Clinical Skills Building Expansion

Clinical Skills Building Expansion


Green Building Highlights

To support the growing Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, a 1,485 m² addition to the Clinical Skills Building occurred in 2018. Following in the footsteps of the original building, the building’s addition expanded on the sustainable achievements of the original building by also achieving LEED Gold.

Leed Gold
Construction Waste

Construction Waste

Over 89 per cent of construction waste was diverted from landfills by separating the waste (concrete, wood, glass, cardboard, metal) and hauling it to external recycling facilities to be repurposed.

Lighting Controllability

Lighting Controllability

Lighting control lets occupants adjust lighting while also conserving energy. Light fixtures are controlled using dimmers and occupancy sensors, and automatically turn off when the room is vacant.

Tree Canopy

Tree Canopy

Trees throughout the site will provide over 126 m² of shading within five years of being planted and will reduce the site’s heat island effect where dark surfaces absorb sunlight, increasing temperature.