A group of students chatting, backlit by the sun, sitting in a riverside park looking towards downtown skyscrapers

Global Learning Ambassadors

Each year, a new cohort of Global Learning Ambassadors joins UCalgary International! Ambassadors are current students with diverse international experiences who are passionate about sharing global learning opportunities with the UCalgary community.

The Ambassadors team takes on a variety of roles during the fall & winter semesters, such as:

  • Providing peer advising and directing students to information about global learning programs, application processes, eligibility, funding, and more
  • Managing the front desk of UCalgary International to assist students visiting the office
  • Promoting global learning opportunities on social media @UCalgaryAbroad, and in-person with print materials & classroom presentations
  • Participating in a training program to develop their cultural competency skills and cross-cultural communication & leadership skills
  • Sharing their own international experiences with other interested students and the broader
    UCalgary community

Drop-in Advising

Come speak with a Global Learning Ambassador about your international opportunities! Ambassadors are UCalgary students who are trained to answer general questions about programs, application processes, etc. Many of them have studied abroad in the past and/or are international students themselves, so they are a great resource to learn about the student experience abroad.

Fall 2024

Drop-in hours:

September 9 to December 6

Mondays to Thursdays, 11am to 3pm

Mackimmie Tower 5th floor (MT 501)

Winter 2025

Drop-in hours:

January 13 to April 11

Mondays to Thursdays, 11am to 3pm

Mackimmie Tower 5th floor (MT 501)

2024-2025 Ambassadors

Group photo of 20+ students, lined up against a wall

Being an Ambassador is a great way to develop your leadership qualities and work on skills such as public speaking & community building. It also connects you with like-minded students and helps you build your international network! Your volunteer hours will be tracked, and can be used as professional experience or a reference on your resume.

Applications for the 2025-2026 Ambassadors Team are expected to open in early summer 2025. See below for more info about the positions available and what to expect if you apply.

Global Learning Ambassadors play a valuable role in supporting student advising, Global Learning promotions & events, and special projects throughout the year. They commit 2-4 volunteer hours per week (minimum 20 hours per semester).

Who is eligible to be an Ambassador? 

  • Must be a current UCalgary student in good academic standing
  • Both degree-seeking students and non-degree-seeking students (e.g. exchange or visiting students attending UCalgary) are welcome to apply
  • Prior international experience is a benefit; students who have participated in a UCalgary global learning program (travel-based or online) may be given priority

Please read the Ambassador job description (PDF) before you apply. This description has details such as expectations of the role, benefits/learning outcomes, and the time commitment, including all scheduled meetings for the year which you are expected to attend. 

Ambassador Team Leads take on extra responsibilities and leadership roles, both among the Ambassadors team and the broader UCalgary International office. They commit on average 10 volunteer hours per week (130 hours per semester) and will receive an honorarium each semester. While two or three Team Leads are selected and work collaboratively throughout the year, each one will be given a specific portfolio and expected to take initiative on certain projects. 

Who is eligible to be a Team Lead? 

  • Must be a UCalgary degree-seeking student in good academic standing
  • Prior international experience is a benefit; students who have participated in a UCalgary global learning program (travel-based or online) may be given priority
  • Returning applicants (e.g. applicants who were Ambassadors in a previous year) may be given priority

Please read the Team Lead job description (PDF) before you apply. This description has details such as expectations of the role, benefits/learning outcomes, and the time commitment, including all scheduled meetings for the year which you are expected to attend. 

Want to talk to an ambassador?

Come to drop-in advising

Drop-in advising is led by ambassadors, who are trained to help with all of your general global learning questions. 

Visit our office

Ambassadors can be found at the front desk of the UCalgary International office. The next time you visit our office, feel free to say hello!

Email us

If you want to talk to a specific ambassador about their global learning experience, send us an email (study.abroad@ucalgary.ca) - we would be happy to connect you.