Robert Martinuzzi


Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Associate Research Head

Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

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Dr-Ing. Robert Martinuzzi is a Professor and the Associate Research Head of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. His research involves various flow studies such as turbulence and separated flows, flow control and machining learning, remote-sensor based flow estimation and low-order modelling, and flow-induced vibrations. Additionally, he works in other areas including aerodynamics, renewable energy (energy harvesting), and turbomachinery and compressor aerodynamics. Dr-Ing. Martinuzzi and his team focuses on three main research areas; development of a solid-propellant air-breathing rocket engine, data-driven techniques for controlling flow separation or wake instabilities, and development of real-time prediction tools for estimating flow or pressure field response for unsteady flow conditions such as wind gusts, transient flows or vibrating walls.


Aerodynamics and Propulsion

Flight Dynamics and Control

Image Processing and Visualization