
Access to Information & Privacy

As a publicly funded institution, the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is subject to Alberta's FOIP Act.

For the purposes of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c F-25 (FOIP Act), the Board of Governors has designated the General Counsel as "Head"; the Head is accountable for all decisions made under the FOIP Act.

Under the authority of the Head, day-to-day implementation and administration of requirements of the FOIP Act is delegated to the FOIP Coordinator. Furthermore, pursuant to Section 85 of the FOIP Act, the Head has delegated specific duties, powers, or functions of the Head as outlined in the Delegation of Authority Policy.

What we do


Effective processes and guidelines, developed and implemented by the FOIP office, are what govern the University's compliance with access and privacy legislation.

All surveys being conducted for institutional purposes must comply with .


Operating Standards, Guidelines & Forms

Advice & Guidance

The FOIP office provides advice and guidance to administrators as well as to the campus community on all matters relating to access and privacy.

Contact the FOIP office

Access Requests

Access to information requests that are subject to the FOIP Act are processed by the FOIP office, in accordance with the Formal Access Request Procedure. All other requests may be granted informally by the applicable faculty or unit.

Request to Access Information Form

Personal Information

The FOIP office investigates any issues or grievances related to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.

Contact the FOIP office

Privacy Breaches

All breaches in privacy must be reported to the FOIP office, in accordance with the procedure for Responding to a Privacy Breach. An incident report must be completed and submitted within 24 hours of discovering a breach.

Privacy Breach Incident Report Form

Overview of the FOIP Act

There are two main components to the FOIP Act: (i) Freedom of Information, i.e. right of access; and (ii) Protection of Privacy, i.e. right to privacy.

Hover over each component below to learn more.

For more information, please refer to the


Health Information Act (HIA)

Physicians who bill Alberta Health Care for the provision of a health service are considered custodians under the HIA and they are personally responsible for managing patient files in accordance with the provisions of the act. However, when a physician operates under the auspices of the University or a University clinic and stores health information on University systems, the University assumes responsibility for creating and maintaining a secure operating environment.

More resources

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