Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Aerodynamics & Propulsion

Aerodynamics and Propulsion is a key feature in aerospace research, and present in various aerospace activities.

Photo: AERO-CORE Group Hybrid Rocket


Aerodynamics and Propulsion is a heavily researched theme in the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering department. This comes with many areas of expertise such as aerodynamic characterization and high speed aerodynamics and propulsion using laser diagnostics. 

A few research projects include the development of a solid-propellant air-breathing rocket engine, as well as using flow field estimation techniques which utilizes sensors, which can be applied to bluff body flows and vehicle aerodynamics.

Some core focuses of labs and groups involved with Aerodynamics and Propulsion include aerospace vehicle development and flight testing, bluff body aerodynamics, flow control, and turbulence.

Groups and Labs

Aerospace and Compressible Flow Research (AERO-CORE) Group

Computational Fluids and Structural Mechanics Group (CFSM)

Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerodynamics and Flow Control (LTRAC)