Appendix 2: Sanctions
Capitalized terms in this Appendix are defined in the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy or Student Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure.
1. Sanctions may be applied independently or in combination for any violation of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy.
2. Whenever possible, sanctions are intended to be corrective and educational in nature with learning outcomes connected to the specific Student Non-Academic Misconduct and the personal circumstances of the Student. In appropriate cases, Sanctions may include a discharge of a finding of responsibility if the Student takes accountability and engages with all corrective, educational, or restorative measures imposed.
3. Repeated or multiple breaches of the Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy may result in sanctions that are more severe than would be imposed for a single breach.
4. A Hearing Officer or Hearing Board will determine the appropriate sanction(s).Sanctions may include:
(a) a written warning;
(b) an access restriction preventing access to defined areas of University Facilities;
(c) behavioural contract – a requirement not to engage in certain behaviour, consequences for breach will be included in the decision letter;
(d) Disciplinary Probation;
(e) Expulsion;
(f) loss of privileges – denial of specified privileges for a designated period;
(g) monetary fine;
(h) required learning – work assignments, educational assignments, service to the University;
(i) restrictions on contacting specific individuals (“no-contact order”);
(j) restitution for loss, damage, or replacement, of damaged or destroyed University property;
(k) Suspension; and
(l) any other sanction the Hearing Officer or Hearing Board deems appropriate to the case.
Last Revision: April 8, 2021