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Lab Equipment & Funding Sources

Laboratory Equipment:

Scanning Probe Microscope (NanoIR2, Bruker Nano)

Laser Doppler Vibrometer (MSA-400, Polytec)

Optical Microscope (Olympus BX62)

UV-Vis spectrometer (Ocean Optics)

FTIR spectrometer (Nicolet 380)

SR850 Lock-in Amplifier (Stanford Research Systems)

SR760 FFT Spectrum Analyzer (Stanford Research Systems)

SRS QCM200Ìý(Stanford Research Systems)

Quantum Cascade Lasers (Block Engineering and Pranalytica Inc.)

Impedance Analyzer (Keysight Technologies E4990A)


Keithley Model 2450 SourceMeter® SMU Instrument

Digital Multimeter (Keysight Technologies 34461A)

Function Generators (Keysight Technologies 33500B,ÌýSIGLENTÌýSDG1032X and KenwoodÌýFG-273A)

3D Printers (Formlabs and others)

Muffle Furnace and Tube Furnace

Mass Flow Controllers (AtoVac)

Dual Channel High Voltage Linear Amplifier (FLC Electronics AB Model F20AD)

Digital Oscilloscopes (R&S®RTB2004, Tektronix TDS210, and Picoscope)

NI DAQs (USB-6351, USB-6356)

Current Source (Lakeshore 121)

Desktop Sputter Coater (Torontech TTDSR1)

Probe Sonicator (Q500)

Bath Sonicator (Elma, P60H)

SmartDrop (Femtolab)

Spin coater (SpinMaster50)

Compact Centrifuge (Corning LSE compact centrifuge with 6,000 rpm maximum speed)

High Speed Centrifuge (Cence H1850 with 12,000 rpm maximum speed)

UV Crosslinker (Boekel Scientific consists of five UV lights of 254 nm or 365 nm and power is 80 W)

Vacuum Oven (VWR/Thermo Scientific Model 6290)

Incubator (VWR Gravity Convection Incubator 2.6CF)

Micro probe chamber with a low temperature (LN) control (CP421V-PM, Instec Inc.)


We are very grateful for the supports we have from the following funding sources:


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)

Alberta Advanced Education and Innovation

Alberta Innovates (AI)

Canada Research Chairs (CRC)

Mitacs Canada

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF Korea)

Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)

Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM)

NOVA Chemicals

Trium Environmental Inc.

Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API)

Biomed Armour

Association of Korean Canadian Scientists and Engineers (AKCSE)