Taylor Family Digital Library

Taylor Family Digital Library


Green Building Highlights

Since it’s opening in 2016, the Taylor Family Digital Library has been the home to a multitude of resources, including a library, art gallery, makerspace, student success centre and many other spaces spanning across the 24,000 square meter building. This LEED Gold building has become a learning centre for students, faculty and staff.

Stormwater Pond

Stormwater Pond

Located in the Quad right outside of the building, this pond retains rainwater from the site before slowly filtering the water into the Bow River. Retaining water on-site for a period of time helps to mitigate flooding downstream of the Bow River during large influxes of rainfall. Additionally, the vegetation acts to naturally filter out sediments and other water contamination.

Stainless Steel Mesh Curtain

Stainless Steel Mesh Curtain

Wrapping around the second floor of the building, the curtain allows daylight to enter the building while minimizing glare and heat buildup. This helps to reduce the need for electric lighting without having to increase the energy usage to maintain the temperature within the building. The steel mesh curtain was also shown to reduce the number of bird collisions when compared to an all glass building.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

The ventilation system differs from conventional systems as the majority of it is underneath the floor. The air is delivered to occupants by vents embedded throughout the flooring. This reduces the energy needed to operate the system, as the air will naturally rise as it heats up and be vented out near the ceiling. Occupants also have the advantage of being closer to fresh air as it is delivered to the building.