will forward the request to the Department or Faculty that offered the course. The Department/Faculty will review within 30 days.
- The reappraisal result will be provided via your Student Centre.
Step 3: Appeals of Grade Reappraisal Decisions
Not happy with the outcome of your reappraisal? You may have the right to appeal the decision to the Faculty Appeals Committee of the Faculty that offered the course.
The process for appeals of reappraisal decisions is detailed in of the Academic Calendar.
- Make sure you understand the requirements by reviewing the Faculty's Appeals Committee Procedure, available here: /secretariat/student-appeals/calendar-policy-procedures/individual-faculty-procedures.
- Reach out to the Student Ombuds for support.
The deadline to submit an appeal is 10 business days from the date of the reappraisal decision. If you need more time, contact the Faculty to request an extension.
Faculty of Arts
Cumming School of Medicine
BHSc, BCR and Graduate Students: contact
MD students:
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Faculty of Kinesiology
Contact the Faculty of Kinesiology Dean’s Office
Faculty of Nursing
Contact the Faculty of Nursing Dean’s Office
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Social Work
Contact the Faculty of Social Work Dean’s Office
Werklund School of Education
For more information, contact the WSE Dean’s Office
Continuing Education
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Contact the SAPL Dean’s Office
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Law
Contact the Faculty of Law Dean’s Office
Qatar Faculty of Nursing
Contact the Faculty of Nursing in Qatar Dean’s Office
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Step 4: Appeals of FAC Decisions
For graded term work, the decision of the FAC is final. For final grades (final academic assessments), the decision of the FAC may be appealable to the UAC.
Decisions of the FAC on graded term work are final and not further appealable at the University.
Decisions of the FAC on final grades (final academic assessments) are appealable to the University Appeals Committee (UAC) on limited grounds:
- The decision was made in a procedurally unfair way
- There is reasonable apprehension of bias on the part of the decision-maker.
Appeals to the UAC are handled through the Student Appeals Office.
- General information on appealing to the UAC: /secretariat/home/appeals-process
- UAC Procedure: /legal-services/university-policies-procedures/university-appeals-committee-procedure/
Students are strongly advised to consult with the Student Ombuds for support with preparing an appeal to the UAC.